February 12, 2018 at 12:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
The regular board meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sumner-Eddyville-Miller, in the State of Nebraska was held in the School Library on the 12th day of February at 12:00 Noon.. Present were: Beattie, Berg, Hothem, Glatter, Williams, Burden Superintendent Finkey, and L. McFarland.
2. Call to Order
Notice of the meeting was given in advance thereof by publishing in the Beacon Observer on Thursday, February 8th, 2018 for the meeting to be held on Monday, February 12, 2018. Notice was posted January 5th in the Villages of Sumner-Eddyville-Miller. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the published notice. All proceedings hereafter as shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. This meeting conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 84, Article 14.
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by school board president Bryce Williams at 12:10 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, Mr. Williams reminded everyone of the Open Meeting Law posted in the library and roll call was taken .
2.2. Roll Call of Members
2.3. Approval of Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2.4. Members Questions, Comments, Concerns, Communications and Reports.
Newly elected school board president Bryce Williams thanked Marlin Berg for all the service and hard work he has done as School Board President the past several years. President Williams explained a letter he had sent to the board members that briefly explained his expectations for future board meetings. There were no communications or reports to be presented.
3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Forum
Visitors present were Brock Elsen and Tim Dean representing Paulsen Construction.
Brock Elsen was present to request that the board meetings and changes to the board meetings be sent out over the communication system rather than publishing in the Beacon Observer or posting the notice so the information will get to the puclic in a timely manner. Tim Dean representing Paulsen Construction answered questions and discussed with the board options to correct fhe floor in the hallway in front of the new gym. Board viewed the hallway with Mr. Dean. |
4. Consent Agenda
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5. Administrative Report
5.1. Principal's Report
Principal Schmidt's report was reviewed and discussed.
Deadline for the reVISION Grant is May 1st and what's going on in the high school will be in the next report.
5.2. Superintendent's Report
Continuous school improvement met last Friday and beginning to take shape. All decided that 2 sets of goals are needed.
Questions were answered and items discussed.
6. Consideration of payment request for Paulsen Inc. Services
Executive Summary:
NOTE: See attachment for the itemized statement. Contract For: Self Perform Trade Contract Work in the amount of $11,191.93 |
7. Business Items
7.1. Consideration of Proposal for floor project
Executive Summary
Mr. Tim Dean from Paulsen's Inc. will be present at the February 12, BOE meeting and will discuss the options that SEM has to rectify the hall floor. I have been in discussion with Mr. Dean and Patrick Moore and Wilkins' architecture. Patrick Moore assured me that they will stand behind the district and the fact that the floor does not meet industry standards. Mr. Dean and Mr. Moore have told me there are three possible solutions; 1) banding of the edges of the floor and potential mascot imprinted on the floor. 2) Do nothing and receive approximately $7,100.00 return, 3) remove the floor and replace it.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.2. Consideration of SEM BOE negotiations agreement with the SEM-EA.
Executive Summary:
As of Wednesday, February 7th, the SEM-EA and the SEM BOE appear to have reached an agreement for the negotiated agreement for the 2018-2019 school year. The agreement is attached.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
7.3. Consideration of payment for Paulsen Inc.
Executive Summary:
NOTE: Please see the attached itemized invoice. A contract for Construction Manager @ Risk Services in the amount of $30,458.00.
Break from 1:55 p.m. to 2:05 p.m.
8. Discussion Items
8.1. Discussion of Early Retirement Incentive Program
Executive Summary:
The board currently has a policy in place that allows for an Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP) 408.06. From best recollection, it has been about 10 years since the BOE has made this program available for teachers. With this policy, the board can determine the incentive package. In some cases, the incentive is only monetary but there is also the potential to provide insurance as an incentive. I have attached policy 408.06
Discussion for a plan for early retirement incentive was discussed.
Mr. Finkey was advised to draw a plan up to be reviewed at the March 2018 board meeting.
8.2. Discussion of potential coaching staff, outside the district
Executive Summary:
In Nebraska, the following requirements are needed for a non-certified teacher to coach. A certified teacher with or without a coaching certificate is allowed to coach in Nebraska. A non-certified teacher is required to possess the following: 1) Completion of a course in NFHS First Aid, Health, and Safety. 2) Completion of a course in NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching. 3) Completion of the Human Relations Training Requirement 4) Completion of the two (2) courses listed above will meet the Human Relations Training requirement for this permit only Applicants will have to complete the above courses and file transcripts, submit to a fingerprint check and register with the Nebraska Department of Education. I bring this information to the attention of the board because there is potential now and in the future that it may become difficult to find a qualified individual for a coaching position. The potential exists that we may have coaching positions open, however, have no teaching positions available to attract coaches.
Board was informed that the position of the potential coaching staff might need to be outside the district.
Board will support Mr. Finkey to open the position to the public and know they will support him in this decision. |
8.3. Discussion of handicap accessible bus
Executive Summary:
Following the January meeting, I contacted several bus companies about the purchase of a mid-sized bus, that was designed as a handicap accessible. Through the process, I have found there are not a large number of these types of buses available. Currently, I have found three buses that fit our needs, two used and one new.
Board advised Mr. Finkey to do more research on the different buses available and give the information to the transportation committee for consideration for a business
item on the March 12, 2018 school board meeting agenda. It was recommended that the Board needs to set up a decision for handy cap bus and a new bigger bus. |
8.4. Discussion on items from the Negotiations Committee
Executive Summary:
During the 2018-2019 negotiations process, there were three items presented by the SEM-EA that the Negotiations committee did not accept as negotiated items, but did assure the SEM-EA that the items would be discussed with the entire board. Those items included: 1) Tuition reimbursement 2) Licensure reimbursement 3) Teacher Liaison at the board table
Considerations from negotiation agreement were discussed.
9. Policy
9.1. SEM BOE Policy 1006.01 Community Use of School District Building, Sites, and Equipment.
Executive Summary:
Currently, the facility is becoming more popular for stakeholders, as they are using the building to exercise and develop personal fitness. Currently, we have thirty different individual or families with access passes to the building, and I feel confident in saying the popularity is growing. With the increased use of the facility, I believe it is important that the board review the policy on usage and make sure the best interests of the district and the public are being met. I personally feel it is a great opportunity for community members, but I do feel the board may wish to discuss certain issues such as times available for usage, what areas are available for usage, supervision while using the facility, etc. or direct the administration to develop more specific usage limits.
Board discussed that the hours of use for the facility to the public would have to be set. This discussion item will be an action item on the March board agenda.
10. Closed Session
10.1. Cafeteria/Hot Lunch program Staffing
Executive Summary
Sara Dodd took an extended leave at the end of the first semester and the beginning of the second semester in an attempt to help with the situation with Doug. Although she has currently returned to her position, and preparing for the 2018 program audit, Sara is struggling with some on-going personal and family health issues. Currently, the district has two part-time people working in the kitchen assisting Mrs. Clement. Sara has recommended that we keep LaDean on as a temporary full-time person for the kitchen. Sara would deal with all managerial issues including but not limited to; menus, ordering, inventory, state and federal paperwork etc.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Adjourn
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Next regular board meeting of the SEM School Board will be on Monday, March 12, 2018.