December 10, 2018 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Meeting
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information
1.3. Approve minutes of last meeting
2. Instruction and Related Items
2.1. Student Report
Korey Theye gave a report to the Board on recent student activities.
2.2. Principal Report
Principal Mezger reported on the November 2 regional inservice, the State Principal's Conference, MAP Assessments, and the status of the 2017-18 Annual Report.
3. Personnel Items
4. Support Service
4.1. Technology Update
Principal Mezger reported on the Civil Rights Data Collection, the Hour of Code at the elementary and plans for the Info Tech Night in August.
4.2. Facility Update
Superintendent Meyerle gave a report on the monthly meeting held with Caspers/Sampson personnel on the new gym construction. Despite the wet weather that we did have, the builders feel good about their time table. The frame of the building began going up on Dec. 5.
5. Superintendent Items
5.1. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Meyerle noted that the 2017-18 Annual Report should be ready by the end of the semester.
He reminded the Board that the teacher's contract is settled for 2019-2020. The base will increase from $35400, to $35950. The Board's negotiation team would meet in the fall to negotiate a contract for 2020-2021. He also noted that he would like to discuss Mr. Mezger's salary in March. |
6. Financial Items
6.1. Pay bills as presented
7. Board of Education Items
7.1. Review Superintendent contract
Superintendent Meyerle's contract was reviewed. The contract runs until June 30, 2021. By not taking action to not renew the contract, the contract automatically rolls over for another year and will run until June 30, 2022.
7.2. Committee Reports
Gary Stohs and Paul Kostal gave a report on the recent NASB conference in Omaha.
Board Committee recommendations for 2019 were reviewed. Superintendent Meyerle presented a plaque to Chad Lottman and Dean Engelman for their dedicated service to the Board. Chad has served on the Board since January 2003 and Dean since January 2007. Their service to the school district was very much appreciated. Angie Clifford and Adam Engelman will be sworn in as new Board members at the January meeting. |
7.3. Executive Session
8. Adjournment
President Stohs adjourned the meeting at 8:03pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for January 14, 2019 at 7:30pm.