May 11, 2021 at 8:00 PM - Village of Kenesaw - Board of Trustees Meeting
Minutes | |
1) Call to Order/Roll Call for Quorum:
Call to Order at: 8:07 p.m.
Attendance: Trustees in Person: Trustee Kroos, Trustee Knuth, Trustee Uden; Trustee Ehly and Trustee Colon joined the meeting by Zoom due to need to social distance - but both participated in all discussion and voting. Also present: Village Clerk-Cindy Kiefer, Village Superintendent - Jeff Edmondson; Also present by phone was Village Attorney Shon Lieske, and Kevin Krull-Krull Insurance; Others Present: Rick Fahrenholtz-Adams County Sheriffs Dept., Deb Rasberry, Henry Wilson. |
2) Notice of the "Open Meetings Act Literature" location:
3) Review/Approve: Minutes of the Regular Meeting - April 13, 2021
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4) Review/Approve: Expenditures for April 2021
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5) Review/Approve: Treasurer's Report for April 2021
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6) Discuss/Action: Village/Senior Center Agreement
Kevin Krull- Jones Group Insurance discussed, via phone conference including the board members and Attorney Lieske, the pros and cons of merging the property with the Senior Center from an insurance standpoint.
Attorney Lieske presented ideas for merging the properties as well from a legal standpoint. The board, after much discussion and consideration, requested Attorney Lieske to begin the process of drawing up an agreement for a merger with the senior center with regard to the Village adjoining properties.
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7) Discuss/Action: Current Village Office Property
The board asked if there was more information on the current Village office. Jeff noted that he has reached out to two contractors for the bid on the demo of the current village office building but has not heard back yet. A suggestion was also made to contact Kevin Burr for a quote as well. The board requested that Jeff to bring back to the June meeting.
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8) Review/Approve: 2021 Pool Season Employment Applicant
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9) Review/Approve: 2021 Pool Season (Pool Guidelines, Pool Passes Etc.)
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10) Review/Approve: Fireworks Application -- Michele Lyons -- Lyons Discount Fireworks LLC
Chairman Kroos presented Lyons Discount Firework LLC application for a firework stand located inside the city limits of Kenesaw between June 25, 2021 - July 4, 2021. The fireworks stand is again supporting the Kenesaw School Project DC with part of the proceeds and the students will be helping to work the booth.
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11) Discuss/Action: Baseball Field Rental Request for June 5th and June 12th
Clerk Kiefer presented that there has been a request for the use of the Village baseball fields for a baseball tournament this summer on June 5 and June 12th. There was much discussion between the board regarding requirements for rental use. The board requested that the clerk obtain additional information regarding -- Length of time field would be in use; Who exactly is wanting to rent the field (a league, individual, etc.); Will they need concessions to be available;
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12) Discuss/Action: Wasenek Days
Clerk Kiefer presented to the board the information received from Krull Insurance with regard to coverage for Wasenek Weekend. The Board discussed the fact that now that the DHM has lifted most restrictions for gatherings and food distribution, that the issues we encountered in 2020 will not be relevant to 2021 with regard to insurance, unless the DHM becomes more restrictive again.
The board discussed that they most definitely would like to resume the WASENEK WEEKEND activities as allowed under our current insurance policy. It was noted that activities on or off Village property will not require an individual COI as long as the event is covered under the cities current insurance policy. If an event is not covered, then the group responsible for the activity will need to provide a COI to the Village prior to the event taking place. Food Trucks will be required to provide a COI as they are business owners, but will not be required to get a peddlers permit to do business during WASENEK WEEKEND. Board requested clerk to provided insurance information to the Wasenek Committee.
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13) Discuss: American Rescue Plan pertaining to the City
Clerk Kiefer provided to the board information regarding the ARP funds that are scheduled to be provided to the municipality. She also noted some difficulties with registering for the funds, but that will continue working through the application process.
14) Review: Sixty Day Review of 606 N 5th Avenue Property
Chairman Kroos presented pictures of the current condition of the property, noting that the outside of the property has been satisfactorily brought into ordinance requirements. Property owner Deb Rasberry also spoke with the board letting them know that they are continuing to clean the inside of the house on the property, and her intent is to sell the property once completely restored. She will notify the Village office when she is ready for utility services to be restored on the property. She also thanked the board for their willingness to provide her time to get the property in order. Clerk Kiefer noted that the delinquent utility account on the property has been paid. The board noted that the property has met their requirements and will not require further review by the Kenesaw Health and Sanitation committee.
15) Update: Dogs Incident at 509 N 5th Avenue
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16) Adjournment: From Regular Meeting to Executive Session for HR/Employment Discussion -- Note time
Adjourn Regular session to Executive session at 9:39 p.m.
17) Adjournment: From Executive Session to Regular Meeting -- Note Time
Adjourn Executive session to Regular session at 10:03 p.m.
18) Action: From Executive Session Discussion
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19) Adjournment: Next Meeting:
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