December 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | |
Opening Procedures
Pledge of Allegiance
Statement of Open Meetings Law
Roll Call
Comments from the Audience
Public comment regarding communication and discipline.
III.A. Work-based learning III.B. Americanism III.C. AQUESTT
Work-based learning-Mr. Brokaw shared this opportunity for students to narrow down a career by connecting with a wide range of employers in the community. Two Medical Pathfinder students were invited to share their experience and valued the specialists perspectives. Approximately 120 students have got to job shadow, resulting in 11 field trips this year. There are 8 students in the work-based learning program that start late or leave school early for their jobs. Businesses are welcome to volunteer for this program to serve our students.
Americanism-Mrs. Kelley and Mr. Stone reflected on committee visits at the Elementary and the Jr/Sr High. Compliments to both buildings for applying education surrounding our history early and often, to include daily announcements and annual programs that involve our community. AQUESTT-Mrs. Bergmeyer explained the data from our assessments, requirements from the state, and our future goals. Significant changes and scores/averages were shared and overall, we are seeing an increase in proficiency from our students. Conestoga is classified as "Great" in all areas! |
Consent Agenda
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Discussion Items
Admin Reports
Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment-Lisa Bergmeyer
Report submitted. Elementary Principal-Eric Dennis An enrollment update and monthly activities report was provided. Special thanks to those staff that organize the testing schedule to help students and teachers be successful. Thank you to Heath Marrinan's Design Group for providing lighting for our K-3 music concert, and another thanks to Deputy Tuttle for educating students on drug resistance. Playground plans are being discussed and day care rate changes go into affect next month. Visit our lobby to see our giving tree set up by the PTO. Jr/Sr High Principal-Rob Geise Thank you to Kaitlin for her time and dedication to Conestoga. Student enrollment and the opening of this Teacher/Sponsor position was discussed. A previous project for a digital sign/marquee to highlight Conestoga Public Schools received a $40,000 donation for completion. Still in the planning stages for implementation of the soft skills program. Assistant Principal/Activities Director-Molly Stieren Absent, report submitted. Director of Student Services-Nick Krause The team saw more growth and strengths from our staff during Intervention Fidelity Checks. No additional action is needed for Indicator 13. Outside agencies must be considered for all students that have an IEP. We must provide justification for eligibility of services and our obligation to offer them. |
Superintendent Report
Superintendent-Mike Apple
Absent, report submitted. |
Action Items
Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the resignation of Kaitlin Kennebeck.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to accept the audit for the 23-24 school year.
Provided an overview of the District wide report, explained the procedures in place, and the findings for the year.
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Upcoming Meetings
BOE meeting 1/14/2025
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