January 10, 2022 at 7:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Minutes | |
I. Meeting Called To Order
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Chairman Armstrong made note of the Open Meetings Act poster that is on display in the meeting room.
II. Open Meetings Act
III. Election of officers
The meeting was turned over by Chairman Armstrong to Mr. Spencer for election of officers.
III.A. President
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III.B. Vice President
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III.C. Secretary
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III.D. Treasurer
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IV. Board Committee Assignments
The Committee Assignments appointments are: Buildings and Grounds: Amy Stanley, Darrel Armstrong, Duane Duncan; Transportation: Duane Duncan, Adam Hayward, Amy Stanley; Negotiations: Patricia Welsh, Adam Hayward, Tim Van Zee; Americanism: Board.
IV.A. Buildings and Grounds
IV.B. Transportation
Transportation committee update and upcoming meetings.
IV.C. Negotiations
IV.D. Americanism
V. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
V.A. Confirmation of the last regular meeting minutes
V.B. Financial Reports
V.C. Treasurer's Report
V.D. Claims: General Fund
Amazon Credit Plan 1,093.62; J Anderson 371.07; S Balsoma-Connelly 191.52; Big Springs Truck and Travel 1,142.81; BH Energy 3,050.38; B Armstrong 536.26; R Brown; 23.68; Card Service Center 2,373.19; Carlson Electric 6,182.87; A Carlson 53.64; Cash-wa Dist Com 532.06; Century Link 640.15; J Cheleen 1,680.59; C Rebeiro 295.26; Community First Bank 15.00; Country Inn & Suites-Kearney 197.10; L DeVries 22.68; D Duncan 1,034.21; Eakes Office Solutions 11,083.84; Ecolab 62.96; ESU 16,13,540.90; Frenchman Valley Coop 341.28; G Zajec 581.74; Hampton Inn - Kearney 604.00; HealthEquity 164.00; Hometown Leasing 994.98; Hot Lunch Account 144.00; Hot Lunch 997.30; Ideal Linen Supply 481.37; Instrumentalist Publishing Company 8.75; J Brethauer 452.47; D Johnson 582.22; Jostens 26.66; KCN 151.78; KSB School Law 64.00; L Lopez 1,034.21; Mammoth Site of Hot Springs SD 7,500.00; Matheson Tri-Gas, Inc.162.40; A Mathis 582.22; D Moorhead 15.95; NASB (Nebraska Association Of School Boards) 1,123.00; North Platte Telegraph 431.39; NPPD (Nebraska Public Power District) 3,149.69; Office Service, Inc. 2,370.20; Ray Howell 258.55; Red Rover Technologies, LLC 661.50; S Johnson 127.68; Sinclair Oil Corp. 1,026.74; Snell Services, Inc. 1,467.19; Software Unlimited Inc. 1,093.00; Sparqdata 3,800.00; S Ogburn 126.40; T Speihs 1,386.92; T Reeves 187.21; T Carlson 1,120.39; USPS 46.13; Verizon Wireless 251.71; Village Of Big Springs 584.70; M Wagner 302.60; Walmart Business 305.05; Walsworth 1,225.00; Wiest Hardware 778.72; Yanda's Music & Pro Audio 51.00; AFLAC 1,440.17; Colonial Life 193.50; EFTPS 38,591.88; Horace Mann 44.42; Horace Mann 175.00; Lisa Hixon HSA 503.49; BCBS-NE 49,273.16; NE Dept Rev 5,556.03; NPERS 34,230.78; SP FLEX 2,336.13; Vison Care Direct 454.90
V.E. Claims: Building Fund/Depreciation Fund (If Any)
VI. Patrons
VII. Board Members (Committee Reports)
VIII. Correspondence
IX. Principals Report
Mr. Brost
The principal's report was given by Mr. Nick Brost. We hosted a Senior citizen Christmas dinner which was served by the South Platte Student Advisory Team. South Platte hosted a JV basketball tournament. The South Platte Girls and Boys placed 2nd. Congratulations to Lauryn Stanley as the Adams Bank & Trust Student of the Quarter. Congratulations to our post season award recipients Volleyball Lincoln Journal Star All-State Honorable Mention: Taylyn Bauer, Avery Hayward, Haily Koenen, Lauryn Stanley; Omaha World Herald All-State: Honorable Mention: Taylyn Bauer, Avery Hayward, Haily Koenen, Lauryn Stanley NCPA Academic All-State Cross Country - Britany Lofton, Riley Adams Volleyball - Rylee Estrada, Lauryn Stanley - Football - Colton Moorhead, Ethan Reichman; Play Production Haily Koenen, Allison Lofton; Unified Bowling: Nic Dehning, Ethan Reichman.
X. Superintendents Report
Mr. Spencer
The superintendent's report was given by Mr. David Spencer. Senior Citizen Christmas Lunch was a great success; we hosted 28. K-12 Christmas Program brought a full house. We are looking at several options for the new door and keyless entry/security system. Mid-Year Dibels testing is being scheduled.
XI. Discussion Items
XI.A. Audit Review
Trevor Schuessler, CPA from Rauner & Associates PC provided the audit review update and held discussion with the board.
XI.B. School Board Policy
Discussion was held about the 2000's policy's.
XI.C. Bid opening for excess equipment
Bids were opened for the excess equipment and the high bids were accepted for the table saw and the 2004 suburban.
XII. Action Items
XIII. Review the Minutes
Review the minutes.
XIV. Executive Session
XIV.A. Superintendent Evaluation
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
XV. Next Regular Meeting will be February14, 2021 at 7:00 PM
XVI. Adjournment
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