May 8, 2017 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |||||
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
2. Call to Order
A regular board meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sumner-Eddyville-Miller, in the State of Nebraska was held in the School Library on the 8th day of May, 2017 at 8:00 p.m Present were: Mrs. Beattie, Mr Berg, Mr Glatter, Mr. Hothem, Mr. Williams, Supt. Finkey, Principal Doud, Principal Schmidt and McFarland.
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recieted, roll call taken and everyone was remided by Board President Marlin Berg of the Open Meeting Law posted in the library.
2.2. Roll Call of Members
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2.3. Approval of Agenda
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2.4. Members Questions, Comments, Concerns, Communications and Reports.
Mr Williams acknowledged the activities that have been held at school lately and the attendance shows that there are lots of positive things going on at SEM. He noted that the positive attitudes are so important as we move forward.
Motion to reject the bid for the remaining three bundles of wood from the old gym was withdrawn due to error in publishing the bid. |
3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Forum
Board President Berg welcomed the guests present: Mr. Heckinlively , Mrs. Ibach, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Wolfinger and Mrs. Kappel.
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
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5. Administrative Report
5.1. Principal's report -- Mr. Schmidt
The State is implementing a new test that would take the place of one of the tests used at SEM. Class schedules were discussed and the new media specialist will be taking on some more elementary computer classes for next year. Calendar for the 2017-2018 school year was discussed. Suggestions were: graduation on Saturday, May 12. Mr. Schmidt will be working more on the 2017-2018 calendar for next next month approval. Semester tests will be starting tomorrow. Cell phones in the classroom was discussed and plans for next year are being worked on for publication in the school handbook. Rules, culture of today and teaching the student on both of these are important.
5.2. Guidance Counselors/Adm Report -- Mr. Doud
Grandparents Day was attended by 126 and was a big success. Thanks to the Student Council... pictures were taken of the grandparents given to the students to take home the next day. Possible move next year to the fall and have on a Friday. Coordinate with an elem. honor day and a volleyball and football game... October 6 was a tentative date. Juniors tested at the Community hall had a nice breakfast cooked by the administration and the Juniors enjoyed the test being there. Sometime in January would be a good time to start the texting. 10 juniors registered for dual credit classes for next year. |
5.3. Superintendent's Report -- Mr. Finkey
Mr. Finkey discussed with the board updates on the State Legislature and how it may effect our district. Restrooms on 2nd and 3rd floors will be getting a redo on the floors in those areas. New gym floor will be repainted this summer and the light for the FB field flagpole will be done. Repairs on the kitchen refrigerator were complete and the need for a new one will be put on hold. |
6. Business Items
6.1. Consideration of Recommendation of Extra Duty Assignments
Executive Summary: In the attachment I have provided an executive summary of the recommendations for extra duty assignments at SEM. My recommendation would be to maintain all assignments from 2016-2017 with some possible areas for consideration. We have advertised within for the position of boys assistant BB coach and assistant wresting coach. I believe other sponsorships are currently covered. The board does need to consider if the number of coaches/sponsors in extra duty areas for necessary. PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT FOR LIST & EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
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6.2. Consideration of Recommendation of Haley Wiseman for the position of Librarian/Media-Technology Specialist.
Executive Summary: With the retirement of Mrs. Betty Warnke from the position of Librarian (.5 -- FTE) and considering the board of educations interests in providing a technology staff member, I recommend the board offering a contract to Haley Wiseman. This position would include .5 Librarian and .5 technology specialist. Mrs. Wiseman is a fully endorsed educator having a professional certificate that was issued int May of 2014. Her endorsed ares include: Language Arts/Social Studies endorsement middle school with a Library Media Specialist Certification. Mrs. Wiseman's experience includes; 3 years of experience at Gibbon Public Schools as a Media/Distance Learning assistant and after-school tutor. In addition to her library duties she held duties of troubleshooting technology issues, designing and implementing technology in the classroom, facilitating computer technology and classroom technologies. Her technology integrations include a wide variety of computer technology. In addition to Mrs. Wiseman's abilities in the Library and technology, I anticipate utilizing Mrs. Wiseman's skills in language arts and social studies. I feel she could be a significant asset as we consider interventions for reading with the students as they advance from 5th grade, as suggested by the external visitation team.
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6.3. Open & Consider bids for Roof & Playgound
Executive Summary: The bid process was posted and met legal guideline. Mr. Dave Jeffery handled the bid package and it was posted for bid opening on May 8, 2017 at the BOE meeting.
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7. Discussion Items
8. Adjourn
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