March 14, 2018 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Opening the meeting
The regular March meeting of the Sumner-Eddyville-Miller School District Board of Education is called to order on March 12, 2018, at 8:00 P.M., in the Board/Conference Room, 205 East 2nd Avenue, Sumner, NE 68878.
2. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
The regular board meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sumner-Eddyville-Miller, in the State of Nebraska was held in the School Library on the 14th day of March at 8:00 p.m. . Present were: Beattie, Berg, Hothem, Glatter, Williams, Burden Principal Schmidt, Superintendent Finkey, and L. McFarland.
3. Call to Order
Notice of the meeting was posted on March 8th, 2018 in the Villages of Sumner-Eddyville-Miller for the meeting to be held on WEDNESDAY, March 14, 2018 at 8:00 p.m. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the published notice. All proceedings hereafter as shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. This meeting conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 84, Article 14.
3.1. Pledge of Allegiance
The meeting was called to order by school board president Bryce Williams at 8:00 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, Mr. Williams reminded everyone of the Open Meeting Law posted in the library and roll call was taken .
3.2. Roll Call of Members
4. Approval of Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5. Public Comment
Members of the public who wish to be heard are required to sign in. A list for public comment is placed on the desk by the conference room door. The board will make available a total of thirty (30) minutes open for public comment, allowing five (5) minutes per individual.
The board advises the public that all public comment should be general in the scoop and not specific to district staff or board of education. If the public has concerns or complaints about someone or something, please follow the board's complaint or concerns policy 1005.01. ????? PLEASE NOTE: Slander Oral defamation, in which someone tells one or more persons an untruth about another, which untruth will harm the reputation of the person defamed. Slander is a civil wrong (tort) and can be the basis for a lawsuit. Damages (payoff for worth) for slander may be limited to actual (special) damages unless there is malicious intent, since such damages are usually difficult to specify and harder to prove. Some statements, such as an untrue accusation of having committed a crime, having a loathsome disease or being unable to perform one's occupation, are treated as slander per se since the harm and malice are obvious and therefore usually result in general and even punitive damage recovery by the person harmed. Words spoken over the air on television or radio are treated as libel (written defamation) and not slander on the theory that broadcasting reaches a large audience as much as if not more than printed publications
No public comments. Matt Hothem reported that the SEM School Foundation Banquet and Auction will be April 14, 2018 with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. Prime Rib will be the dinner served and the Eddyville Rodeo Club will host a Social Hour at the Community Hall at 5:00 p.m. Changes to the meeting and table arrangement for the board meeting were ideas from the new Board President retreat that was attended by Bryce Williams and Supt Finkey. Marcia Herring had suggested some ideas for improving board meetings. |
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
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Question by Mrs. Beattie on the Service Master billing . Minutes want to be an attachment to the treas. consent agenda was asked by Board President Williams. - Board agreed that the minutes need to be as an attachment.
6.2. Approval of Minutes
6.3. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
7. Administrative Report
7.1. Principal's Report
Principal Schmidt answered questions pertaining to the reVision grant . The deadline is May 1st,2018
7.2. Superintendent's Report
Storage locker / storage unit disposal of the contents was discussed. Some items will be put up for auction and some at the silent auction. Discussion to put some of the items at the Foundation supper in the lobby for purchase.
Lunch audit / the things on the audit are being addressed. Supt. Finkey explained some of the audit areas of concern. No students from SEM participated in the nation walk out.
8. Business Items
8.1. Approval of Principal's Contract for Mr. Schmidt for 2018-2019 School Year.
Executive Summary:
I have completed administrative evaluation of Mr. Schmidt. The 15 page document includes Nebraska Department of Education standards and best practices. Mr. Schmidt's on-going three-year evaluation includes standards on; vision, school culture for learning, school learning environment and relationships, academic standards and assessment, working with parents and stakeholders, and being part of an administrative team. By statute, the evaluation process of all staff is highly confidential. Records are maintained in a personnel file and available only to the staff member. However, I can report that I have been working collaboratively with Mr. Schmidt on areas of development, and can say with confidence that I have observe significant professional improvement in all areas of his work, and can report that we have an on-going development plan for continued success. During the last evaluation process, all areas of focus were address with noted and observed improvement. I would be my recommendation to offer Mr. Schmidt a contract of 2018-2019 school year, with a percentage of increase to be the same of the staff increase.
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8.2. Consideration of Temporary Early Retirement Incentive Plan (TERIP)
Executive Summary:
A Temporary Early Retirement Incentive Plan (TERIP) has been used by the S.E.M. District and board of education in the past. In policy 408.06 (attached) the board may offer a TERIP to full-time certificated employees who are eligible for the program. Eligibility for the program is to be the developed by the superintendent and enforced through administrative regulation (attached). The one area of interest (and potentially the only area) for qualified teachers is continuation of health insurance. This insurance coverage would be for three additional years, at there currently level. In the provided attachment, an example model of the potential benefits to the district and to the employee are detailed. There are several variations that must be taken into consideration when considering the financial benefit amounts of a new hire, such as; experience, education, and insurance status. Although the typical and predictable scenarios are presented in the attachment, other scenarios are possible. However, through my findings I would anticipate a financial benefit to the district ranging in the amounts of $15K to $70K over a three year period of time. Beginning in year 4, the potential savings in increase by approximately $20K, for several years. My recommendation would be to approve the TERIP for the 2018-2019 school year. In addition to financial benefits, the potential teaching opening may attract interested individuals with coaching experience. Business item 8.2 will be Administrative Regulation 408.06AR and I would recommend approval of this items as well.
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8.3. Consideration of Service Contract with Trane
Executive Summary:
With the completion of the project, in my professional opinion it is important for the district to help protect the investment of the made by the board and stakeholders. A recommendation from the project director and project architects was to enter into a service contract with a professional service. The heating and air system has created problems for the district in the past, and I feel that between Paulsen Inc and Snell services we have really reached their limits of expertize on this issue. Trane is a highly recommended name in heating and air, and have experience with school projects and the special needs that districts like ours have. For example, we have multiple units that at best work together in a limited fashion the way they are currently designed. One of our biggest issues have been with the Mitsubishis system and finding someone qualified to work with and on it. Trane has those experts. Additionally, the under ground based heat source, water loop has provided the district with some problematic issues, Trane realizes the investment and has the abilities to help us maximize our efforts. Trane has been to SEM on two different occasions to inspect the system and recommend services for the district. Through there inspection they have identified some of the problems we knew we had, and their recommendations for future actions. In both cases, the inspections and recommendations were complimentary and required nothing from us. I have talked with other superintendents about their experiences with Trane, and they come highly recommended. They are quick to respond and have the personnel to manage problems that arise. Attached to the agenda is the service contract agreement from Trane. The Annual contract would be $20,815. The scope of their service is listed on the attachment. As you look at the services, I believe currently Mr. Sleicher expertize is limited to the replacement of filters, which although Mark is capable to do this, it is a long process, where is time and efforts could be focused in other areas of school maintenance. I recommend that with Trane's outstanding track record the district should move into a service contract with Trane.
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Annual contract .. we are having Mark do the changing of the filters and matainance. There are things that need repaired now that Mark can not do . Major repairs are not included in the contract. Current issues are NOT in the contract. Inspections and testing have been done.
8.4. Consideration of purchase of new school bus, handicap assessable.
Executive Summary:
Over the past few meetings, the board has asked for update and advice on a new school bus. I have worked with several different bus companies and feel that this is the best bus for our needs, that can be ready by the start of school in August of 2018. The cost of $61,995 would cover the bus cost delivered to SEM. and the lettering on the bus. The bus is a NEW 24+1 Type A. This bus IS NOT modified to be handicap accessible, it was built to be handicap accessible. There is also the capabilities of removing 2 sets and adding space for another handicap chair. This bus has the size that it can be used for class field trips etc., and can also be used as a route bus to facilitate the needs of a student restricted by wheel chair.
Discussion was held on the purchase of a new school bus and it was decided and agreed by the school board to get more information and specs on the buses being considered and turn the process over to the Transportation committee to further decide which bus is the best fit for SEM and bring the information to the April board meeting for a vote.
8.5. Consideration of iPad cart and 20 iPads for the upper elementary.
Executive Summary:
The upper level elementary teachers (4-6 grades) have made a technology request for 20 iPads and an iPad charging/storage cart. In addition I believe it would be in our best interest to invest in iPad covers to prevent damage from accidental drops. Advantages to iPads (Staff Comments):
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8.6. Consideration of Floor Project
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Executive Summary:
Following the February 2018 board meeting, I was directed to contact Paulsen Inc., specifically Mr. Tim Dean and propose the boards request of; accepting the banding of the floor & floor logo, but also would like to Paulsen's to re-finish the bathroom floors with the same floor covering as in the locker rooms. The board believes this should be at Paulsen's expense. I contacted Mr. Dean and shared the boards request, Mr. Dean's written response can be found in my board report, but in summary Mr. Dean stated Paulsen would supervise the work, but the expense would be to the District. He was not changing his (Paulsen's) original offer. My recommendation would be for the board to accept Paulsen's offer for the banding of the floor and the etching of the school mascot. I do personally feel the restrooms would look great with the new floor covering, but at this point I feel there are other areas in the district that would benefit from the dollars that would be spent on the floor. |
8.7. Approval of 2018-2019 School Calendar
Executive Summary
I have review the 2018-2019 School Calendar and find that is meets the school boards standards on 184 teacher days in service with the district, and 178 student days. The calendar provides for regular professional development time, and thoughtful breaks for students and their families. I have observed Mr. Schmidt's attempts for teacher and student input, and I feel this calendar represents the calendar that best meets everyone interests. I would recommend that the board approve the 2018-2019 calender.
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9. Discussion Items
9.1. Policy
Executive Summary
As part of legislative requirements, board policy is required to be reviewed on an annual/bi-annual basis. Continuing review will be with BOE policy 200 -- School Board. Additionally, NASB suggest review of Attendance policies during the March meeting. The policies that SEM has in place meet the requirements and I would recommend that after review of the policies the board move to approve these policies as written. |
9.1.1. Policy 202.01 -- Board Member Code of Conduct
Executive Summary:
Policy 202 deals with school board member conduct. Policy 202.01 is entitled "Board Member Code of Ethics." After our (Mr. Williams and myself) attendance with NASB during the president's retreat, which had a significant focus on board meeting process and procedures, it was recommended to review our 200 series policies.
9.1.2. Policy 202.02 -- Board Member Conflict of Interest
Executive Summary:
Policy 202.02 is a continuation of Policy 202 review. Executive Summary Attachment -- Board Self Assessments tool According to policy 202.03, the board shall conduct an annual assessment
9.1.3. Policy 202.03 -- Board Self-Evaluation
Executive Summary:
Continuation of Policy Review of Section 202 |
9.1.4. Policy 202.04 -- Ethics Violations
Executive Summary:
Continuation of Policy section 200 review
9.1.5. Policy 503.01 Compulsory Attendance
Executive Summary:
One of the guiding factors for Agenda development is the NASB Annual Calendar. One consideration for the March meeting is the review of Attendance. SEM policy 503.01 is a standard policy that meets state statute, my recommendation would be to review the policy and approve.
9.1.6. Policy 503.02 -- Student Attendance Record
Executive Summary:
Policy 503.02 is a standard policy meeting state statute.
9.1.7. Policy 503.03 -- Student Absence Excused
Executive Summary:
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10. Adjourn
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