March 16, 2017 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
2. Call to Order
The March 2017 School Board meeting was called to order by Board President Marlin Berg at 7:33 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and everyone was reminded of the Open Meeting Law posted in the library.
Board verified notice of the meeting published in the Beacon Observer and acknowledged the receipt of their board meeting notification for the March 17, 2017. |
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2.2. Roll Call of Members
2.3. Approval of Agenda
2.3.1. NASB Board Calendar
Please note: Attachment of March NASB board calendar for comparison and assurance.
2.4. Members Questions, Comments, Concerns, Communications and Reports.
No reports ,communications or reports given by the members of the board at this time.
3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Forum (204.12) Patrons interested in speaking need to sign in. The public comment portion of the BOE meeting is limited to 30 minutes with Individual comments being limited to 5 minutes per participant.
Patrons at the board meeting to speak: Brenda Dittmar representing Oconto Cattle Feeders concerning the donation of the beef from them. Todd Ibach present to voice his concerns in support of the ag program at SEM. Brock Elsen concerned about the school calendar with AKSARBEN being moved to Grand Island for the coming year. Other visitors present: Erika Kappel, Sage Williams, Barb Ibach, Laurie Smith and Janice Wolfinger. |
3.1. Presentation from SEM Senior Class
Executive Summary The Senior class wishes to present to the board their wishes for Senior Trip. The seniors have asked to be on the agenda to present their itinerary for the boards approval and support. At this time I have no additional information.
Sage Williams was present representing the Senior Class to talk to the School Board about a Senior Trip that is being planned to Missouri Lake of the Ozarks. Itennary was handed out and questions by the board were discussed. Fifteen Students and two teacher sponsors May 22nd to the 25th. Two vans are being asked to be used for transportation after Graduation.
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Bryce Williams gave a report on the budget meeting that he had with Mr. Finkey and explained to the board that a review of the roof will be done tomorrow with Dave Jeffery with consideration of adding that expense to the budget planning.
5. Committee Reports & Updates
5.1. Nebraska Beef in Schools
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Matt Hothem, Shana Beattie, Mr. Finkey and Robbin Richards went down to Hebron to Thayer Central School to attend the Nebraskas Beef Summit. Custer County Feeders donated 200 lbs of beef for the school. April 20th (Thursday) is the kick off and Custer County Feeders will donate another 75 lbs for hamburgers on that day. Can school over time pay for the process of these meat donations. Invitations will be made and distributed. Beef in Schools is this program being supported.
5.2. SEM Foundation
Matt Hothem representing the SEM Foundation reported to the board the Biannual Family Fun Night is set for April 8th which includes a fun night of games and a movie. Matt also reported that the bricks for the wall are done and an art design is being done by the Art class that will be the center of the bricks. Look for the bricks to be hung soon.
6. Curriculum
6.1. Needs Assessment Curriculum Alignment
Executive Summary: The needs assessment has the recommendations and rationale for the Curriculum Alignment. In addition the statement documented by Marcia Herring at the Jan. 31 special meeting shows the districts needs to maintain and grow. “S-E-M School District: quality education to prepare students for college; meet standards and be in compliance; prepared students (employable and post-secondary); maintain and grow the district; and create problem solvers.” |
6.2. Review school improvement plan
Executive Summary The district will be working to develop new continuous school improvement (CIP) goals. The Frameworks Accreditation Visitation was Thursday March 16, and on Friday March 17th the staff will meet to review the success of the most recent plan, and to set goals for the next visitation scheduled for SEM in 2022. The major focus of the 2017 (5-year) plan was on reading. The data shows reading improvement, and we will share with the board the findings from the 3/15/17 visitation.
6.3. Review Alternative Education Program
Executive Summary: Within the 500 series policy review is school board policy 502.09 and Administrative regulation 502.09R. Currently 502.09 and 502.09R are not part of SEM policy. I am recommending that the board approve both the policy and AR. Rationale: The policy provides and alternative for students who have been long term suspended or expelled. Note: The alternative education is not credit recovery, however SEM does utilize Odyssey-ware as an on-line alternative for students needing credit recovery. |
7. Policy Update
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.1. Consideration of Administrative Regulation 502.02R Nonresident students
Executive Summary I recommend the approval of Administrative Regulation 502.02R Nonresident Students. Rationale: Although the district does not currently access a tuition fee on nonresident students, there is policy in place (502.02) and in the event that the board made a determination to require nonresident student to pay tuition, the regulation would be in place. 502.02R WOULD NOT change current tuition status,
7.2. Consider adopting policy 502.09 Alternative School, Class or Program.
Executive Summary By law, if a student is long term suspended or expelled from school, the school district is in most cases still liable for that students education. Policy 502.09 would insure that the district has policy in place to meet these student rights.
7.3. Consider Adoption of Administrative Regulation 502.09R Alternative Schools
Executive Summary Recommendation: I would recommend that with the Adoption of Policy 502.09 the board also adopt Administrative Regulation 502.09R to ensure board policy is upheld. Rationale: Policy 502.09 deals with the broad coverage of how a student who has been long term suspended will be educated. Administrative Regulation 502.09R provides the administration with direction and a fine description of how the policy should be enforced.
7.4. Consideration of review/Revised Policy 503.03 Student Absence
Executive Summary: Recommendation: In the case of board policy 503.03 I have no recommendation to the board on the length of daily attendance a student must have in order to participate, only that a decided consistency in the process be determined. Contradiction of policies Board Policy 503.03 states that a student must be in school at least 1/2 day before being allowed to participate in extracurricular activities that day. Student Handbook Article 9, Section 4, #3 states a that a student must be in school 1 full day before being allowed to participate in extracurricular activities that day.
7.5. Consideration of Adopting Administrative Regulation 503.04R
Executive Summary: Recommendation: I would recommend the adoption of Administrative Regulation 503.04R Rationale: AR 502.04R provides for consistency and provides clear terminology when dealing with attendance. |
7.6. Consideration of Board Policy 503.05 -- Student Release During School Hours
Executive Summary: Recommendation: Adopt policy 503.05 -- Release During School Hours Rationale: The policy clearly defines the process for students leaving the school prior to the end of the day. The policy provides; consistency, clarity, like terminology and addresses safety issues. |
7.7. Consider Administrative Regulation 504.01R Student Rights and Responsibilities.
Executive Summary: Recommendation: Adopt Administrative Regulation 504.01R Student Rights and Responsibilities. Rationale: Student Due Process is very important. Following the correct processes and procedures are important for both the student and the district. AR 504.01R will help to provide a clear and organized manner to make sure due process rights are not violated
7.8. Consider adoption of Administrative Policy 504.03R -- Student Conduct
Executive Summary: Recommendation: Adopt AR 504.03R Student Conduct. Rationale: 504.03R will provide clear and defined conduct, with consequences for behaviors that are in violation of school policy. The AR will help ensure consistency in dealing with student behaviors and their consequences. |
7.9. Consider revising Policy 504.04
Executive summary Currently policy 504.04 states Conduct on "Bus(es)" I would recommend that the board rephrases the statement to, "all school owned/leased or rented transportation." Rationale: We are transporting frequently by vans and have at least one group traveling in rented transportation. I would like to avoid any loophole by not including all means of transportation. |
7.10. Consider adopting Administrative Regulation 504.06R Student Appearance.
Executive Summary RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the adoption of Administrative Regulation 504.06R Student Appearance.
Rationale: Very often policy covering such issues as student dress and appearance can be ambiguous. The AR will help provide clarity and give guidelines for adhering to policy. |
7.11. Consider adopting Administrative Regulation 504.18R -- Harassment of/by students.
Executive Summary: Recommendation: Adopt AR 504.18R Harassment of/by students. Rationale: 504.18R provides students, staff and administration with guidelines dealing with any form of harassment, but especially detailing sexual harassment.
7.12. Consideration of board policy 504.19 Student Fees
Executive Summary: Recommendation: Adopt policy 504.19 Student Fees Rationale: Currently we do not have any students requesting waivers for student fees, however I feel that this is something that will happen in the future and we do not currently have policy in place. I feel that if the board adopts this policy it needs to be included in the SEM Student/Parent handbook. |
7.13. Consideration of Policy 506.01 Student Activity Eligibility
Executive Summary: Recommendation: The only recommendation that I have for policy 506.01 is to change the language to read Semesters instead of semester. Rationale: We have some activities that carryover for more than one semester. Take the winter sports for example. They start in the first semester yet end in the second semester. I think it help clarify by using the term semesters. Review: I would recommend that the board review the student handbook on eligibility. I feel the boards guidance in this area will be helpful in reducing questions and concerns. The boards leadership in this area will also help to express the boards views on academics. |
7.14. Consider adopting Policy 506.08 Student Fund Raising
Executive Summary: Recommendation: Adopting policy 506.08 Student Fund Raising Rationale: SEM has many different groups that fund through the year. At this time, there are not restrictions or limitations to help guide any fund raising. The communities that support SEM are very generous, but I have had concerns about constantly seeking support. This policy would help set guidelines for fund-raising. |
7.15. Consideration of Administrative Regulation 506.08R Student Fund Raising
Executive Summary: Recommendation, with the adoption of board policy 506.08 I would recommend that the board also adopts AR 506.08. Rationale: AR 506.08 provides guidelines and a more detailed means of adhering to board policy. |
7.16. Consider Administrative Regulation 506.09R Student Activities Funds
Executive Summary: RECOMMENDATION: I recommend the adoption of Administrative Regulation 506.09R Student Activities Funds. Rationale: The district has many different student activity funds, including but not limited to; classes, athletics, organizations, and other various groups. The policy sets in place the guidelines for the funds, the administrative regulations help the district follow guidelines and insure consistence in dealing with student funds.
7.17. Consider adopting Administrative Regulation 507.01R -- Student Record Access
Executive Summary: Recommendation: I recommend the board adopts AR 507.01R -- Student Record Access. Rationale: The board policy is in place, the administrative regulation will help provide structure to enforce policy. With the ever concerning need for confidentiality, I think it would be prudent of the board to adopt the regulation. |
7.18. Consider adopting board policy 507.03 -- Student Photographs
Executive Summary: Recommendation: I recommend that the board adopt policy 507.03 student photographs. Rationale: Currently the district has this practice, but there is no policy in place that will help to support any decisions, concerns or conflicts that may arise. With student privacy a rising concern, I believe it would be in the best interest of the district to have this policy in place. |
7.19. Consider Board Policy 508.15 Concussion Awareness
Executive Summary Recommendation: I recommend the adoption of board policy 508.15 Concussion awareness Rationale: In addition to being mandated by LB 260, the Concussion Awareness Act, it is a matter of safety for our students. Not only are athletes subject the possibilities of concussions but all students. Anytime a student is subjected to any type of head or traumatic injury concussion protocols must be followed.
500 series Board Policy was tabled until April meeting for futher
8. Administrative Report
8.1. Principal's Report -- Mr. Schmidt
8.2. Principal/Guidance Report -- Mr. Doud
8.3. Superintendent Report -- Mr. Finkey
9. Business Items
9.1. Acknowledgement of notification of resignation due to retirement
Executive Summary: Mrs. Betty Warnke has submitted her resignation effective at the end of the 2016-2017 school year. Mrs. Warnke has decided to retire. There is no need for the board to accept her resignation since she will be retiring at the end of her contract. It would be my RECOMMENDATION for the board to note her years of service and thank her for her time at SEM. NOTE: I notified the board by way of update that Mrs. Warnke was planning to retire. At that time we did place notifications in Nebraska educational agencies to recruit a person to not only file the 1/2 media specialist but to also be 1/2 technology. At this time we have three interested individuals.
Board President Marlin Berg thanked Mrs. Warnke for her years of service and dedication to SEM School. She will be retiring at the end of the 2016-2017
9.2. Teachers Contracts
Executive Summary: As of the current date there have been NO teachers inform me they would not be returning to SEM. There was one staff member who has indicated their intention to retire at the conclusion of the 2016-17 school year. Recommendation: I would be my recommendation to offer contract back to all staff. Rationale: There are no administrative concerns for our professional staff. At this time all professional staff have been observed, and evaluations have been completed, there are no concerns for any tenured or non-tenured staff.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Discussion Items
10.1. Awards/Trophies/Plaques Etc
Executive Summary: Now that the punch list is "basically" complete I feel we can being to start putting the awards etc back up on the walls. The cafeteria area continues to be a good location since a majority of the activities are in that area. However, the area around, or on the way to the concession stand area is also a good location to re-locate. My suggestion would be to use the wall area in the west building, just before entering the new addition as an area for the photo gallery (display board) and memorials, or achievement awards, scholarships etc. Then use the entry way to the competition gym to display the athletic/Extracurricular awards. I would like to see SEM develop an area for the extracurricular, no athletic awards. I know that some are displayed in the individual classrooms, i.e. band, FFA, but those are not able to be seen by everyone. Just my thoughts.
After discussion about where to hang the pictures and place the trophies, it was decided to wait until the foundation bricks were hung first and see a space that would work.
10.2. Discussion of CIP Accreditation
Executive Summary Currently I do not have anything for this item, nor will I prior to March 15th. The Accreditation visit will be on Wednesday March 15th. I have included the SEM CIP Portfolio that was submitted to the external visitation team and NDE.
The Board is looking forward to the report from the CIP Accreditation committee that will help us to move forward in a positive way. All of the committee commented on how the SEM students were very polite and were very impressed with the teachers. A board workshop to prioritize items that need purchased or repaired and to address the CIP Accreditation report was set for March 28th at 7:30 p.m. in the school library. |
11. Adjourn
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
NEXT regular board meeting will be April 10th, 2017 at 8:00 p.m.