The meeting was called to order by Board President Desh at 5:30 p.m.
2. Announcement of the Open Meetings Act Posting
Board President Desh indicated the location of the Open Meetings Act Poster on the wall in the media center.
3. Discussion Item: Lancaster County Health Department Directed Health Measure and District COVID and "Return to School" Update
The purpose of the special meeting was to discuss the current LLCHD DHM, review information relating to the mask mandate and COVID, and discuss possible courses of action if the mandate was lifted or extended.
Superintendent Hart began this section of the meeting by updating the board on the current number of Positive COVID Cases in the district as of 11/22/2021. FYI: The positive COVID numbers for District OR-1 as of 11/22/21 are 27 positive student cases (12 at the elementary and 15 at the high school) and 5 staff positive cases (2 at the elementary and 3 at the high school) since the beginning of school on Wednesday, August 11th for a total of 32 total positive cases.
Superintendent Hart also updated the board on the latest "Return to School" Plan (Version #6). This plan still requires masks at Bennet Elementary and masks remain optional at Palmyra High School. Students and staff riding school vehicles still must continue to wear masks while riding in the vehicles. This includes activity trips.
Superintendent Hart summarized the latest Lincoln Lancaster County Health Department's Directed Health Measure (2021-25) and noted the current DHM was set to expire at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, November 24th, 2021.
Prior to the meeting, it was announced (through the Lincoln Mayor's 3:30 p.m. Press Conference on Tuesday, November 23rd) that the LLCHD DHM would now be extended to Thursday, December 23rd, 2021. Please note: This new LLCHD DHM (2021-26) is available at
Superintendent Hart also presented information regarding LB-139, which was passed into law by the Nebraska Legislature on May 26th, 2021. This new law helps to protect school districts from potential litigation if they are following public health guidance and protocols regarding COVID.
Superintendent Hart also discussed our district's adherence to NDE Rule 10 (School Accreditation) assurances. These assurances include provisions that the district will be in alignment with public health and safety codes.
Superintendent Hart also discussed information from our district's Health and Wellness Task Force. This Task Force (made up of school personnel (admin, counselors, teachers, support staff), board members, parents, local health care professionals, and our school nurse) takes a proactive stance in monitoring our district's COVID cases, including self-monitoring and quarantine protocols, local, state, and federal health information, current academic and socio-emotional supports and interventions for students, staff supports, community concerns and questions, and current COVID challenges and solutions for moving forward. This Task Force has met several times since the start of school and will continue to meet as needed throughout the rest of the 2021-2022 school year.
Additional discussion centered around our district's Policy # 5409: Communicable Diseases and Disease Control. In the policy, it states that the district will "cooperate" and "conform" to health department regulations.
The final portion of the meeting involved board members engaging in a discussion about their experiences with COVID and questions about how to best respond to the prolonged impact of the pandemic and the community feedback members have received on this issue. Board members also presented some additional sources of information for others to consider. This information presents data and opinions from a variety of perspectives.
Concerns noted during the discussion were the lack of enforcement of the mask mandate in the city of Lincoln and Lancaster County (especially at some businesses and various community events), the inconsistency of information from various state, county, and local health-related officials, frustration with the lack of shared goals, a common mitigation plan, expected outcomes from the mask mandate, and the perceived lack of parental "choice" in regards to students wearing of the masks.
Information was also discussed about the efficacy of wearing masks for students and the impact it has had on the overall rate of positive COVID cases.
Additionally, questions like, "What is the end goal?" and "What benefits do masks have for students?" and, "What is the real "cost to benefit" analysis of the possible long term social, academic, and psychological impact of wearing masks for children?" and "Who is at the "table" when these decisions about extending the mandates are made?" were just some examples of things that board members felt needed further explanation from public health officials.
Board members also noted that there has been an increase in recent discussions between school district personnel and between community members in the Lancaster County area regarding alternative options for moving forward with responding (safely and efficiently) to mitigating the COVID virus at school.
Some possible solutions were also presented for consideration, such as the use of face shields instead of face coverings, creating an exemption system based on natural immunity, and maximizing vaccination and "booster shot" opportunities for students and adults.
Although no official action was taken during the meeting, board members will continue to gather feedback, encourage patrons to contact local health officials with COVID-related questions and concerns, and remain focused on meeting our student and staff needs.
In summary, our district will continue to follow the LLCHD DHM (2021-26) until the end of the first semester (December 23rd, 2021), but additional discussion and information are needed prior to the expiration date to make the best decision possible moving into the second semester.
This topic will continue to be discussed as needed at upcoming board meetings.