February 9, 2017 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
2. Call to Order
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2.2. Roll Call of Members
2.3. Approval of Agenda
2.4. Members Questions, Comments, Concerns, Communications and Reports.
Mr. Williams spoke about the roof over the cafeteria and competition gym
3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Forum (204.12)
Patrons interested in speaking need to sign in. The public comment portion of the BOE meeting is limited to 30 minutes with Individual comments being limited to 5 minutes per participant.
Brock Elsen spoke in support of the Ag program
4. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
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5. Policy Update
Executive Summary 1) Attached you will find a copy of a letter to all ESU 10 Superintendents from Perry Law Firm, via Dr. Wayne Bell. The update discusses policy that needs to be updated or in acted. (Please see attachment from PGH&G Law). 2) Individual policy to follow.
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Board of Education reviewed the following Policies: SEM Wellness Policy, Policy in Section 700 Business Operations, Meal Charge Policy and Policy in Business Operations -- Safety and Healthy Working Environment. Board agreed no changes were needed at this time.
5.1. Wellness Policy
Executive Summary 1) The following policy was modified from PGH&G Law firm. Please refer back to the notice from the law firm that was attached as part of the policy review. In the letter it explains the color font and what can and can not be modified. (See attachment Wellness Policy (PGH&G) 2) I have also attached the current SEM BOE policy #508.13 (Please see attachment #508.13) which is current but not as complete, if no changes are made with the current nutrition program, I would recommend to the board that we adopt the new policy from PGH&G. |
5.2. Policy in Section 700 Business Operations, Meal Charge Policy
Executive Summary 1) I currently can not find any similar policy in place in our policy manual. (Please see attachment "Meal Charge Policy) 2) Policy is specific in Application process for Free & Reduced meals, Account balances and accessing the balance, student confidentiality and notification (distribution) of policy. 3) Our policy will be include in student/parent handbook so all students and parents will have access at the beginning of the year, or if they transfer in. |
5.3. Policy in Business Operations -- Safety and Healthy Working Environment.
Executive Summary 1) Currently SEM has policy 508.05 in place to direct Emergency Plans and Drills which are followed, and will still be in place. (please see attached Policy 508.05) 2) I recommend the addition of PGH&G policy #3240 in the business operations section of the board policy. a) It was clarified to superintendents earlier in the year that this policy was going to be required. At that time I began work on making sure we had measures in place. (See b) Development of the Safety and Security Committee, including administrators, teachers, para's, staff, parents and BOE. (See Meeting Agenda from Organizational Meeting) c) As soon as emergency protocols (doors, automatic locks, PA, etc.) are complete from construction, EMS services will be added to the plan. Already, law enforcement and local ems have been contacted. 3) This policy will help keep us in compliance with NDE. (See attached policy 3--3240--Safety--Clean 12-8-16) |
6. Administrative Report
6.1. Principals Report
6.2. Superintendents Report
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mrs. Beattie asked for a report about Reading Mastery
7. Business Items
7.1. Consideration of Superintendents Contract
Executive Summary I have not included any summary to this item since I believe the board has all the information from the January BOE meeting, and the Special Meeting with NASB rep. I can address any items though as needed.
Mr. Berg asked for volunteers to be part of a goal development committee. Mr. Berg may appoint members if needed. Mr. Williams asked when the committee would meet.
Mr. Berg, Mr. Burden, Mr. Williams stated that it was discussed in a work session with NASB, that the board and admin improve their efforts in being partners with the community. To discuss concerns and work together to make things better from an education standpoint. Community engagement meetings. It is important for each person to do their job, and if that happens, the kids will be better off. |
7.2. Consideration of Negotiated Agreement with SEM EA
Executive Summary 1) The SEM-BOE negotiations committee and the SEM-EA have meet both in person and through electronic communications, on 5 different occasions and with a total of 4 different proposals being presented. 2) The currently agreed upon agreement includes the 5 following points. a) Base salary increase of $750.00 bring the base from $33,350 to $34,100. b) Health insurance will remain at the same deductible (Please see attachment for insurance rates) the current rate is with a $900.00 deductible. c) Science Olympiad will be placed on the extra duty salary schedule (included in the negotiated agreement which is attached) at column 2. d) The section on compensation for ticket takers (gate keepers). e) All other parts of the current negotiated agreement are to remain as is. 3) The new agreement would be a 3.72% increase as shown in your attachment from North Star Negotiations (a product of NASB).
7.3. Consideration of Principal's Contract
Executive Summary 1) After Evaluation my assessment Mr. Schmidt as meeting or exceeding all the District standards a set for in the principal's evaluation. (See Attachment for the Principal Evaluation Tool). 2) Mr. Schmidt will have completed 5 years of service with the district at the conclusion of the 2016-2017 school year. His current contract include full time 7-12 principal, Co-athletic director, Cross Country Coach. His principal's contract is $82,452.54. (See Attachment for prior contract) 3) Recommend Contract to include: a) Principal's salary increase of 3.72% = $85,543.95 b) Extend extra duty contract as detailed in the SEM negotiated agreement. 4) Mr. Schmidt's contract consists of 205 days of service
Mrs. Beattie expressed concern on the assistant principal position, and having 3 administrators. Mr. Finkey discussed the differences in the financial numbers between the current counselor/assistant principal and the former counselor. Mr. Williams asked how is the assistant principal position and the guidance counselor position works in balancing the roles. |
7.4. Consideration for ESU 10 Contract for School Age and Below age 5 special education services.
Executive Summary 1) There are a number of services that are required by Nebraska State Law that are currently being provided to the district by Educational Service Unit (ESU) 10. 2) Each year ESU 10 contracts with individual school districts for Special Education Services and the time for contract renew is upon us. a) Request for all contracts to be acted upon by March 1, 2017 (Contract Attached) 3) ESU 10 provides the SEM district with the following services (Reimbursable) a) Speech Teacher School Aged b) SpEd Supervision School Age c) D/E Audiological d) Deaf Education Services School Age e) D/E Psychology School Age f) Occupational Therapy School Age g) Physical Therapy School Age h) Vision Services School Age i) Vocational 4) ESU 10 provides the SEM district with the following services (NON-Reimbursable) a) Speech Teacher Preschool b) SpEd Supervision Preschool c) D/E Audiological d) Deaf Education ServicesPre School e) D/E Psychology Preschool f) Occupational Therapy School Age g) Physical Therapy Preschool h) Vision Services Preschool b) SpEd Supervision Preschool |
7.5. Consideration of Approval of NASB Dues
Executive Summary 1) The Nebraska Association of School Boards (NASB) has been a long time organization that the SEM board of education has belong to. (See Attached Membership Renewal) 2) I would recommend the continued membership with NASB 3) The following are some of the activities provided by NASB (some have additional charges above the membership fee). a) State Education Conference b) Area membership meetings c) New board member training d) Education Forum e) NASB presidents retreat f) School Law Seminars g) Labor Relations 4) We also currently pay(paid) for the following services: a) Board Policy b) Emeetings c) North Star Negotiations
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Signage areas for new building
Executive Summary With the completion of the punch list nearing an end, the signage for the district will be a priority, Some items more so than others. Areas for consideration 1) The Eyebrow (I have had several inquires from patrons) 2) Entryway wall (mustang mural or iron work?) 3) Room & Exterior Door Numbering system (Priority for safety and security needs) a) It would be best practice for all the doors to be identified in the same manor. The new and renovated parts will be provided for from project (bond). The existing building would be at the districts cost, but it would be a savings to have it all ordered and put up at the same time. In my conversation with Dave Jeffry, Paulsen's would be able to do this for us.
Mr. Schmidt brought up the signs in the competition gym and if the board would like to have banners made for the FKC Schools. State Champion and runner up banners could be made as well.
Mr. Williams stated that this could be opportunity for community engagement meetings. |
8.2. Discussion on School promotion/recruitment
The request for this item to be placed on the agenda was by Mrs. Beattie. After the BOE meeting of 1/31/17 it was suggested that the board begin conversations on how to promote the SEM school district and work to recruit students to the district.
Mr. Schmidt asked for guidance on how you can best do that. Mrs. Beattie/Mr. Williams - Paper, Radio, Bus to Kearney Mrs. Beattie stated that it is a goal to build and sustain enrollment. |
8.3. Discussion of foundation bricks
8.4. Discussion of proposed 2017-2018 School Calendar
Executive Summary (See Attachment 2017-2018 Calendar Proposal) Basic parameters of the calendar; 1) 184 Teacher Contract Days 2) 178 Student Contact Days
There were calendar meetings with, 1) Strategic Leadership Team 2) Staff Were as it will be nearly impossible to meet everyones ideas of a perfect calendar, we took the major ideas from the staff and developed with calendar which attempts to meet as many different concerns as possible. This calendar has been shared with the staff, and Mr. Schmidt will be able to discuss more after reviewing any concerns or suggestions. |
9. Adjourn
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