November 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Regular Board | |
Attendance Taken on 11/11/2024 at 6:56 PM | |
Lisa Brass | Present |
Matt Dalrymple | Present |
Kyle Fornoff | Present |
Becky Jobman | Present |
Kelly Terrell | Present |
Nate Wyatt | Absent |
Present: 5, Absent: 1 | |
Dr. Allison Jonas, Superintendent Seth Ryker, Jr/Sr High Principal Josi Floyd, Elementary Principal Tomye McKenna, SPED Director & Assistant Elementary Principal Angie Richeson, Director of Teaching & Learning Becky Vang, Business Manager |
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mission Statement: A copy of the open meetings law is posted on the wall of the Board Room and is available to the public. |
2. Approve the Agenda
The Board reserves the right to rearrange the order of items as needed.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Recognition of Visitors
3.1. Celebration of Excellence
Mrs. Kylee Malcom will give a presenation on our STARS Program.
Dr. Jonas introduced Mrs. Kylee Malcom. Mrs. Malcom went over the newly developed STARS program (Student Therapies and Resource Services) and how they implemented this program after observing it in other districts. Mrs. Malcom stated they purchased the JR High and High School band for this program currently and have jumped into the first part of the curriculum called News 2 You. She advised that the program pulls topics that are tailored to the JR High/High School students, which saves a huge amount of time by not having to create visuals for everything they want to cover. Mrs. Malcom stated the program is able to break down the topics based on the skill level of each student, which was determined by the benchmark assessments taken at the beginning of the program. She explained the program goes over other key topics like phonics skills, comprehension, English components, and many foundational skills that can be difficult for our higher-needs students. Another key piece to this program is the ability to keep the data digitally as well as have the ability to print. They have discussed the Olympics topic, are currently finishing up Government Officials and will be moving to Native American History. The abilities of this program have saved so much time in prepping and modifying, which has been huge. Mrs. McKenna stated the really cool thing about this program is that Mrs. Malcom serves kids from Kindergarden up through their senior year, which is a huge variety of students with unique needs. This program allows her to dive into those needs and be able to develop an entire day around each student's unique requirements, which is very cool. Mrs. Mckenna encouraged the board if they have time to come observe the program and see how it works. She stated this was a passion project for Mrs. Malcom for a few years and it's been exciting that we could put this into effect and that she has done a really nice job. Mrs. Jobman asked how many students are in the program. Mrs. Malcom confirmed there are currently 5 students, 2 in basic English and 3 that do Math. Mrs. Jobman asked if she had seen a significant difference and Mrs. Malcom stated yes, the students hadn't had that foundational base work and this has provided that. She stated she has seen lots of growth and has received good feedback from parents. Dr. Jonas stated there are 5 students currently, but asked how many students Mrs. Malcom has, on any given day, are in and out of her classroom. Mrs. Malcom stated she has 16 students, K-12. Mrs. Terrell asked for an example of what kind of working out in public is being done. Mrs. Malcom stated they are just starting that and that they did community helpers, which is a survey to get a baseline of what jobs the students are interested in. She stated there is a wide variety of what the students are interested in, and it will be good for not only the students but the employers as well once they get out into the community.
3.2. Public Participation
Board Policy 2009 - Opportunity for Public Expression. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC WHO WISH TO SPEAK: This is the portion of the meeting when members of the public may speak to the board about matters of public concern.
No public participation.
4. Action Items
4.1. Consent Agenda
1. Approval of Previous Minutes 2. Approval of the Treasurer's Report 3. Approval of the Warrants / Bills a. Petty Cash b. Student Activity c. Hot Lunch d. Bank Statement e. Summary of Accounts and Receipts f. Monthly Expenditure Report g. Check Journal 4. Excuse Absent Board Members
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Excused absent board member Nate Wyatt.
4.2. Personnel
4.2.1. Consider the resignation of certificated staff.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas stated that this comes with a heavy heart, Mrs. Richeson has submitted her resignation effective at the end of this school year. She stated it is really hard to see one of our team members go, that we are going to miss her a lot and asked Mrs. Richeson if she had anything she would like to share. Mrs. Richeson gave a heartfelt thank you to the team, and stated 18 years in this district is pretty crazy, but had received lots of support from the board. She stated it was an honor to be part of this team and confirmed at the heart of her resignation that there was a need to find a better balance between both personal and professional. On behalf of the board, Mr. Fornoff thanked Mrs. Richeson for the time and balance she had given the district for 18 years and wished her success in the next chapter of her life.
4.2.2. Consider approval of contract(s) for certificated staff.
Dr. Jonas confirmed none yet, but it will be that time of the year soon.
4.3. Discuss and consider the phased replacement of two 2013 activity vans and the 2000 Yellow Activities Bus from the Depreciation Fund as recommended by the Facilities and Transportation Committee.
The Facilities and Transportation Committee has reviewed several options for replacing our 2013 activity vans and 2000 Yellow Activity Bus. Both vans currently have approximately 130,000 miles and the Yellow Activitiy Bus has 145,000.
Recent legislative changes have emphasized the need to phase out 12 passenger vans in schools, favoring minivans or SUVs instead. As part of a two-phase plan recommended by the transportation committee, and planned for by the finance committee, we propose replacing the current activity vans with Suburbans. Suburbans were selected for their higher ground clearance, four-wheel-drive capability, increased cargo capacity, and greater legroom for passengers. Each vehicle will be equipped with two bench seats, allowing for a total of seven passengers plus a driver. Per Unit Price: $61,928 The Yellow Activities bus has been in our district for 24 years and has increased maintenance costs and challenges over the past two years. We have been discussing the replacement of this vehicle for nearly two years and one has finally become available. These buses are in high demand by schools as a cost-effective alternative to the luxury liners and are difficult to get. As part of a two-phase plan recommended by the transportation committee, and planned for by the finance committee, we propose replacing the current yellow bus with a similar bus in white since that is what is available. This school bus design was selected primarily because of it's cost-effectiveness, passenger capacity, and underbody storage. Bus Cost: $248,350
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas read the rationale. Mr. Fornoff asked the transportation committee if anyone had any insight or anything they wanted to add. Mr. Dalrymple stated they have put a lot of time into this in the last 6 months and that he feels like our local dealer treated us fair on the price of the suburbans and, as far as the bus, he feels it is a really good value for what we are getting. Mrs. Brass stated they had spent a lot of time on this, even ever since she got onto the board. Looking at bus options, what's the most cost-efficient, and it really came to the matter of student safety. She advised no one wants to see those kids on the side of the road and felt this was pushed as far as it could be and that it was time to make that decision. Mr. Fornoff gave a big thank you to Mr. Dalrymple, Mrs. Brass, Mr. Wyatt, and Dr. Jonas for all the time they put in. Mrs. Terrell asked if the legislator gave us a timeline on when we needed to replace those passenger vans. Dr. Jonas stated what had changed was the interpretation of the law. They would argue that they have never been legal and so really the timeline has passed if that makes sense, but she did visit with our insurance company, and they assured her the vans themselves are insured, but it becomes a liability concern if something were to happen to the passengers of the vans. So the timeline that our insurance company gave was as soon as possible. Dr. Jonas confirmed we had just received clarification around this in the fall and that there had always been this conversation happening regarding being ready and thinking about phasing these out. That we had been looking for vans and had not been able to find them, so lucky for us that the timing worked. Mr. Dalrymple added that these vans were ready to be traded in as they were the two highest mileage vans. Dr. Jonas stated they had been up for replacement a year ago but hadn't had any luck finding anything and so once they came out with that hard line, it just made sense to make that transition.
4.4. Discuss and consider amending the published school calendar to reflect no school for grades 7-12 students on Wednesday, March 19th in order to host District Speech.
Hosting the district speech event is a significant endeavor, requiring the use of our entire 7-12 building to accommodate all participating student competitors. Our elementary students will continue with their regular schedule, as their building is not required for this event.
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Dr. Jonas went over the rationale. Dr. Jonas asked Mr. Mroczek if he had an idea on how many people come in for that. Mr. Mroczek stated he didn't know but that there are 7 or 8 other schools and that we have a good relationship with the NSAA and that they know we do a good job here.
4.5. Surplus
4.5.1. Declare the 2000 Yellow Activity Bus as a surplus item and authorize the Superintendent to sell the bus to the company or person offering the most favorable offer.
If the purchase of a bus replacement is approved this evening, the transportation committee is recommending the yellow bus become surplus. We would like to reach out to companies in the area that may have an interest in purchasing the bus from us.
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Dr. Jonas read the rationale. Mr. Fornoff asked if we have a timeline. Dr. Jonas stated we do not have a timeline for the new bus yet, but we are hoping in the next couple of months that it will become available, and then we will start working on the sale after that.
5. Informational Items
5.1. Review and consider the 2023-2024 audit as prepared by KSO CPA's and Advisors.
An electronic copy of the district audit and findings are available.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Dr. Jonas advised that each year we undergo a district audit of all of our funds and that KSO does a wonderful job as they are very thorough and answer a lot of our questions. She stated we just had an opportunity to sit down with them and talk about their findings and that she has attached the full report so that it is visible to the public. Dr. Jonas went over the highlights, including enrollment numbers and our adjusted taxable value, and advised this is for the 2023–2024 year as we are a year behind. She advised our budget authority was just over $14 million dollars, our General & Special Building levy was $0.98, and the total levy was $1.08 once we included in the Bond fund. She went over the financial overview slide and pointed out the big changes like the QCPUF dollars that came in and also the ESSER funds that were paid out towards the end, as well as having more coming in this winter. Overall, things looked healthy and that the auditor was pleased at how things were trending. Dr. Jonas stated that last year the auditor had indicated that we really needed to focus on getting 3 years of reserves into the General Fund, so it feels like things are trending in the right direction. Dr. Jonas went over the General Fund Receipts slide showing where all the dollars came from and the General Fund Disbursement slide showing where those dollars went. She discussed the Fixed vs. Discretionary and Debt Administration slides, as well as the KSO audit findings. KSO welcomes questions and has provided their contact information on the contact Information slide. Dr. Jonas asked the board if there were any questions. Mrs. Brass stated congratulations on the audit, especially since we had multiple audits going on at the same time that week, so to get a successful audit like this is pretty cool.
5.2. Impact Center Update
Mrs. Josie Floyd is serving on the board of the Impact Center and will provide an update.
November marks our second of five capital contributions to the Impact Center in the amount of $300,000 which comes from the Special Building Fund and was budgeted in the 2023-2024 budget. November also marks our first operations contribution to the Impact Center in the amount of $175,000 which has been planned for in the Cooperative Fund and was budgeted in the 2023-2024 budget. The receipt/reimbursement in the amount of $75,000 from The Impact Center will be paid to the facilities agency and deposited into the cooperative fund once received. Informational item only. No action required.
Dr. Jonas read the rationale. Mrs. Floyd read over the attached slide, Impact Center Update. Dr. Jonas thanked Mrs. Floyd for the time commitment that she has put in. Mrs. Terrell stated she was at the Giving Closet recently and that it looked really good and that it's set up like a department store. Mrs. Floyd commented, yes, it looks very nice in there and that the event center currently has 22 confirmed events scheduled. Mr. Dalrymple asked when we would be receiving that reimbursement. Dr. Jonas stated she confirmed it should be fairly quickly as it was written so we do not have to have a formal facility agencies meeting for that to take place, so she anticipates it within the next 30 days to have that back in the Cooperative Fund. No action was taken.
5.3. Recognition to Pony Express Chevrolet & community partners for the sale of the new activities trailer to Gothenburg Public Schools in the amount of $1.00.
We are deeply grateful to this group of exceptionally generous donors for coming together to contribute a new trailer to the Gothenburg Activities Department. This invaluable addition has already become an essential resource, benefiting our programs and enhancing our ability to support student activities. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to these community partners for their generosity and commitment to enriching the experiences of our students and staff. Thank you for your continued support!
Dr. Jonas read the rationale. Mr. Fornoff expressed a huge thank you to all the donors and sponsors. No action was taken.
5.4. Recognition to City of Gothenburg for the donation via grant of TEN new tress on campus.
We are incredibly grateful to the city for including us in their previous grant writing activity. We were the lucky recipient of 10 new trees on campus. We are excited to watch them grow and provide shade in the thoughtful areas we included them around campus! A special thanks to Jeff Kennedy, Noah Dea, and Rick Frickenstein!
Dr. Jonas read over the rationale and confirmed there are 11 trees now. Mr. Fornoff asked what kind of trees they are and Dr. Jonas advised yes we do, but she personally didn't know. Mr. Fornoff advised a huge shout-out to the City of Gothenburg.
5.5. Acknowledge Rule 10 compliance with the Nebraska Department of Education.
We are thrilled to announce that our district has received official affirmation of our Rule 10 approval status from the Nebraska Department of Education! This recognition reflects our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards in education, ensuring that our programs, staff, and facilities align with state guidelines to provide a safe, supportive, and enriching environment for every student. Achieving this milestone is a testament to the hard work of our entire school community—from dedicated teachers and staff to supportive families and engaged students—who contribute daily to making our district a model of excellence. With Rule 10 status affirmed, we look forward to continuing our mission to be the cornerstone of a proud, passionate, and progressive community where students and staff thrive in a positive and innovative environment.
Dr. Jonas read over the rationale. Mr. Fornoff stated thank you and everyone else for all the hard work on that audit. No action was taken.
6. Reports
6.1. Board of Education Reports
Committee Reports (Chair in bold)
Personnel Committee - Mr. Fornoff stated they met for the first time right before the November 1 deadline, advised they will meet again this Thursday to discuss the first proposal and will keep us updated at that time.
Transportation and Facilities - Mrs. Brass stated they looked at the long term plan for the next facility improvements needed and where they fall financially within the budget. Finance - Mrs. Jobman advised they hit on a couple of topics. ESSER and how they had to make an amendment to their last admission, but that was approved, so they are just waiting for that $130,000 to come in. They also successfully achieved a mental health grant for $30,000. They also discussed enrollment and are still seeing a downturn in enrollment, which has always been a background discussion. Mrs. Jobman confirmed they talked about fund balance and how things are on track as we are a couple of months into the fiscal year, so this is always good to see. They also talked a little about personnel and that the insurance numbers came in at a little lower than what they had anticipated and how much negotiation room that leaves. Committee on American Civics - Mrs. Terrell stated they had not met since their last board meeting. Policy Review - Mrs. Terrell confirmed they haven't met either, but they have been reviewing the reclassification of schools and with the election passed she is assuming they will probably see more legislation.
6.2. Administrative Reports
1. Topic Specific Administrative Reports
2. General Administrative Reports a. Elementary (Mrs. Floyd) b. High School (Mr. Ryker) c. Activities (Mr. Mroczek) d. Special Populations (Mrs. McKenna) e. Teaching and Learning (Mrs. Richeson) f. Superintendent (Dr. Jonas)
See attached admin reports.
7. Next Meeting
REMINDER: December board meeting will be held on the THIRD Monday - December 16th.
Swede Activities: 7/8 Wrestling @ Broken Bow 7/8 Basketball @ Broken Bow Reserve Basketball @ 5 & 6:30 HOME
Reminder the next meeting is scheduled for the third Monday instead of the second Monday. The meeting will be held on December 16th at 5:00 pm.
8. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:14 pm.