October 15, 2018 at 7:00 PM - Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Excuse Absent Board Members
2. Approval of Consent Agenda
2.1. Agenda
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2.2. Minutes of previous meeting
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3. Guests
4. Financial Reports
4.1. Treasurer
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Discussion was had on the treasurer's report and the transfers of funds into CD's. Mr. Hoesing commented that the balances are well instated and that the district is in good shape for the upcoming building project.
4.2. Claims
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Discussion was had on claims, there were not alot of claims this month, and none out of the ordinary.
4.3. Activity
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Discussion was had on the activity fund. Movement was in athletics and one act play production, which is typical this time of year due to one act season being held during this month.
5. Action Items
5.1. Approve the local substitute certificate for Wausa Public Schools for the 2018-19 School Year
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Mr. Hoesing stated that in order to be able to use the local sub certificate, it must be approved annually.
5.2. Discuss, consider and take action on a Resolution canvassing the returns of the special bond election and to authorize the issuance of NOT TO EXCEED $3,000,000 of General Obligation School Building Bonds.
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D.A. Davidson representative Andy Forney was in attendance to present the paperwork for the bond that was elected upon on september 11th. Mr. Forney spoke on interest rates, date of acceptance of the money, and next steps by the board of education. Discussion was had on putting the money into a CD until the need arose to use it. If this was done, the first payment could be paid partially in interest, while locking in the lowest rate possible.
6. Reports
6.1. Superintendent
6.2. Principal
6.3. Activities Director
7. Discussion Items
8. Executive (Closed) Session (If needed)
9. Dates of Future Board Meetings
10. Adjourn
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Adjourned at 8:10 PM.