October 14, 2024 at 5:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 10/14/2024 at 5:30 PM | |
Lisa Brass | Present |
Matt Dalrymple | Present |
Kyle Fornoff | Present |
Becky Jobman | Present |
Kelly Terrell | Present |
Nate Wyatt | Present |
Present: 6, Absent: 0 | |
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 10/15/2024 at 2:06 PM | |
Lisa Brass | Present |
Matt Dalrymple | Present |
Kyle Fornoff | Present |
Becky Jobman | Present |
Kelly Terrell | Present |
Nate Wyatt | Present |
Present: 6, Absent: 0 | |
Others present at tonight’s meeting included: Seth Ryker, Jr/Sr High Principal Tomye McKenna, Special Education Director & Elementary Assistant Principal Angie Richeson, Director of Teaching & Learning Dr. Allison Jonas, Superintendent Becky Vang, Business Manager |
Minutes | |||||||||||||
1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mission Statement: A copy of the open meetings law is posted on the wall of the Board Room and is available to the public. |
2. Approve the Agenda
The Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of items as needed.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Recognition of Visitors
3.1. Celebration of Excellence
Mr. Ryker & Mrs. Baker will share about expanded opportunities for students through Gothenburg Health.
Dr. Jonas advised this is month two of Celebration of Excellence and introduced Mrs. Baker. Mrs. Baker went over our Gothenburg Health internship program, also known as the D.O. program. This is a program that helps students gain opportunities to work outside the school. The program was designed to start small and currently has 5 students. This program not only allows the students to work in a department they are interested in, but they are also tasked with visiting all the different departments within Gothenburg Health. It ranges from studies to hands-on patient care to learning to operate the medical equipment. This allows the students to be pushed a little bit outside their comfort zone and also then, with the knowledge they have gained, they can complete their full internship in the department they are interested in. This program benefits both the school by expanding the opportunities for the students, but it also allows for the Gothenburg Health department to show who they are and hopefully get some good positive incite into the program itself and get students to return back to Gothenburg once they are out of college. A student is interested in the IT program, so he is getting to see a variety of things, but they are able to do other than just the health programs. Some of the comments received by Gothenburg Health are that the staff love the program and how great it is that the students are there and people love showing them their jobs. It has been great that all the students go where they are assigned, are open-minded and ready to learn. We are hoping the program is very successful throughout the year and there is hope to grow the program. Mr. Fornoff asked if the students applied for this program. Mrs. Baker confirmed they did apply and had to go through a true job interview process by submitting a resume and were called in for an interview. Only two students were turned away due to the size limitations of the current program. Mrs. Jobman asked how much time the students spend there? Mrs. Baker confirmed the program is limited to 3 class periods, but students can have additional time after school if their schedule allows for it.
3.2. Public Participation
Board Policy 2009 - Opportunity for Public Expression. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WHO WISH TO SPEAK: This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may speak to the board about matters of public concern.
No public participation
4. Action Items
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.1. Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Previous Minutes 2. Approval of the Treasurer's Report 3. Approval of the Warrants / Bills a. Petty Cash b. Student Activity c. Hot Lunch d. Bank Statement e. Summary of Accounts and Receipts f. Monthly Expenditure Report g. Check Journal 4. Excuse Absent Board Members
4.2. Discuss and consider Activities Fund balance.
As an extension of the general education curriculum, extracurricular activities play a critical role in student development, fostering skills like teamwork, leadership, and time management that are essential for future success. Many students find their passion and motivation through these activities, making them a crucial part of their overall educational experience. This situation arose due to a combination of factors, including lower-than-expected receipts from game admissions. While I initially believed the original transfer would suffice, the final reconciliation showed a need for additional funds to ensure all accounts within the activities fund are balanced. As a board, you have two options.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas deferred to the finance committee. Mrs. Jobman stated the finance committee was tasked to meet with the individuals who are not on the finance committee to understand everyone's position and thoughts on this. They went through the pros and cons of either transferring the money into the activities fund to make it positive as of the end of the 23-24 school year, which is approximately $30,000.00 or leaving it as a deficit for this year. Fortunately, the auditor had a chance to look at the numbers for the 23-24 school year and gave us a check mark to leave that as a deficit, so it was good to get that piece clarified. After a fair amount of thoughtful consideration, it was decided to recommend leaving it in the negative for the school year. They felt that this would help to stay on track with the budget and potentially look for creative revenue streams for this year as well, and going forward, we could have consistent revenue and know what that looks like. Overall, it was a good process and Mrs. Jobman gave kudos to Mr. Mroczek for putting a lot of numbers (and historical numbers) and projections together so they could understand where we were and how we got to where we are today, so we can better plan for the future. Everyone feels very optimistic from the discussions that came out of that and the tools we have moving forward. With that Mrs. Jobman made a motion to leave the Activities account as is with no additional transfers at this time. Mr. Wyatt gave a big thanks to Dr. Jonas and Mr. Mroczek and for the time the committee put in.
4.3. Discuss and consider Area B Remodel Pay Applications for September.
The following expenditures have been approved by Bond Council for use of QCPUF funds as they are addressing air quality and life safety issues within the building.
Board Action is utilized for QCPUF expenditures to ensure transparency regarding the use of funds.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas went over the rational.
5. Policy & Procedure
5.1. Discuss and consider update to Policy 5032 Closed Campus.
During the "Boil Water Notice: students in grades 9-12 were given the opportunity to experience open campus. We were incredibly impressed with their ability to navigate this change. As such, we have decided to extend this privilege for the foreseeable future with a few additional checks and balances to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students.
Parents are also encouraged to maintain a balance in their school lunch account to ensure that, in the event of inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances, their child can still eat at school if traveling off campus for lunch becomes impractical or unsafe. Students and parents must understand that driving off campus during lunch is a privilege and can be revoked at any time for violation of the above stated expectations or for reasons determined by school administration.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas went over the rationale. Mr. Ryker stated there has been very positive feedback from both students and parents. Parents have indicated that this has been a nice little break for their son or daughter. Overall, this has been very well received. Dr. Jonas stated one of the notes received from a parent stated their kiddo is at school from 6:30 AM until 10:30 PM with activities and this open campus is the only 30-minute break throughout the day they receive some days. Dr. Jonas stated this change is being recommended by KSB to be transparent about what our process is. We would still be considered a closed campus, but the ticket to get out is that parent's signature. Mr. Fornoff asked if there was any idea how many SW conference schools do open campus. Both Mr. Ryker and Dr. Jonas did not know. Dr. Jonas did state she knows Cozad is open campus but aside from that, she couldn't say for other SW conference schools. Mr. Wyatt asked about the potential for consolidating the 2 high school lunch periods or any other changes. Mr. Ryker said that they went to 2 lunch blocks a few years ago due to Covid. He stated they liked those 2 blocks initially, so they have kept them, but he thinks with this change, they are averaging about 30 students eating at the school during that second lunch. Although this number may change due to weather, he does think there is room to consolidate back to one lunch which would start at 12:30 PM. He doesn't see any reason why they wouldn't make that change when we come back from winter break in January.
5.2. Discuss and consider approval of the 2024-2025 Superintendent Evaluation tool.
The personnel committee is proposing the use of the online NASB superintendent evaluation tool as we feel that this tool reflects the knowledge and skills that are a priority. The Superintendent's contract requires one evaluation to be completed by the January board meeting.
The proposed timeline includes:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Fornoff read the rationale. Dr. Jonas stated she really appreciated the process and felt like the online approach was really effective. Mrs. Jobman confirmed that this is an easier tool than anything they have had in the past.
6. Informational Items
No informational items.
7. Reports
7.1. Board of Education Reports
Committee Reports (Chair in bold)
Personnel Committee - Mr. Fornoff confirmed they talked about the superintendent evaluation and that the personnel committee will also be meeting with GEA before the end of the month to start the negotiation process and will keep everyone updated at that time.
Transportation and Facilities - Mr. Wyatt confirmed they have not met since last meeting. Finance - Mrs. Jobman confirmed the Activities Fund transfer was the bulk of their session and that for the ESSER funds, the grant was approved for $130,000.00 so we should be seeing those funds in the near future. They went through fund balances and confirmed the Bond fund will be paid off this December. She said it was financed in 2000 and is pretty sure it was a 30-year bond, so due to refinancing and strategic planning, this is paying off significantly earlier than anticipated. Confirmed it was originally a 33 cent bond, and now it is a 9 cent bond, so that feels good. Mrs. Jobman also confirmed they talked a little about personnel and how some of those projections might impact the finance committee, with potential projects from the educator health alliance and health insurance increases. They also talked through the QCPUF check register. Committee on American Civics - Mrs. Terrell confirmed they just talked about the changes and standards for next year but have not met since either. Policy Review - Mrs. Terrell confirmed they hadn't met.
7.2. Administrative Reports
1. Topic Specific Administrative Reports
2. General Administrative Reports a. Elementary (Mrs. Floyd) b. High School (Mr. Ryker) c. Activities (Mr. Mroczek) d. Special Populations (Mrs. McKenna) e. Teaching and Learning (Mrs. Richeson) f. Superintendent (Dr. Jonas)
See attached reports.
8. Next Meeting
Monday, November 11th
Swede Activities: none Reminder: December meeting will be held on Monday, December 16th (the THIRD Monday of the month).
The next meeting is set for November 11th @ 7 pm.
9. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Meeting adjourned @ 6:06 pm.