January 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Minutes | |
Opening Procedures
Pledge of Allegiance
Statement of Open Meetings Law
Roll Call
Comments from the Audience
Public comment regarding the TeamMates mentoring program. A new grant will help target students in grades 3-5 with interventions to help expand literacy. The goal is to serve 800 individuals and volunteer mentors are needed for our students.
Presentations: Tracey Priefert (Foundation) and Jeff Nieto (Soft Skills program)
Jeff Nieto-introduced the Softsxills Program that was created to help to bridge the gap between education and employability. Softsxills collects, records, and aggregates soft skill attributes, while focusing on leveraging strengths, career discovery and long-term assets.
Tracey Priefert-the Foundation reviewed and approved 3 grants submitted by some of our High School Teachers, and they intend to offer this opportunity at least once a year to help increase learning. There will be a new scholarship in honor of Allison Welch, called the Allison A. Welch Conestoga Educational Scholarship Fund, and there are plans to award this in the Spring with more details to come. |
Consent Agenda
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Discussion Items
DLR Group
DLR Group gave an overview of the site plan for our new building designs. Boyd Jones provided budget estimates and an update of the schedule to start construction. The next big step is the construction documents that will be available in early March, then they will start putting together bids to present to the Board. All plans and start dates shared are preliminary.
Admin Reports
Rob Geise-Jr/Sr High Principal
Efforts continue to fill the Ag Teacher/FFA Sponsor position. Mr. Nieto will meet and educate our students regarding the Softsxills program in the Spring, and we are very grateful for this opportunity. Our 6th Annual College/Career Day will be on 2/26/25. Working with Mr. Dennis on 6th Grade "Move Up Day." Eric Dennis-Elementary Principal Discussed the focus of professional development, to include efforts to analyze data, and time for collaboration. Updates regarding the Daycare were provided and meetings to occur with ESU to help streamline Sixpence and Step Up to Quality. Nick Krause-Director of Student Services Finishing observations to work alongside special education staff. Summarized meetings attended and those upcoming, such as the Legislative Assembly. ESU3 to host a Targeted Improvement Plan Writing Day, which will provide guidance and another to allow for opportunities for input on services and what is still needed for students in our district. Molly Stieren-Assistant Principal/Athletic Director Report submitted. Lisa Bergmeyer-Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Absent, report submitted. |
Superintendent Report
Mike Apple-Superintendent
NASB provided guidance on our board member opening and we are still in the planning stages. A notice is to be printed in the Nebraska City News Press, encouraging those interested in this opening to fill out an application on our website. Candidates may be interviewed at the board meeting in February. The HVAC project is nearing an end, and the Skylight will be worked on in the Summer. After receiving a letter, an individual was invited to speak regarding a proposed cell tower next month. Professional development opportunities at the Legislative Issues Conference on January 26-27th, the Board President Retreat on February 16-17th through NASB, and the Legislative Forum on February 20th through NRCSA. |
Appointment of vacant School Board Position
Committee assignments for Board members for the 2025 calendar year will remain the same.
• Budget and Finance • Negotiations • Americanism/Instruction/Policy • Transportation • Building and Grounds • Legislative Liaison Alternate • Foundation
Update to the Foundation committee: Tracey Priefert, Seth Ahrens, and Jeremy Stone. Discussions had surrounding a subcommittee and adding another board member if/when appropriate.
Action Items
Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the nomination for President of Conestoga Public School for 2024.
Annual reorganization and elections for board officers: Greg Page was nominated and accepted the role as President. No other nominations were made and all those were in favor.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary actions to approve the nomination for Vice President.
Candace Kelley was nominated and accepted the role as Vice President.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the nomination for Treasurer.
Tracey Priefert was nominated and accepted the role as Treasurer.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the nomination for Secretary.
Jeremy Stone was nominated and accepted the role as Secretary.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the Federal Program representative, Michael Apple; Legal counsel, KSB; auditor, Dana Cole; newspaper of record, Nebraska City Newspress or OWH, bank depository, Cornerstone Bank and First State Bank.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to adopt the Board Code of Conduct & Conflict of Interest.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the Board Committee assignments discussed for 2025.
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Discuss, consider, and take all necessary action to approve the Superintendent's contract for 2026-2027.
Mr. Geise will be under a Principal contract for another year, followed by the Superintendent's contract, which will need to be renegotiated in the Fall.
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Upcoming Meetings-
2/11/25 BOE Meeting |
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