November 9, 2021 at 8:00 PM - Village of Kenesaw - Board of Trustees Meeting
Minutes | |
1) Call to Order/Roll Call for Quorum:
Chairman Kroos called the meeting to order at 8:04 p.m. Attendance: Trustee Kroos, Trustee Knuth, Trustee Uden, and Trustee Ehly (arrived at 8:11 p.m.). Trustee Colon-Absent. Others present: Clerk/Treasurer Shelley DIck, Village Superintendant Jeff Edmondson, Village Planning and Zoning representative Henry Wilson and Deputy Clerk Audra Kasl (arrived at 8:30 p.m.).
2) Notice of the "Open Meetings Act Literature" location:
Chair Kroos gave notice of the location of the Open Meetings Act Literature to be on the south wall of meeting room.
3) Review/Approve: Minutes of the Regular Meeting - October 12, 2021
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4) Review/Approve: Expenditures for October
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5) Review/Approve: Treasurer's Report for October
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6) Review/Approve: Resolution 192-2021R -- A Resolution adopting the Little Blue and Lower Big Blue Natural Resources Districts Multi-Jurisdicitonal Hazard Mitigation Plan
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Kenesaw decided to adopt the Little Blue and Lower Big Blue Natural Resources Districts Multi-Jurisdiction Hazard Mitigation plan. The plan was approved by FEMA and is designed to identify the hazards that affect the village and prioritize mitigation strategies to reduce potential loss of life and property damage from those hazards.
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7) Discuss/Action: Codification of Ordinances -- Shon Lieske, Village Attorney
Clerk Dick informed the board of the email she received from the village attorney, Shon Lieske, that his firm would not have the time to finish the codification of the village's Municipal Ordinances. Shon did suggest another attorney whom he thought could help with this project. Clerk Dick stated that she had contacted this other attorney and was waiting to hear back what the fee would be to codify the remaining documents.
8) Discuss/Action: Resident Complaints - 200 S. Perkins, 203 S. Perkins, 209 S. Perkins
Clerk Dick provided the board with pictures of the properties that the complaint was filed against. Superintendent Edmondson informed the board that one of the three addresses had made a significant effort to clean up and become compliants with the Ordinances 5-406 and 6-209. The board unanimously agreed that the village attorney needs to be involved to have the other two addresses become compliant with the same ordinances.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
9) Review/Action: Water Late Fee, Disconnect Fee and Disconnect Date
Clerk Dick presented the board with a list of how much other towns charge late fees, disconnect fees and reconnect fees. The board decided that $50.00 disconnect fee, $100 reconnect fee/$150 reconnect fee after 5:00 p.m., on weekends or on Holidays. The full balance of the utility bill, the disconnect fee and reconnect fee will be required to be paid before water is turned back on.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10) Discuss: Youth Funds Investment Decision Workshop
The board decided to do the Youth Funds Investment Workshop on December 7th at 7:00 p.m.
11) Review/Approve: Prices for New Printers/Copier/Fax
Clerk Dick informed the board of the two quotes she received from Eakes and OfficeNet. After reviewing the comparison between the two quotes, the board unanimously decided to let the village office lease the equipment from Eakes.
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12) Discuss/Action: Village Office (New and Old)
Clerk Dick brought to the board's attention that the new software, ClerkBooks, quote was raised due to the fact that the fiscal year is over now and the conversion of the old software to the new has much more information. Superintendent Edmondson raised concerns about the extra money being budgeted. Trustee Ehly asked Clerk Dick to speak with Joe-AMGL, the village budget accountant, to make sure there was enough money budgeted to purchase ClerkBook's new quote price.
Superintendent Edmondson spoke with the board about the preliminary drawing for the new office building and asked if they had any questions, concerns or additions they would like to make. Trustee Knuth spoke about how he would like to see a u-shaped bill drop off in the back of the building to make it easier for the residents to pay their bill without having to get out of their vehicle. Jeff E. stated that he didn't know if there would be enough room but would keep it in mind as the project continues. The board informed Superintendent Edmondson to get the bidding process underway to keep the project moving forward. |
13) Adjourn to Executive Session: (note time)
Deputy Clerk's PTO Overpayment/Past Holidays Benefits Review/Revised Employee Handbook
The Board of Trustees adjourned to Executive Session at 9:22 p.m.
14) Adjourn to Regular Session: (note time)
The Board of Trustees adjourned to regular session at 10:00 p.m.
15) Action: from Executive Session
The Board of Trustees discussed with Deputy Clerk Kasl the overpayment of the PTO to her and the holidays that other part-time employees received pay for but she did not.
Clerk Dick provided the board with a spreadsheet of PTO hours. Superintendent Edmondson had been shorted during his 5-10yr accumulation of PTO due to an error in putting max accrual hours into the software for the 5-10yr level. The board and Clerk Dick discussed the changes to the benefits provided to the village employees changed by the board in the October meeting.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
16) Adjournment: Next Meeting: December 14, 2021
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