June 14, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
President Breitkreutz called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said.
2. Motion to Excuse Board Member's Absence
Motion by Lange, second by Matulka to excuse the absence of Matt Blanchard. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
3. Open Meeting Law
The audience was reminded that Open Meeting Laws would be followed.
4. District Mission Statement
The Raymond Central community is committed to providing a positive, challenging learning environment which prepares each individual to be a responsible citizen in an ever-changing society. |
5. Consent Agenda
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to approve the consent agenda as presented including the regular meeting minutes of May 10, 2023; May financial statement; and monthly bills. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
5.1. Regular Minutes of May 10, 2023
5.2. Financial Statement/Report
5.3. Monthly Bills
6. Correspondence/Recognition
Recognition of two important retirees of the district:
Dave Christensen has served as the custodian at Ceresco elementary for the past 16 years. He has gone above and beyond to make sure that the building is always in tip-top shape and ready for the students and the teachers. He has served the students and the staff faithfully. Fred Spale has served as a teacher and coach for Raymond Central for the past 17 years but he has been a teacher for the past 47 years. Imagine that, what a wonderful legacy he has built. A legacy of servant leadership. We wish these two the best in the next chapter of their life. |
7. Public Forum
8. Reports
8.1. Administrative Reports
Submitted by Scott Shepard, Jr-Sr High School Principal
Student Engagement - Graduation was a success with 46 graduates and 44 in attendance to receive their diplomas. We continue to work with the other two seniors that need to complete requirements. The goal is always to get 100% of our students to graduate and have a plan for their next steps. I appreciate the Board members that were able to attend graduation. Mr. Kobza and the staff (Torie, Laura, Tasha and Celia Newman) did a great job decorating the gym and utilizing the new video boards to make the program special! Community Engagement - I want to thank Mr. Kobza for putting together two awards nights at the end of the year. He and Laura did a great job honoring our students that are involved and have excelled in activities here at Raymond Central. Lynn and I were able to attend both nights. These new traditions will go a long way in creating a positive culture and expectation of excellence! Planning for 2023-24 - The master schedule is set for next year. It has been a difficult process of trying to meet the needs of individual students while making educationally and financially sound decisions of what classes to run. Not filling the Science and PE positions at this time creates some concern and may impact the master schedule for next year. Tasha has met with Lynn to discuss options, but we are still hopeful that the right candidate will move to the area in the next two months. As I wrap up my time here at Raymond Central, I want to thank Lynn, the Board and the Staff for allowing me to be part of this team. I am sorry that I will not be able to see some of the initiatives through as I submit my letter of resignation. As I stated in the letter, it was a very difficult decision on my part to step away from education, at this time, after serving for 32 years. It is my hope that Raymond Central continues to focus on meeting the needs of the students and preparing them for their futures. Last month, I included some plans and recommendations for additional supports that would require hiring more people. I firmly believe that if you want to bring about sustainable change, you have to hire additional staff to work with struggling students and also add counselors or administrators that can develop, implement and follow through with programs to challenge and support students. Again, thank you for the opportunity to be part of the Raymond Central Family! I will always cheer for the Mustangs! Go Stangs! Submitted by Tony Kobza, Asst Jr-Sr High School Principal/Athletic Director Activities - We hosted an Activities Banquet that recognized the Academic and Performance accomplishments for all of our activities from this past year. The RC Booster Club provided a meal for attendees. Awards of Note:
Athletics - To celebrate the accomplishments of the athletes throughout the entire year we held an end of year Athletic Banquet on May 15. All athletes that participated in an NSAA sanctioned event this year were invited along with their families. The RC Booster Club provided a meal for attendees.Athletes of the Year Winners:
Submitted by Steve Rose, Elementary Principal and Deb Kruse, Assistant Elementary Principal
Submitted by Amanda Coufal, Director of Special Education Summary of the 2022-2023 School Year in Special Education:
NDE’s District Determination Report: We have received the 2022 District Determination Report from NDE and the special education department has met the requirements with a percentage of 97.61%. To give a little background - in 2021, RC met the requirements with a percentage of 89.87%. In 2020, RC met the requirements with a percentage of 84.68%. |
8.2. Annual Activity/Participation Report
8.3. Superintendent's Report
This past week, I participated in a workshop that highlighted the legislative changes and the implications of those changes, as well as a school finance section that focused on LB583 and LB243. LB583 (Sanders) provides for foundation aid and special education supplemental aid under the Tax Equity and Educational Opportunities Support Act; and LB 243 (Briese) adopts the School District Property Tax Limitation Act.
Of note is the fact that the legislation passed this year resulted in 29 new mandates for schools! Unimaginable really. This is due to the filibustering which resulted in what is termed 'Christmas tree bills' where measures were all dumped together in large committee bills for passage. As an example LB705 has 125 sections. These mandates range from additional staff training to how/when we can discipline students to grooming policies for students. The legislation is quickly eroding local control of schools. LB583 is touted as being the vehicle that will reduce property taxes as a result of the addition of foundation aid to the formula. The reality of the legislation is that districts will realize varying degrees of influence on their taxes as a result of this new legislation. School districts that are currently unequalized may be impacted more positively than districts such as ours that are equalized. Raymond Central's state aid will increase $261,308 (from $963,483 to $1,213,974). With our current valuation, that represents about 3 cents of tax asking but that is under the assumption that your budget stays flat. In a world where 83% of the budget is human resources and we have to pay more to be competitive, teamed with the fact that we have some major facility needs that will have to be addressed, it is likely that our tax payers will not see the reduction that they had hoped for through this legislation. Additionally, LB243 creates a tax limitation. We are limited to a 2.93% tax increase for the 2023-24 school year. The board of education can access 6% of additional base growth with a 70% approval vote of the board of education. In total, there are now three lids being applied to school districts' budgets and financing. School districts are slowly being squeezed from all directions. This will merit continued attention as many educators are concerned about the sustainability of our educational system and the funding system under these mandates. As an example, in an attempt to stay competitive in hiring and retaining quality employees, our personnel costs will increase $456,411 this year over last year. It is apparent that the cost of operating is rising faster than the state allows for with their many lids. Our patrons are advised that Lancaster County Sheriff's office and other agencies will be using our Jr/Sr High building for Armed Intruder training on July 12th. As a result of two grants that we are involved with through ESU#2, we will see the addition of four days of contracted mental health therapist services in our buildings next year. That should be helpful in meeting some of our student needs in this area. The total election expenses for the special bond election through Saunders County Election office was $7,563.38. Staffing Update - We still have two certificated positions left to fill at the Jr/Sr High school. Those two are HS PE and MS Science. We also have the counselor/Success Coordinator position at the middle school to fill. |
8.3.1. NASB Monthly Update
8.3.2. Safety Report
8.3.3. Important Upcoming Dates:
8.4. Facilities Report
Jared and crew are making great progress in the summer custodial/maintenance tasks. They started with Ceresco and are about ready to move to Valparaiso.
Jared has replaced 900 lights in the HS with LED’s. Basically replaced all hallway, FCS room, Mustang Room, Media Center, Art Room, and Wilmes room. He will do the remaining fixtures next year. He also has staff replacing the old emergency lights with new LED lights. These will be much more cost efficient. The batteries are only $26 to replace as compared to $60 on the existing emergency lights. He purchased these in conjunction with the service provider so that we get the reduced/grant pricing. BRAN Riders - Bicycle Riders Across Nebraska stopped in Ceresco on Saturday and the city volunteers used the school to set up a stop station. Restrooms were available to participants and volunteers provided a hydration station. Sophia Custer is our city liaison who organized the event. Science teachers, Jacob Staroscik and Megan Alyward, have spent time this summer cleaning out the back storage room. It was a MESS. There are some anatomical maps with a 1918 copyright date. There were also some food items almost as old and some animal parts in formaldehyde that should have been dissected decades ago. The EPDM roof on Ceresco Elementary is delaminated and leaking as of this last rain storm. It needs to be replaced before additional leakage causes interior damage. Attached to this agenda item is a quote from 10 Men Roofing. They are doing the shingle roof. It would be advantageous to do both of these roofs at the same time this summer. Jared is trying to obtain another quote on the EPDM so that we can ensure that we are getting a competitive price. Electrical work needing board approval:
8.5. Review of Technology Plan
Submitted by Jaxn Kobza, Technology Director
Technology Projects
8.6. Board Committee Reports
8.6.1. Curriculum & American Civics Committee (Burklund-chair, Lange, Matulka)
8.6.2. Facilities & Transportation Committee (Blanchard-chair, Burklund, Matulka)
8.6.3. Finance Committee (Blanchard-chair, Breitkreutz, Burklund)
8.6.4. Negotiations Committee (Blanchard-chair, Benes, Lange)
8.6.5. Policy Committee (Breitkreutz-chair, Benes, Lange)
9. Old Business
9.1. Discuss and Consider long term facility and educational plans as a result of the failed bond
Long term facility and educational plans as a result of the failed bond were discussed. The Board recognizes the need for further discussion but will wait until fall to schedule a meeting as there is some uncertainty with the new legislation.
10. New Business
10.1. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve Staff Resignations
Motion by Matulka, second by Burklund to approve staff resignations: Scott Shepard, Jr-Sr High School Principal; and Harold Pester, PE/Wrestling Coach. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.2. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve Staff Hires
Motion by Burklund, second by Matulka to approve staff hires: Mackenzie Kohunsky, Cheer Sponsor; Garrett Shultz and Kayli Starr, Girls Wrestling Coach-shared; Elizabeth Hanks, Ceresco Custodian; Shelby Dowding, Middle School ELA Teacher; and Maggie Suchy, Paraeducator. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.3. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to Approve Interim Secondary Principal (Grades 6-12)
Motion by Matulka, second by Burklund to approve Mark Smith as Interim Secondary Principal (Grades 6-12). RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.4. Discuss and Consider the review of Board Policies with no changes in series 3000 Business Operations be noted with review date of June 14, 2023
The following policies were reviewed with no changes: 3011 Fund Balance Reporting; 3020 Public Review of Budget; 3030 Transfer of Funds Between Categories; 3040 Budget as Spending Plan-Budgeted Items; 3050 Tuition Fees; 3060 Materials Fees; 3080 Federal Funds; 3090 Sale and Disposal of School Property; 3100 Leasing; 3131A Procurement Plan-Code of Conduct; 3150 Paying for Goods and Services; 3170 Periodic Audit; 3180 System of Accounts; 3190 Inventory of Equipment; 3200 Monies in School Buildings; 3220 Educational Service Units-Designated Representative; 3230 Security; 3240 Risk Management and Safety Committee; 3250 Trespassers; 3410 Safe Driving Record Standard for Drivers, 3410A Driver Certification Form; 3410C Emergency Evacuation Procedures; 3520 Transportation; 3540 Procedures-Bidding Construction Projects; 3550 Rebates to School Personnel; 3560 Records Management and Disposition.
10.5. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve multiple policies as amended in series 3000 Business Operations
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to approve changes to the following policies as presented: 3010 Budget Planning; 3070 Summer School Fees; 3110 Short-Term Investing; 3120 Depository; 3120A Resolution; 3121 Investments; 3130 Purchasing Policies, 3131 Procurement Plan-School Food Authorities; 3132 Internal Controls; 3140 Contracting for Services; 3160 Report of Treasurer; 3210 Bonds; 3231 Video Surveillance; 3410B Basic First Aid Procedures; 3570 Title I Funds; 3571 Meal Charge Policy; 3580 Insufficient Funds. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.6. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the changes to the elementary and secondary Student/Guardian Handbooks and Teacher Handbooks.
Motion by Matulka, second by Lange to approve elementary and secondary Student/Guardian Handbooks and Teacher/Staff Handbooks as presented. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.7. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve replacing the EPDM roofing at Ceresco
Motion by Matulka, second by Burklund to approve the EPDM roofing project at Ceresco at a cost not to exceed $186,000.00. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.8. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve adding electrical connections to track area and storage shed, and lighting to archway
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to approve adding an electrical connection to the inside of the track area, electrical to the storage shed at the Jr-Sr High campus; and install accent lights on the back side of the archway for a total cost of $18,625.00. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.9. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the purchase of four Newline Interactive Displays for elementary buildings
Motion by Matulka, second by Lange to approve the purchase of four Newline Interactive Displays for elementary buildings from KCAV at a cost of $11,580.00. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
10.10. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the purchase of a water heater for the Jr/Sr High building
The purchase of a water heater at the high school was tabled as it may be able to be repaired.
10.11. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to approve the gate and pass prices for 2023-24 extracurricular events
Motion by Burklund, second by Matulka to keep the gate and pass prices the same as they were in 2022-23 noting that an increase was made to these prices across the Capital Conference. Varsity Events: Adult-$7, Student-$5; All other events: Adult-$5, Student-$4; Pass Prices: Student-$40, Family-$175. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
11. Next Regular Board Meeting
The next regular Board of Education meeting will be Wednesday, July 12, 2023.
12. Adjournment
Motion by Matulka, second by Lange to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 PM. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.