September 23, 2022 at 3:30 PM - Board of Education Special Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
President Gould called the special meeting to order at 3:35 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
2. Motion to Excuse Board Member's Absence
Motion by Breitkreutz, second by Lange to approve the absence of Cathy Burklund. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
3. Open Meeting Law
The audience was reminded that Open Meeting Laws would be followed.
4. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the 2022-23 budget
The 2022-2023 budget would generate a tax asking of $9,187,579.00 which is an increase of $456,066 but a slightly reduced levy of $1.128779 due to increased property valuations (down from $1.131183). Reasons for the increased budget: 1) General Fund increased cost of staffing, health benefits, and special education costs; 2) 84% of our budget is human resources and we need to stay competitive to attract and retain the highest quality teaching and support staff for our students; 3) Maintaining four months of operating expenses in our general fund cash reserves; 4) Maintaining bond fund balance equivalent to one year of bond payments.
Motion by Gould, second by Blanchard to approve the 2022-2023 Budget as follows: General Fund - $11,963,042; Depreciation Fund - $1,936,086; Employee Benefit Fund - $121,088; Activities Fund - $937,208; School Nutrition Fund - $772,825; HS Bond Fund - $1,352,104; Special Building Fund - $3,330,874; QCPUF Fund - $10,490; Student Fee Fund - $52,949; Total Budget of Disbursements - $20,476,666. RCV 5-0. Motion carried. |
5. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Set System-Wide 2022-23 Property Tax Request for General Fund, Building Fund, and High School Bond Fund
Motion by Breitkreutz, second by Lange to approve the resolution to set the system-wide 2022-2023 property tax request at $9,643,645: General Fund - $8,217,382, Special Building Fund - $686,869, Bond Fund - 739,394. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
6. Adjournment
Motion by Matulka, second by Blanchard to adjourn the meeting at 3:49 PM. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.