November 18, 2019 at 7:45 PM - Americanism Committee Hearing
Minutes | |
1. Call To Order
2. Consent Agenda
2.1. Motion to Accept the Agenda as presented
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3. Discussion:
Discussion was held on Social Studies curriculum rotation, as well as Math & Science curriculum textbook rotations to meet new state standards. Discussion also was held on moving some textbooks in the rotation to accommodate future changes in ELA standards as well as conversion of the High School ELA and Math standards to meet requirements set forth by ACT and Dual credit requirements.
3.1. Curriculum/Instruction Rotation
Discussion was held on Social Studies curriculum rotation, as well as Math & Science curriculum textbook rotations to meet new state standards. Discussion also was held on moving some textbooks in the rotation to accommodate future changes in ELA standards as well as conversion of the High School ELA and Math standards to meet requirements set forth by ACT and Dual credit requirements.
4. Adjourn
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.