August 30, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Board of Education Special Meeting
Minutes |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
President Breitkreutz called the Public Budget Workshop to order at 6:03 PM.
2. Motion to Excuse Board Member's Absence
Motion by Matulka, second by Benes to excuse the absence of Cathy Burklund. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
3. Open Meeting Law
The audience was reminded that Open Meeting Laws would be followed.
4. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary action to approve a resolution that requires at least seventy percent of the Board of Education of this School District to affirmatively vote to increase the School District’s overall property tax request authority by up to an additional six percent above the base growth percentage, or other maximum amount as permitted by law.
Motion by Matulka, second by Lange to approve a resolution that requires at least 70% of the Board of Education of this School District to affirmatively vote to increase the School District’s overall property tax request authority by up to an additional 6% above the base percentage, or other maximum amount as permitted by law. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
5. Discuss, Consider and Take Necessary Action to transfer $400,000 to the Depreciation Fund for vehicle acquisition, textbook purchasing, building updates, and technology and transfer $100,000 to Employee Benefit Funds for health insurance premiums.
Motion by Matulka, second by Breitkreutz to transfer $400,000 to the Depreciation Fund for vehicle acquisition, textbook purchasing, building updates, and technology; and transfer $100,000 to Employee Benefit Funds for health insurance premiums. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.
6. Adjournment
Motion by Breitkreutz, second by Matulka to adjourn the meeting at 6:07 PM. RCV 5-0. Motion carried.