March 11, 2024 at 7:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
Call the meeting to order - 7:30 p.m.
President T. Tegeler called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Members present were: Broberg, Johnson, Negus, Schutt, R. Tegeler and T. Tegeler. Absent: none. Motion carried.
Recognize Visitors - ‘Public Comment’ - refer to "Open Meetings Law’
President T. Tegeler referred to the open meetings law and welcomed visitors. Jerry Dittrich asked about the meeting scheduled for March 26th. He has been working with local contractors and business people to see if the track/football field complex can be built at a lower price than the architects are estimating.
Routine Matters
Approve minutes from February 12, 2024 meeting
President T. Tegeler asked if there were any questions about the minutes of the February 12th meeting. There were none. The minutes stand approved.
Approve financial reports for February
President T. Tegeler asked if there were any questions about the February financial report. There were none. The report stands approved.
March bills for approval
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Consider/Discuss/Approve elementary principal and secondary principal salaries for 2024-25 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Consider/Discuss/Approve proposed superintendent contract for 2024-25 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Consider/Discuss/Approve classified staff wage increase for 2024-25 school year.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Mr. Hahne informed the board that raising the base wage for classified staff to $14.41 would result in approximately an $84,000 increase for 2024-2025.
Consider/Discuss/Approve extended contract for Mrs. Smeal.
Mr. Hahne has contacted other schools about extended contracts for their media specialists. He has heard from a few schools. Pending more replies, the board decided to table this item
Principals' Report
Mr. Black spoke about the upcoming elementary reading night, early dismissal on March 27th, state testing for grades 3-6 opens April 1st and plans for upcoming field trips. He also gave the high school report in the absence of Mrs. Novicki. Mrs. Hahne and Mrs. Novicki begin the second round of scheduling for 24-25 soon, ACT test prep is starting with Juniors taking the ACT test on March 26th, grades 9-10 will MAPS test soon and grades 7-8 with take the NSCAS test after April 1st and spring activities are starting.
Superintendent's Report
Mr. Hahne told the board the received a good report after the latest safety inspection. He is checking into crosswalks and/or speed bumps around the school.
Football Field/Track update
A community meeting is scheduled for March 26th at 7:00 p.m. The architects, Jay Spearman, and John Zwingman will be present to answer questions. If the districts switches from a design-bid-build concept to design-build the project may be pushed back a year.
Teacher contracts
Mr. Hahne informed the board that April 15th is the deadline to give teachers RIF notices and March 15th is the earliest teachers can be locked into their contracts for 24-25.
Legislative Update
The legislature is still working on bills while the Speaker of the House wants to limit the number of bills that can be combined to 7-9 per combination. Bills under consideration includes individual districts being allowed to decide if staff can conceal/carry firearms, budget caps, special education reimbursement being lowered to 60% and districts being able to hold bond elections only during the general election.
There being no further business, President T. Tegeler adjourned the meeting at 8:20 p.m.