October 14, 2019 at 8:45 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
The regular September meeting of the Sumner-Eddyville-Miller School District Board of Education will be held on Monday, October 14, 2019, at 8:45pm, in the Special Education Room, 205 East 2nd Avenue, Sumner, NE 68878
2. Call to Order
Notice of the meeting was posted on Ocotber 11th, 2019 in the Villages of Sumner, Eddyville and Miller and posted in the Beacon, in local post offices, to the SEM Mustang school web site and over the school reach notification system for the board meeting to be held on October 14th, 2019 at 8:45 p.m. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the published notice. All proceedings hereafter as shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. This meeting conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 84, Article 14 posted in the Special Education. School Board President Williams opened the meeting at 8:46pm
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2.2. Roll Call of Members
2.3. Approval of Agenda
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3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Forum
Kris Shoemaker, Barb Ibach, John Rohde, Lois McKenzie, Janice Wolfinger |
4. Consent Agenda
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Motion to approve consent agenda to include September minutes, and October bills and payroll, and treasurers report
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
5. Administrative Report
5.1. Principals Report
5.2. Superintendents Report
I will be sending my report directly to the board by email. My report will also be a report that will be to the public that deals with the new district AQuESTT classification. The report just came out on Tuesday, and we have had meetings both Wednesday and Thursday on the issues, and I have not yet completed out report. You will have it by Saturday afternoon.
6. Business Items
6.1. Purchase of building and land (old post office)
Executive Summary:
During the September regular BOE meeting a motion was made to purchase the land and existing building for $5,000.00 contingent on the amount of asbestos found and the cost of removal and demolition of the existing building. The school has asked for bids on removal, and as of today Thursday, October 10 at 3:35 PM we have had one bid for removal of asbestos from Great Plains Asbestos Control, Inc. (see attachment) at $6,700, with some exceptions. One bid from T.L. Sund Contructors Inc. for removal demo of building and land fill (see attachement) for a total of $13,200.00 In both of these expenditures, the cost would have to be made out of our general fund or our special buildings fund.
There was asbestos found, and it would be $6700 for the removal. $5000, to purchase the building. $13,200 to demo the building and fill with dirt. Total of $24,900. Plus the cost of putting something in that space. Only consideration is that the building sets on the block that the school occupies.
7. Discussion Items
7.1. Review of fall district enrollment figures
Student Enrollment:
The student enrollment is the highest it has been in 16 years, with a total number of students 216 students PK-12. Over the past 14 years the district has had an official average of 196.2 students. The low enrollment number dates back to 2004 with a 174 students, however there were no preschool students included until 2007.
7.2. Review of Statewide District Assessment Results
7.3. Review/Discussion of Superintendent Evaluation Tool
Executive Summary:
In 2018 the SEM BOE made the decision to change the Superintendent Evaluation Tool and utilize NASB's electronic evaluation form. The the Superintendent contract on the agenda for the November meeting the board needs to determine the evaluation model they will use, and complete the process so NASB can calculate the board members individual evaluations and populate a summative report for the board. Since the models are fairly lengthy I will have hard copies for the board to look at during the October meeting. |
7.4. Priority Projects for 2019-2020 School Year
Executive Summary:
The BOE has a few significant projects that they have asked for additional information on. For planning and budget purposes, It would be highly beneficial to the process to know the priority list. Mr. Schmidt has identified some topics in his principals report and I believe it would be a great idea to set some goals and timelines. Item 1 Weight Room Equipment The weight room has been completed with a few minor items on the punch list. It is ready for occupancy and well will begin moving the weight equipment that we can re-purpose. With the scope of what I would consider essential equipment or at least necessary weight equipment, I believe the cost to be around $25,000. This expense would/could come out of the depreciation fund, since the district would be replacing outdated equipment. In addition, but not included in the $25,000 for equipment, the SEM Foundation has made a gracious donation of $10,000 to the weight room. I would like to ear mark this donation to focus on training and rehabilitation that can be used by both our students and community members. This type of equipment would include, treadmill, stair stepper, elliptical machine, bike etc. Item 2 Bleachers and floor Earlier in the year the board made a decision to look into replacing the bleacher in the competition gym. The project was tabled until a time that the project could be completed with little to no interruption with school or any athletic programs. If the board would like to have the project completed during the summer of 2020, then it is time to commit to the project and begin the process. The cost of the project was estimated at $80,000 which would not include the removal or the disposal of the old bleachers. In addition there would be an additional expense of about $15,000 to transform the old tile floor to conform to the gym floor so that the bleachers can roll in and out. In addition there would be the expense of the electrical power needed to supply the new bleacher system. Item 3: Ag room The board has shown interest in developing the Ag area into a more productive space. I have asked Mr. Schmidt to work with Mrs. Wolfinger to develop a plan for the shop area, and be able to express to the board the curriculum expectations for the shop. In my views, we have a good welding and metal fabrication area, the addition of the ventilation system three years ago has improved the area. With the addition of the new wall area the welding area will be in great shape. I know there is a need to improve the wood shop area, and develop that area, but my primary concern is the classroom area. I would like to see the classroom area renovated and enlarged. Mrs. Wolfinger has a strong classroom system, and I believe would benefit from developing the classroom area. In addition, the classroom is in need of improvements from a safety standpoint. Currently room does not meet safety standards, there are too many windows and little area of refuse for the occupants in a lockdown situation. At this time I am uncertain of what the cost of the ag project would be, mostly because I am uncertain of the scope of the project. The improvements fall under depreciation. Item 4: Bus Barn There was interest from the board in the possibility of constructing a bus barn. At this time we have done no leg work on this project and would have to get estimates if the board is interested. I do believe that this would be a benefit to the district, however, this would be new construction and would have to come from either the general fund or the special buildings fund, or the board has the option of trying to make this a bond issue building. For the 2019-2020 school year, I do not believe this is an option that would be doable under our current budget.
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8. Adjourn
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