July 17, 2017 at 7:00 PM - July 2017 Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes |
1.1. Call to Order
1.1.1. Note Nebraska Open Meeting Laws
1.2. Excused Absences
1.3. Roll Call
1.4. Approval of Agenda
2.1. Public Participation
2.2. Approval of Claims
2.3. Consent Agenda
2.4. Standing Committee Reports
2.5. Approval of Elementary, Jr-Sr High School and Certified Staff Handbooks for 2017-18.
2.6. Resignation
2.7. Board Goals for 2017-18 - Discussion and Possible Action
2.8. Approve Policies 2004-Oath of Office; 2005-Conflict of Interest; 2008 Open Meetings; 3003-Bidding for Construction, remodeling, Repair of Site Improvements; 3003.1-Bidding for Construction, Remodeling, Repair, or Related Project with Federal Funds; 3004-General Purchasing and Procedure; 3004.1 Fiscal Management for Purchasing and Procudure Using Federal Funds; 3011-Transportation; 3033-Lending Textbooks to Children Enrolled in Private Schools; 3036 Purchasing with a Credit Card; 3042-Construction Management at Risk; 3043 Design Build Contracts; 3044-Incidental or De Minimus Use of Public Resources; 3045-Use of Sniffer Dogs; 3047-Data Breach Response; 6003-Instructional Program; 6020-Multi Cultural Education; 6023-Relations with Non-Accredited Private or Home School Students;
2.9. Policies 5014E-1 McKinney-Vento Dispute Form; Policy 5014E-2 McKinney-Vento Dispute Resolution Written Response and Right to Appeal Notification; 5054 Bullying; 5057-Parental Involvement in the Title I Program; Policy 5057R Parental Involvement for the Title I Program Parent Handbook
2.10. Board Member Reports
2.11. Administrator Reports
2.12. Superintendent Report
3.1. Enter into Executive Session
3.2. Reconvene in Open Session