September 9, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 9/9/2024 at 7:00 PM | |
Lisa Brass | Present |
Matt Dalrymple | Present |
Kyle Fornoff | Present |
Becky Jobman | Present |
Kelly Terrell | Present |
Nate Wyatt | Present |
Present: 6, Absent: 0 | |
Minutes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mission Statement: A copy of the open meetings law is posted on the wall of the Board Room and is available to the public. |
2. Approve the Agenda
The Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of items as needed.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Recognition of Visitors
3.1. Celebration of Excellence
The Swede Way
Mrs. Floyd went over the Swede Way and presented the individuals who are currently on the committee. Mrs. Rahjes went over school-wide expectations and the Swede Shield meaning. Mrs. Mroczek went over the tickets being handed out. Mr. Hamilton went over the rewards for Swede Shield tickets. Mrs. Floyd went over the handout that went out to parents explaining the Swede Way Shield tickets.
3.2. Public Participation
Board Policy 2009 - Opportunity for Public Expression. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WHO WISH TO SPEAK: This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may speak to the board about matters of public concern.
4. Action Items
4.1. Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Previous Minutes 2. Approval of the Treasurer's Report 3. Approval of the Warrants / Bills a. Petty Cash b. Student Activity c. Hot Lunch d. Bank Statement e. Summary of Accounts and Receipts f. Monthly Expenditure Report g. Check Journal 4. Excuse Absent Board Members
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.2. Personnel
No Action Taken
4.2.1. Consider the resignation of certificated staff.
4.2.2. Consider approval of contract(s) for certificated staff.
4.3. Discuss and consider a transfer of $33,000 from the General Fund to the Activities Fund.
During the process of finalizing our fiscal year-end transactions for the activities fund, it became clear that an additional transfer is necessary to balance the account. As we ensured that all fundraising proceeds were accurately allocated to their designated accounts, it became evident that our original transfer would not fully cover the activities expenses. This situation arose due to a combination of factors, including lower-than-expected receipts from game admissions. While I initially believed the original transfer would suffice, the final reconciliation showed a need for additional funds to ensure all accounts within the activities fund are balanced. To address this, I am requesting an additional transfer of $33,000 to the activities fund. This transfer will ensure that we start the new fiscal year with a zero balance.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas read the rationale and went over the conversation held at the finance committee meeting regarding the historical trends for the gate receipts and the attempts to dive deeper into figuring out why the receipts are lower. Confirmed expenditures have remained consistent but that revenue was down last year. Also advised, we are trying to get additional information from other SW conference schools to ensure consistency regarding admission prices and activity passes. Dr. Jonas confirmed we are also reviewing the budget and how to cut back expenditures to help balance the loss of receipts. Mr. Dalrymple wanted more information and asked if this matter should be tabled. The motion to table the request until next month was approved.
4.4. Discuss and consider Area B Remodel Pay Applications for August.
The following expenditures have been approved by Bond Council for use of QCPUF funds as they are addressing air quality and life safety issues within the building.
Board Action is utilized for QCPUF expenditures to ensure transparency regarding the use of funds.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas confirmed the project is nearing completion and advised has spent 1 million dollars so far, which is right on budget.
4.5. Discuss and consider approval of payments from the depreciation fund.
The Depreciation Fund is established in order to facilitate the eventual purchase of costly capital outlay by reserving such monies from the General Fund. The following expenses are recommended to be paid from the depreciation fund in accordance with these guidelines:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas went over how some of the pieces of the projects in the elementary does not qualify for QCPUF funding and went over the specific project details. Mr. Fornoff asked Mr. Mroczek if he knew the life of the new weight room floor. Mr. Mroczek confirmed it will be long and that the kids love it as it works much better.
4.6. Discuss and consider approval of membership with STANCE for the 2024-2025 school year.
District #20 has been a STANCE member since the inception of this organization as Dr. Teahon was one of the 'founders'. The mission of STANCE is Schools Taking Action for Nebraska Children's Education and focuses on tackling legislative issues through the lens of a school superintendent as opposed to a lobbyist. This organization is important to me as a professional as it provides a wonderful networking opportunity with progressive and innovative superintendents.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas went over the mission of STANCE and shared it has been a very valuable professional organization.
5. Policy & Procedure
5.1. Discuss and consider approval of Board Resolution 9-24-1 to designate Flatwater Bank and Dayspring Bank as official depositories for district funds.
State Statute 77-2350 requires that "the treasurer...of any school district... shall deposit the funds received ...[into]... official depositories for such funds." This resolution specifies the entities to which the school district will deposit funds.
We do have two Conflict of Interest forms filed for this item. Mr. Wyatt & Mrs. Jobman. Mrs. Jobman and Mr. Wyatt will step away from the table and abstain from voting.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Both Mr. Wyatt and Mrs. Jobman stepped away from the table and did not participate in the vote due to Conflict of Interest forms being on file with the district office. Mrs. Brass stated both financial institutions have been very fair in their pricing and rates and the finance committee supports this.
5.2. Discuss and consider a resolution on school district standards for acceptance or rejection of option enrollment applications for the 2025-2026 school year.
Legislation requires that we establish standards for option enrollment before October 1st of the preceding school year. While this can be very difficult to guess a full year in advance, there are some generally accepted standards we can adhere to. The recommended capacity limitations will ensure we can remain committed to providing a high quality education to District 20 students in an economically efficient manner.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas stated no changes would be proposed from the previous year and read the resolution.
5.3. Recognize the Gothenburg Education Association as the exclusive bargaining agent for certificated teachers for 2025-2026.
The Gothenburg Education Association (GEA) was certified as the exclusive collective bargaining agent for Gothenburg Public Schools by the Nebraska Commission of Industrial Relations on February 8, 2016.
As a procedural item, no action is required. However, please let the minutes reflect the Board of Education recognizes the Gothenburg Education Association as the bargaining agent for the certificated staff of District #20 for the 2025-2026 school year. The certification order and the timeline are attached.
Mr. Fornoff read the rationale. No action taken.
5.4. Annual review of Policy 2016 - Participation in Insurance Program by Board Members
Annual review of our policy regarding insurance and the board of education is required. Members of board of education may participate in the school district’s health and life insurance plans which are provided to school district employees. A board member electing to participate in the insurance program of the school district shall pay both the employee and the employer portions of the premiums to the district in advance of any payments being due from the district to the insurance carrier.
There are no current board members that participate in this program. As an annual review, no action is required.
Dr. Jonas confirmed there are no board members that participate in this program. No action was taken.
6. Reports
6.1. Board of Education Reports
Committee Reports (Chair in bold)
Personnel Committee - Mr. Fornoff stated we must recognize the GA as the exclusive collective bargaining agent for GPS and that once we get through our budget, we will start planning. Mr. Fornoff advised will have to meet before November 1 for the first meeting and will be reviewing insurance rates and what changes there may be.
Transportation and Facilities - Mr. Wyatt stated there is nothing to report about facilities as the committee has not met yet. Finance - Mrs. Jobman stated the finance committee discussed the Student Activities fund transfer and stated they are on track with the budget. She advised QCPUF is right at one million dollars currently. Committee on American Civics - Mrs. Terrell stated the committee did meet and discussed material needs for the school and how that would impact the budget. Policy Review - Mrs. Terrell stated policy has nothing to report.
6.2. Administrative Reports
1. Topic Specific Administrative Reports
2. General Administrative Reports a. Elementary (Mrs. Floyd) b. High School (Mr. Ryker) c. Activities (Mr. Mroczek) d. Special Populations (Mrs. McKenna) e. Teaching and Learning (Mrs. Richeson) f. Superintendent (Dr. Jonas)
Elementary - Mrs. Floyd went over the upcoming parent-teacher conference details. Discussed The Swede Way and advised they are still making positive office calls, with about 35 calls so far. Advised the 6th graders are getting ready for the second year of the Swede Branch Flatwater Bank and are wrapping up student interviews for the bank tellers. They will get 3 days of training and the bank will open October 2nd.
High School - Mr. Ryker stated we are getting ready to send out progress reports at the end of this week. He advised that we had been contacted to participate in the Soft Skills Pilot Program and how that would be utilized within Swede Foundations. Details regarding high school grading being switched to cumulative semester grades this year were discussed as well as the spanish program surveys. Activities - Mr. Mroczek went over the JH fall activity participation numbers, the home invite dates, and NSAA fall district assignments. He also advised the Gothenburg Foundation served root beer floats at last Friday's football game in conjunction with Flatwater Bank's Tailgate and that the next meeting will be October 8th. Mr. Fornoff asked how many students crossover there was currently and Mr. Mroczek stated about 5-6 for JH boys and a couple for the girls, which is a little less than normal. Special Populations - Mrs. McKenna advised there are 20 para professionals currently, which makes us fully staffed and confirmed they are attending IEP meetings and are fully immersed in educational experience. She confirmed 11 students require full-time support and 4 students part-time support. Mrs. McKenna stated we are currently serving 130 students and went over upcoming training and programs. Teaching and Learning - Mrs. Richeson went over policy 6032 and the upcoming activities and the guidelines and data for DIBELS, MAP Growth and NSCAS Growth assessments. Mrs. Richeson went over the weekly professional development schedule, mentor program and safe schools information. Strategy 3 was discussed and how the website is a truly live document. Mr. Fornoff asked if there were enough physical bodies to help man the sidewalks between the Impact center and the school. Mrs. Richeson advised Mrs. McKenna has an elaborate Para schedule for before and after school and there are also non-classroom staff on duty. Mrs. Brass asked if we were close to having the street open and Dr. Jonas confirmed she has not heard of any updates. Dr. Jonas also commented on how the traffic flow currently with the water situation is working equally well as the standard traffic flow plan. Mrs. Floyd commented that we have a lot more kids riding bikes this year and that they are doing a good job on campus. Mrs. Terrell asked if there was ever any consideration for a cross-walk right before the pull in by the elementary parking lot. Dr. Jonas confirmed there used to be 4 cross walks, but the traffic study determined that we needed to go to one. Mr. Dalrymple asked how the bottled water situation was going. Dr. Jonas advised we are operating at an extremely high level and have found our groove early on. She went over the school lunch processes during this time and advised we are currently going through 3/4 of a pallet a day, at $600.00 per pallet but Coke has been great at ensuring we get water as needed. Mr. Dalrymple clarified his main question was if there were any issues with sourcing the bottled water and Dr. Jonas confirmed no, not at all and it has not been like it was during COVID as this is an isolated incident in the Gothenburg community. Superintendent - Dr. Jonas went over the budget workshop and advised that we will receive around $120,000 less in State Aid than in 2023-2024 and went over our employment package and how it has increased by $378,019. Advised between these two items, our needs have increased just shy of $500,000 so we will need to make that up in our tax request. She confirmed the overall levy will be going down by $0.09 and our overall tax asking will go up just over $200,000, which is about a 2% increase total. She advised we added the QCPUF and dropped our 2003 Bond. Dr. Jonas went over how the changes made in the last 2 years by legislators have been extremely beneficial for our taxpayers and discussed property tax details. Dr. Jonas went over the budget Q&A session as well as the budget workshop last week and the upcoming budget discussions.
7. Next Meeting
Monday, October 14th
Swede Activities: Girls Golf State (All Day) 7th/8th Volleyball (4:30 @ Broken Bow) R/JV/V Volleyball Triangular (5-9 @ Home) JV FB (6:00 @ Home)
After the board members discussed the activities scheduled for that day, the next meeting was set for 10/14/2024 at 5:30 PM.
8. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 PM.