April 18, 2016 at 7:00 PM - City of St. Paul Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Mayor Howard's Open Meeting Statement
2. Consent Items:
a. Discuss - Approve / Deny March, 2016 Treasurer's Report
b. Discuss - Approve / Deny Police Officer's Casey Kellogg & Mike Coghlan attending the 29th Annual LECC Conference, May 18 - 20, 2016 in Kearney, NE
c. Approve / Deny the Street Department attending the
Nebraska Environmental Products training day on
Thursday, May 19, 2016 at the Buffalo County
Fairgrounds - cost $50/person
3. Doug Cramer with Computers on the Run, Grand Island, NE to speak on cyber security and computer backups (possible action)
4. Discuss - Approve / Deny the 2016 Municipal Street Improvement bid; project consist of: Howard Avenue (2014-1); "L" Street (SID 2014-2); "O" Street (SID 2014-3); Jay Street (SID 2016-1); 3rd Street (SID 2016-2); "N" Street (SID 2016-3); and Storm Sewer District (SSD 2016-1)
a. Consider assessment percentages or numbers (possible action)
5. Discuss - Approve / Deny the State of NE Liquor Control Manager Recommendation Application for Roberta Douglas, Manager for the St. Paul American Legion Post #119 at 805 Howard Avenue, License #C-08455
6. Discuss - Approve / Deny City of St. Paul utilizing Payroll Direct Deposit beginning June 2, 2016
7. Discuss - Approve / Deny Keno-Type Lottery Operation Agreement between the City of St. Paul and St. Paul Keno, L.L.C.
8. Discuss - Approve / Deny moving Monday, May 2, 2016 City Council meeting to Tuesday, May 3, 2016, due to the St. Paul Public School Athletic Banquet
9. Utility Superintendent Helzer updates
a. Notice of Taxable Status update on Lagoon land
10. Chief of Police Paczosa updates
11. City Councilmembers updates
12. Mayor Howard updates
13. Public Comments - restricted to items only on the April 18, 2016 agenda
14. Public Announcements
15. Closed Session:
•The City of St Paul reserves the right to go into Closed Session when it is clearly necessary to protect the public interest or for the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual; or pending litigation.
16. Mayor Howard adjourns the City Council meeting
17. Informational Items: a. March, 2016 Receipts; b. March, 2016 Time Certificates; c. March, 2016 Debt Service Sheet; d. March, 2016 Revenue Guideline; e. March, 2016 Expenditure Guideline; f. Ballot Question Procedures for the Dept. of Revenue