March 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order
2. Open Meeting Act
3. Roll Call
4. Publication of Meeting
5. Pledge of Allegiance
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Previous Regular Board Meeting(s) Minutes
6.2. Claims/Financial Report
6.3. Invest Funds at the Potter State Bank
6.4. Approve Monthly Board Meeting Agenda
6.5. Recognize Students of the Month
7. Recognition of Visitors/Communication with the Public
7.1. Teachers
7.1.1. Jeff Einspahr
7.2. Students
8. Financial Reports as submitted by the Superintendent
9. Principals'/AD Reports
9.1. Elementary Report
10. Unfinished Business
10.1. Building Improvements
10.2. Conferences/Workshops
10.3. Letters of Intent/Evaluations
10.4. Legislative Report
10.5. Board Goals
10.6. Auditor
10.7. Interview Committee Selection-Superintendent Search
10.8. Superintendent Search-Interview Schedule
11. New Business
11.1. Sign Contracts
11.2. Revise Shop Teacher's Contract
11.3. Resignation
11.4. 15-16 School Calendar
12. Next Regular Board of Education Meeting
13. Adjournment