March 12, 2018 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Meeting
1.1. Roll Call
Chad Lottman's absence was excused.
1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information
1.3. Approve minutes of last meeting
2. Instruction and Related Items
2.1. Student Report
No report was provided.
2.2. Principal Report
Mr. Mezger reported on the recent External Team visit on February 28. The visit went very well and was proud of the staff's efforts.
He also reported on the recent Dr. Seuss week celebration at the elementary school, upcoming Kindergarten Round Up (May 3), and the elementary open house (Aug. 14). |
2.3. Approve Senior Sneak Schedule
The seniors made a request to go to Branson, MO for their sneak trip. The Board does not want to send a school bus and our driver's that far. If the Seniors can come up with the funds to rent a charter bus, the Board will reconsider the request at the April Board meeting. If the Seniors do not have the funds, they will need to consider a trip closer to home.
3. Personnel Items
3.1. Approve teaching contract for Reba Hestermann
Ms Hestermann will teach 5th grade and be the assistant volleyball coach.
3.2. Accept resignation of Delaney Roberts
The Board thanks Mrs. Roberts for her two years of service to Diller-Odell Public Schools.
3.3. Approve teaching contract for Dylan Hinrichs
Mr. Hinrichs will teach 6th grade and coaches duties are TBD
4. Support Service
4.1. Technology Update
Mr. Mezger reported on the upcoming NETA convention April 19-20, Info Tech Night Aug.13 and the new design of the school web site.
4.2. Facility Update
Superintendent Meyerle noted that the PCD is looking at late March as a time for companies to visit the HS for a site visit as part of the Design-Build process.
He also reported that he is exploring getting cost on building a new press box at the football field in Diller. We would still utilize the one on the est side for radio, video and stat people. The new box would house clock, PA and coaches. The current press box is getting over crowded with the increased number of people that need access to such a area. He noted their were some donors that were anxious to donate to the project. |
5. Superintendent Items
5.1. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Meyerle discussed some recent staff re-assignments. Justin Larsen will be moving from 5th grade to teach Language Arts in grades 7-9, and Abigail Kostal will be moving from Sixth grade to PK.
Superintendent Meyerle noted how well the External Visit went. He noted it is gratifying when outside professionals visit the district and are impressed with our school, students, staff and communities. A special thanks to Marilyn Hein, Terry Arnold, Cathie Klecan, Amy Coufal and Matt Mezger for their efforts. |
6. Financial Items
6.1. Pay bills as presented
7. Board of Education Items
7.1. Approve NASB membership
7.2. Approve new HS gym project and use of Special Building Fund pending the signing of a Design-Build Contract
7.3. Committee Reports
Gary Stoh and Paul Kostal plan to attend the upcoming NRCSA convention.
It was noted that filing for School Board from Ward 1 is Toni Landenberger, Ethan Thorp, Adam Engelman and Angie Clifford. |
7.4. Executive Session
The Board returned to regular session 8:38.
8. Adjournment
President Stohs adjourned the meeting at 8:39. The next regular Board meeting is April 9.