November 11, 2019 at 7:30 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
The regular September meeting of the Sumner-Eddyville-Miller School District Board of Education will be held on Monday, November 11, 2019, at 7:30pm, in the Library, 205 East 2nd Avenue, Sumner, NE 68878
2. Call to Order
Notice of the meeting was posted on November 7th, 2019 in the Villages of Sumner, Eddyville and Miller and posted in the Beacon, in local post offices, to the SEM Mustang school web site and over the school reach notification system for the board meeting to be held on November 11th, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Availability of the agenda was communicated in the published notice. All proceedings hereafter as shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. This meeting conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 84, Article 14 posted in the Special Education. School Board President Williams opened the meeting at 7:31pm.
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2.2. Roll Call of Members
2.3. Approval of Agenda
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3. Recognition of Visitors/Public Forum
Brock Elsen, Grayden Anderson, Jen Anderson, Amber Reiter, Lois McKenzie, Tim Schroeder, Kris Shoemaker, John McArthur, Barb Ibach, Ryan Arbuthnot, George Arbuthnot, Darby Line, Janice Wolfinger
4. Consent Agenda
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4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
5. Administrative Report
5.1. Principals Report
5.2. Superintendent Report
6. Business Items
6.1. Declaration for NSAA on 6 or 8 man football
Executive Summary:
(See attached recommendation from Mr. Franzen and Mr. Schmidt) On Monday November 4th at 6:30 PM a community input meeting was held at SEM auditorium. There were over forty stakeholders present at the meeting to provide personal opinions about the next cycle of football for SEM. A decoration to the NSAA is required during the month of November for the next 2-year period. twenty-three different people speak at least once on the topic, with people speaking both for the 6-man game, and for the 8-man game. The community had a diverse group of people in attendance with those parents who currently have or will have students in FB next year, parents of students who are alumni of the program, and parents of students who are not yet at the age to play football. In addition to the stake holders, 4 board members were present in the audience, and the administration and athletic director were also present. The meeting lasted for 70 minutes with everyone speaking that wanted to speak. The meeting began with Mr. Schmidt welcoming everyone, and reviewing the agenda and notes he provided. The community members than spoke on their feelings, concerns and opinions. Although this was a highly emotional topic, the meeting was conducted with order, and although not everyone agreed with every statement, all comments were accepted without disruption. Interpretation of the meeting: (my perspective)
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Mr. Reiter asked and spoke about his concern about forfeiting games.
Mr. Williams read the recommendation made from Mr. Schmidt and Mr. Franzen.
6.2. Gym/Fitness Center/Building Facility Usage
Executive Summary:
On February 12, 2018 the board of education review and policy # 1006.01 "Community Use of School District Buildings, Sites and Equipment". In support of the policy a Usage of School Facilities Agreement Form was developed as well as a Release and Indemnification Agreement form. Individuals and/or groups need to complete the appropriate forms and gain approval to the facilities that have been identified. At the time the activity or event is to happen, the lead individual will be provided with entry key(s) and be solely responsible for the happenings within those areas. Return of the keys to office is required within a timely manor after the activity or event. All none school activity events will require a usage agreement. As an example, just because an individual is a school employee does not exempt them from this policy.
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Mr. Reiter - was curious about the use of a phone in case of an injury. Mr. Finkey said there is a pull alarm.
Mr. Hothem asked about an AED. |
6.3. Approval of NASB Superintendent evaluation tool.
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7. Discussion Items
7.1. Discussion (Continued) on Ag/Shop area
8. Adjourn
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