September 12, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular
Minutes | |
A. Notification of Open Meetings Law
At the beginning of the meeting, President AJ Johnson announced and informed the public that a current copy of the Open Meetings Act is available at the meeting site and included electronically in the E-Meeting agenda.
B. Roll Call*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C. Consent Agenda*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
C.1. Previous Minutes (copy attached)
C.2. Financial Reports*
C.2.a. Revenue Report/Treasurer's Report
C.2.b. Cash Summary/Expenditure Report
C.3. Bills for September
C.4. Administrator's Monthly Report
C.4.a. ESU1 Superintendent and Principal Meetings
Administrator Heimann reported about the upcoming Superintendent and Principal Meetings hosted by ESU1.
C.4.b. ESU1 All-Staff Day
Administrator Heimann provided a summary of the All Staff Day survey results.
C.4.c. Facility Project Update
Administrator Heimann shared an update on the Central Office remodel project.
D. Public Comment
E. Authorize Grant Expenditures in September*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
F. Approve 2023-2024 Budget*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
G. Property Tax Request*
WHEREAS, Nebraska Revised Statute 77-1632 provides that the Governing Body of ESU # One passes by a majority vote a resolution or ordinance setting the tax request; and WHEREAS, a special public hearing was held as required by law to hear and consider comments concerning the property tax request; NOW, THEREFORE, the Governing Body of ESU # One resolves that: 1. The 2023-2024 property tax request be set at: General Fund: $ 1,946,934.58 2. The total assessed value of property differs from last year’s total assessed value by 9.77 percent. 3. The tax rate which would levy the same amount of property taxes as last year, when multiplied by the new total assessed value of property would be 0.013665 per $100 of assessed value. 4. ESU # One proposes to adopt a property tax request that will cause its tax rate to be 0.015 per $100 of assessed value. 5. Based on the proposed property tax request and changes in other revenue, the total operating budget of ESU # One will increase last year’s budget by 4.25 percent. 6. A copy of this resolution will be certified and forwarded to the County Clerk on or before October 15, 2023.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
H. ESU1 Education Association Recognition as Bargaining Agent for Certified Staff*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
I. Consider and take all necessary action regarding the contract release request by Anne Ronhovde*
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
J. State Education Conference
Administrator Heimann informed the board when the Nebraska State School Board's Association State Education Conference is being held.
K. NASB Board Leadership Visit
NASB representative requests attendance at the October meeting.
L. Personnel*
L.1. Consider, discuss, and take necessary action on employee contracts and personnel changes.
L.1.a. Resignation(s)
L.1.b. New Hire(s)
L.1.c. Contract Change(s)
L.1.d. Termination(s)
M. Adjournment
As there were no additional Agenda items to discuss, President AJ Johnson declared the meeting adjourned at 6:07 p.m.