January 11, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Superintendent Johnson called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
2. Annual Organizational Meeting
2.1. Swear in New Board Members
Newly elected board member Mary Benes, and reelected board members Cathy Burklund and Derek Matulka, recited the Oath of Office.
2.2. Elections of officers
2.2.1. Elect President
Superintendent Johnson called for nominations for the office of Board President. Motion by Blanchard, second by Burklund to elect Brad Breitkreitz as President. RCV 4-0, Breitkreutz abstained. Motion carried.
2.2.2. Elect Vice President
President Breitkreutz assumed chairmanship and called for nominations for the office of Vice President of the Board. Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to elect Cathy Burklund as Vice President. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.2.3. Elect Secretary
President Breitkreutz called for nominations for the office of Board Secretary. Motion by Burklund, second by Blanchard to elect Bill Lange as Secretary. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.2.4. Elect Treasurer
President Breitkreutz called for nominations for the office of Board Treasurer. Motion by Breitkreutz, second by Burklund to elect Matt Blanchard as Treasurer. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.3. Review Board Policy 8272 Code of Ethics
Copies of Board Policy 8272 Code of Ethics were distributed to board members and reviewed.
2.4. Approval of committees, positions, and designations
2.4.1. Discuss, Consider and Take Action to approve Perry Law Firm and KSB Law Firm as the primary legal counsel.
Motion by Burklund, second by Matulka to appoint Perry Law Firm and KSB Law Firm to serve as the 2023 general legal counsel for Raymond Central Public Schools with KSB School Law Firm serving specific roles. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.4.2. Discuss, Consider and Take Action to elect Committees as determined by the BOE
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to appoint 2023 Board Committees as follows: Curriculum & American Civics: Cathy Burklund-Chair, Bill Lange, Derek Matulka; Facilities & Transportation: Matt Blanchard-Chair, Cathy Burklund, Derek Matulka; Finance Committee: Matt Blanchard-Chair, Brad Breitkreutz, Cathy Burklund; Negotiations Committee: Matt Blanchard-Chair, Mary Benes, Bill Lange; Policy Committee: Brad Breitkreutz-Chair, Mary Benes, Bill Lange. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.4.3. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to select Jones Bank, Ceresco Bank and First Northeast Bank of Nebraska as depositories of record
Motion by Blanchard, second by Matulka to select CerescoBank, Jones Bank, and First Northeast Bank of Nebraska as official depositories of district funds. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.4.4. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary action to select the Waverly News, or other newspapers of general circulation in the event of the need to publish a notice on short notice, as District Newspapers of record.
Motion by Lange, second by Matulka to approve the Waverly News, or other newspapers of general circulation in the event of the need to publish a notice on short notice, as District Newspapers of record. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.4.5. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to appoint Superintendent Johnson as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and all federal programs representative
Motion to approve Superintendent Johnson as the ESSA and all federal programs representative. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
2.5. Review the plan for Review of Board Policy
The Policy Committee will begin an extensive review of all board policies with the intent to be completed within the year. The committee will meet one hour prior to regularly scheduled board meetings.
2.6. Disseminate to Board members the conflict of interest policies
Conflict of Interest Policies were distributed to board members.
2.7. Adjourn the Annual Organizational Meeting
Motion by Blanchard, second by Benes to conclude the Annual Organization Meeting at 6:20 PM. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
3. Motion to Excuse Board Member's Absence
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to excuse the absence of Bill Lange. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
4. Open Meeting Law
The audience was reminded that Open Meeting Laws would be followed.
5. Consent Agenda
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to approve the consent agenda as presented including the regular meeting minutes of December 14, 2022; December financial statement; and monthly bills. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
5.1. Regular Minutes of December 14, 2022
5.2. Financial Statement/Report
5.3. Monthly Bills
6. Correspondence/Recognition
7. Public Forum
8. Reports
8.1. Administrative Reports
Submitted by Scott Shepard, Jr-Sr High School Principal Submitted by Amanda Coufal, Director of Special Education
8.2. Superintendent's Report
Speech Services from Seward - We are contracting with Seward Public Schools to provide speech services to a resident student that is in a preschool in Seward but is school age eligible. It is more manageable for us to pay them to do the 30 minutes a week than for us to send someone to Seward. We pay $85/hour for the services.
Kindergarten Enrollment and Preschool Enrollment - It is that time of year when we are advertising for enrollment in kindergarten and the preschool programs for next year. Staffing Updates - We still have an opening for a part time media Para at the Jr/Sr high school. We are potentially going to need an additional Para in the PK3 program. Our ESU#2 consultant is providing another set of eyes to help us evaluate our needs as well as to consult on program design. They will be visiting January 10, 2023 so we should have more insight soon. |
8.2.1. NASB Monthly Update
8.2.2. Update on Superintendent Goals
Goal 1: Develop a visible presence within the schools, the school community, and the state. Goal 2: Foster a learning environment in which every student has the maximum opportunity to achieve academic excellence. Goal 3: Continue the development of a 10 year facilities strategic plan for implementation that addresses maintenance and improvements for existing building assets and new construction. Gola 4: Continue the development of safety and security practices for Raymond Central Public Schools.
2022-2023 Superintendent Goals
Review Months: September, December, March, July
*Valparaiso - All classrooms 9/7, 10/6, 11/8, 11/11 lunch, 11/23 Turkey Trot *Ceresco - Most Rooms All classrooms 9/6, 10/6, 10/12, 11/2, 11/14, 12/2 *Jr/Sr - Greet kids in morning, introductory session in gym, lunch supervision, *Ceresco Pancake Feed *Roll-out of the new website software and app in January 2023 which includes a new system to replace brightarrow rapid notification
*Discussed Administrative focus and all principal goals are focused on working with teachers to implement high engagement instructional practices and having students engaged in their learning. *Attended three Science of Reading trainings. *Attended Cognia Training *Attended Project Lead The Way Training *Serve as the Early Childhood administrator which includes program decision making, attending IEP/MDT, teacher observation, teacher evaluations, advisory team meetings *Met in consort with ESU#2 staff to integrate local needs with the ESU#2 overarching plan of support for districts
*Planning Meetings with BVH and FNCM - 3 *Patron Committee Meeting *Facilitate and organize for teacher meetings with BVH *Update Facility Planning website page *Meeting with board subgroups and planning and debriefing those meeting with Cleve and Tobin
*Attended reunification drill in Fremont, NE *Upcoming safety meeting in Lincoln to attend with Deputy Piitz *Safety Committee met on September 21, 2022, October 25, November 22 *Drill protocol covered with all students. Bus evacuation and evacuation drills executed with all students. *Redesigned Jr/Sr high drop-off to be one way (safer) *Implemented manifests and buddy system for kindergarteners for PM bus routes *Assigned additional supervision to bus loading zone at Jr/Sr High *Using radios at all campuses for persons who take kids outside *Implemented consistent visitor and substitute badging across all schools |
8.2.3. Safety Report
We continue to hold safety meetings monthly.
We are making preliminary plans for ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) intruder training during the March professional development day. Performing monthly safety drills as required by statute. |
8.2.4. Important Upcoming Dates:
8.3. Facilities and Transportation Report
Lierman Excavating started tree removal on the land just east of the football practice field on January 9. It is yet to be determined if the frost levels in that area will allow them to do the ground leveling work at this time or if that needs to be set back until ground conditions permit.
Bus 2017A was in the shop over the break and had some electrical issues. They had to replace the head unit and they had to reflash the computer hard drive so it was a fairly expensive repair. We have had to replace 11 batteries in two vans and four buses this year. Some of the buses have 2 or 3 batteries. We had one van with its original 2014 battery and, on the other end of the spectrum, a 2021 bus that had to have all three batteries replaced. Facilities Advocates will be out in the near future to provide us with an energy savings audit. Al called and told Jared over the phone that the test results were back (he intends to email them to Jared) and indicated that they were excellent. He shared that there are very little nitrates and it is softener than the water that the city of Lincoln is getting. Overall, very positive. Board subgroup meetings with BVH and Hausman on January 19. |
8.4. Review of Technology Plan
Submitted by Jaxn Kobza, Technology Director
8.5. Board Committee Reports
8.5.1. Committee on American Civics (Breitkreutz-chair, Burklund, Matulka)
8.5.2. Transportation Committee (Breitkreutz-chair, Lange, Matulka)
8.5.3. Finance Committee (Blanchard-chair, Breitkreutz, Burklund)
8.5.4. Facilities Committee (Blanchard-chair, Burklund, Matulka)
8.5.5. Negotiations Committee (Blanchard-chair, Gould, Lange)
8.5.6. Curriculum Committee (Gould-chair, Burklund, Lange)
8.5.7. Policy Committee (Gould-chair, Lange, Matulka)
9. Old Business
10. New Business
10.1. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve amending Policy 8346 on first reading
Legal counsel advised that this policy be more specific in detailing speaking during public form. The board will hear a maximum of 45 minutes of public comment and individual speakers will be limited to three minutes.
10.2. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve amending Policy 9310 Advance Delivery of Meeting Materials on first reading
Our legal counsel advises the board to amend this policy to eliminate the statement that the public can put items on the agenda. This is typically a right provided only to the Superintendent, Board President and board members (2 or more as per policy).
10.3. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the 2023-2025 Master Agreement with the RCEA
Motion by Matulka, second by Blanchard to approve the 2023-2025 Master Agreement with the RCEA as presented. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.4. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the 12-month Employee's Salaries
Motion by Burklund, second by Matulka to approve the 2023-2024 salaries for 12 month staff as presented. RCV 4-0, Breitkreutz abstained. Motion carried.
10.5. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the Classified Staff Salary Schedule
The Board has made a concerted effort in the past two years to ensure wages for all categories of employees are competitive. Motion by Benes, second by Breitkreitz to approve the 2023-2024 classified staff salary schedule/increases as presented. RCV 4-0, Matulka abstained. Motion carried.
10.6. Discuss, Consider, and Take Necessary Action to approve the school nurse salary
Motion by Burklund, second by Blanchard to approve the 2023-2024 school nurse salary as presented. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.7. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the Superintendent Contract for 2023-2024
Motion by Matulka, second by Blanchard to approve the 2023-2024 Superintendent Contract as presented. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.8. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve administrator salaries for 2023-2024
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to approve the 2023-2024 administrator salaries as presented. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.9. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve new high school course offerings
New course offerings to consider:
Dual Credit (SECC) US History (3 credits) - we currently offer 3 sections of US History (full year). Our plan would be offer 1 of those sections as Dual Credit (unless enough students are interested for 2 sections) and not increase FTE needed to offer the course. Courtney Polak has been approved to the teach the class. If she was to leave, we would attempt to find someone dual credit certified, otherwise just go back to full sections of regular US History (3 credits). Cost of books would be covered by the Dual Enrollment Activity Account. Dual Credit Statistics (SECC 3 credits)- we currently offer 3 sections of Pre-Calculus (1st semester College Algebra - DC (SECC 3 credits), 2nd semester Trigonometry - DC (SECC 3 credits). If this class is added, juniors could double book Trig and Stats for 2nd semester. Seniors would just sign up for Stats. We would not add sections, we would just take one of the 2nd semester Pre-Calc sections and make it Stats. It will only run if we have enough interest. 12-15+ enrollment. Cost of books would be covered by the Dual Enrollment Activity Account. If Celia was to leave, again we would look to find a teacher dual credit certified, otherwise we would just teach the same classes without SECC credit attached. Veterinary Science - This 1 semester class would serve as a pathway capstone in the ag department. There are prerequisites that we offer. This class would only run based on enough interest, which we believe we may have enough interest to run next fall with students that have the prerequisites. We would assume the minimal cost of materials/books. 2D Design (ART 107 Two Dimensional Design is the Doane course name) - A course which focuses on the fundamentals of visual composition and design theory. Students work in various media, exploring the visual potential of line, color, texture, pattern, light and shadow, and space. Students will be able to apply the principles and elements of design, to understand how these principles and elements interact, and to analyze and evaluate the quality of design and form. Students would be required to take Intro to Art and be 10th-12th graders (Doane requirement). Students can take this course for dual credit through Doane University and must apply to Doane and pay tuition or regular credit only. We will be one of the first schools to offer dual enrollment Art with Doane. 3D Design (ART 110 Three Dimensional Design) - Study of three-dimensional design using various materials such as paper, white, plaster, tape, clay, and cardboard. Students will be able to construct three-dimensional sculptures from various materials using the principles and elements of design. Students would be required to take Intro to Art and Ceramics 1 and be 10th-12th graders (Doane requirement). Students can take this course for dual credit through Doane University and must apply to Doane and pay tuition or regular credit only. Motion by Burklund, second by Benes to approve new high school dual credit course offerings as presented. RCV 5-0. Motion carried. |
10.10. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve Staff Hires for 2023-2024
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to approve staff hires: Taylor Craig and Jenna Winfrey-shared Jr Class Sponsors; Riley Haug-Asst Jr High Track; Jacob Staroscik-Asst Jr High Track; and Chris Miller-HS Custodian. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.11. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve Substitutes
Motion by Burklund, second by Benes to approve Peyton Dubbert, Dawna Miller and Tanner Wietfeld as substitute teachers. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
11. Approval of Next Regular Board Meeting
The next regular Board of Education Meeting will be held Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:00 PM.
12. Adjournment
Motion by Matulka, second by Breitkreutz to adjourn the meeting at 6:57 PM. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.