September 13, 2021 at 8:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Declaration of Intend – Open Meetings Act
Notice of the meeting was posted on September 7, 2021 in the Villages of Sumner, Eddyville and Miller and posted to the SEM Mustang school Facebook Page, and School Reach Call, for the board meeting to be held on September 13, 2021 at 8:00 p.m. All proceedings hereafter as shown were taken while the convened meeting was open to the attendance of the public. This meeting was conducted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 84, Article 14 posted in the School Library. Board President Matt Hothem opened the board meeting at 8:00pm.
2. Call to Order
2.1. Pledge of Allegiance
2.2. Roll Call of Members
2.3. Approval of Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Board Recognition of Guests
3.1. Recognition of Public Wishing to Address the Board
3.2. Recognition of SEM Students of the month with awards presentation by the board officers.
PK-4 - Presentation of Certificate & Medallion. (Mrs. Jana Hoos)
5-8 - Presentation of Certificate and Medallion. (Mr. Dirk Tripplet) 9-12 - Presentation of Certificate and Medallion, (Mr. Matt Hothem)
August 2021 - Students of the Month
Cort Berg Aleah Harder Behrenger Hoos Jacie Wolfinger |
3.3. Recognition of Laurie Smith, National Rural Education Association -- Teacher of the Year.
4. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.1. Approval of Minutes
4.2. Approval of the Monthly bills, Claims and Payroll
4.3. Approval of Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report.
5. Administrative Report
5.1. Teacher Report -- Roger Doud, Guidance Counselor
Mr. Doud will report on the Senior Passport and how they benefit seniors with their preparation transitioning from HS to Post-HS activities.
5.2. Principal's Report
5.3. Superintendent's Report
6. Board of Education Subcommittee Report(s)
6.1. Buildings and Grounds. (Effie McFarland Memorial Fund)
The school was gifted $ through the Effie McFarland Memorial with the idea that the district would use it for something special in the concessions area. This project would allow for this to happen. I recommend moving this to an action/business item for purchase consideration. |
6.2. Buildings and Grounds (Update of kitchen safety items)
Mrs. Scoville has a request for the replacement of 2 three-foot grease-proof fatigue mats in the Kitchen. I recommend moving this to an action/business item and purchasing the request. NOTE: I will visit with Mrs. Scoville on the process for requisitioning such items. These items should go through a requisition process, and then only come to the cord as an individual item if they are denied. My recommendation is to approve the purchase.
Mr. Triplett address the shop and ag area, the eyebrow in front of the building, special building options. There is money in a fund for the concession stand area or kitchen. Looking at new mats for the kitchen. New bus should arrive this month.
6.3. Buildings and Grounds Committee: Discussion of utilizing depreciation funds to fund the improvement of the current vocational education shop area.
Executive Summary:
The use of depreciation funds to improve the structure of the equipment is admissible within the statute. Where depreciation funds are available and will not increase the tax levy, they are still purchases under the general fund levy. I recommend a specific plan as to the renovation and cost analysis of the project(s). |
7. Notification of Required Reports or Reporting
7.1. Annual School Immunization Report Survey
Executive Summary:
According to Nebraska State Statute 79-217 through 79-223 and State Regulation 173 NAC 3; the board of education, school board, or governing authority shall assure that all school children are appropriately immunized prior to attending classes. Immunization requirements are not unique to Nebraska. All fifty states specify immunization and/or waiver requirements for school attendance. State Regulation 173 NAC 3 may be found at: Immunization records must be maintained for all students, but information on the following three groups needs to be reported: ·Students entering school for the first time (kindergarten or 1st grade). ·7th Graders ·All out-of-state transfer students (including foreign exchange students). |
8. Business Items
8.1. Consideration of Revision of Policy 2010
Executive Summary:
Whereas the current policy 2021 is complete and specific to developing the finalized agenda, it does not provide direction for board members to be able to request an item be placed on the agenda. The proposed revision does not alter the intent of 2010, but it does bring clarity and guidance for board members to recommend agenda items.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
NAY Votes: Reiter, Anderson, Triplett, Hothem, Hoos, Hrasky
8.2. Consideration of proposal from Buildings and Grounds committee
Mr. Triplet (Chair)
8.3. Consideration of Annual Emergency Safety Plan
Executive Summary:
Annually school boards are required to adopt the Emergency Safety Plan. Although we are continually working with state and local sources to refine the safety play, we currently have an excellent plan in place. In 2020-2021 SEM had two different external safety audits conducted. Both of the Audits are required. One audit is for ALICAP and the other audit is part of Rule 10. The ALICAP audit was conducted by Carl Deits and the Rule 10 Audit by Larry White. Both formal School district superintendents, now representing their companies respectively. A copy of their reports can be found as attachments to this proposal. Additionally, SEM has a safety and security committee headed up by Mr. James Beavers. As recommended, a teacher should be in charge of this process. Mr. Beavers has annual meetings and attends the State Conference on Safety and Security. It is my recommendation to the board to adopt the current Safety and Security Manual for 2021-2022. If revisions or additions are proposed, the board can again adopt the changes as need.
Business item 8.3 was tabled.
9. Discussion Items
9.1. Nebraska State Education Conference
Discussion of Members attending the Nebraska State Education Conference at the CHI center in Omaha.
Mr. Hothem encouraged the board members to attend the State Education Conference on November 18th and 19th.
Mrs. Anderson asked about the Labor Relations conference in October. |
9.2. Discussion of current COVID-19 protocols and TRPHD information
Executive Summary:
COVID 19 and the most recent Variant are again hot topics in the area, state, and nation. The board needs to be reviewing the current protocols and making considerations for another pandemic level health risk in our health district. I recommend that the board move this to a business item and make one of two decisions.
10. Executive Session
Public Interest Issue
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Adjourn
Mr. Hothem adjourned the meeting at 9:42.