March 10, 2025 at 6:00 PM - Scottsbluff Board of Education Regular Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Opening Procedures
1.a. Call to Order
The Regular Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Board President Scott Reisig.
1.b. Roll Call
1.c. Excuse Absent Member(s)
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Open Meetings Law
This meeting was held in accordance to the Open Meetings Act. Notice of this meeting was published in the Star-Herald and on the Scottsbluff Public Schools website.
4. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
Board President Scott Reisig requested to remove item 4.c.3., the resignation of Andrea Peterson, Special Education, Bluffs Middle School from the Consent Agenda.
4.a. Adopt Agenda
4.b. Approval of Certified Staff Hire
4.b.1. Taya Johnson, Kindergarten, Longfellow Elementary
4.b.2. Erica Croft, 1st Grade, Roosevelt Elementary
4.b.3. Hallie Cochran, 2nd Grade, Roosevelt Elementary
4.b.4. Onalise Kingsley, 2nd Grade, Roosevelt Elementary
4.b.5. Luanna Soto, EL, Roosevelt Elementary
4.b.6. Alexandra Harris, 7th Grade ELA, Bluffs Middle School
4.b.7. Scott O’Dell, Math, Scottsbluff High School
4.b.8. Kristian Schank, Social Studies, Scottsbluff High School
4.c. Approval of Certified Staff Resignation
4.c.1. Tori Hoagland, 8th Grade Science, Bluffs Middle School
4.c.2. Kortni Zeiler, Special Education, Bluffs Middle School
4.c.3. Andrea Peterson, Special Education, Bluffs Middle School
4.c.4. Lori Rosson, Speech Language Pathologist, SBPS
4.d. Approval of Certified Staff Retirement
4.d.1. Lori Weidaman, 2nd Grade, Roosevelt Elementary
4.e. Administrator Appointment
4.e.1. Nate Rock, Assistant Principal/Activities Director, Scottsbluff High School
4.f. Approve Minutes as follows:
4.f.1. February 10, 2025
5. Expenditures
5.a. Expenditures without Douglas, Kelly, Ostdiek, Snyder, Ossian and Vogl, P.C and Tory Schwartz: $1,623,949.40
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5.b. Douglas, Kelly, Ostdiek, Snyder, Ossian and Vogl, P.C. Expenditures: $429.50
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5.c. Tory Schwartz Expenditures: $150.00
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6. Awards and Recognitions
6.a. Girls Wrestling
Justin Gipe
Scottsbluff High School Girls Wrestling Coach Justin Gipe spoke.
6.b. Boys Wrestling
Dustin Stodola
Scottsbluff High School Boys Wrestling Coach Dustin Stodola spoke.
6.c. Swimming
Vanessa Woolsey
Scottsbluff High School Swimming Coach Vanessa Woolsey spoke.
7. Student Report
Ava Reed
Scottsbluff High School student Ava Reed gave an update to the Board of Education. Ava stated February was a very productive month as students concluded many winter sports. Jazmyn Garcia continued to make school history by winning runner-up at the Girls State Wrestling tournament. The SHS Boys Wrestling team had a successful end to their season with students Daylon Adams placing 5th, Oscar Brown placing 4th, and Anthony Shifflet placing 3rd at the State Wrestling Tournament. The SHS Drill team won its 17th title in the State High Kick division at State Dance, and Cheer had their highest finish in school history, placing 5th at the State Cheer Competition. The Seacats team had a good finish to their season with many members attending the Class A State competition and setting personal records for the season. Educators Rising competed in their state competition, winning the Knowledge Bowl Championship along with four 1st place finishers, six 2nd place finishers, and three 3rd place finishers in their respective events. In addition, Karli Knaub was elected as a Nebraska State Officer, and Mikaylah Garcia was named the Educators Rising member of the Year. ProStart competed in their state competition with their Management Team winning the state championship and their Culinary Team placing 3rd. The Boys Basketball team won the District Final and is heading to state this week, and the Girls Basketball team had a great season, finishing in a District Championship game against Waverly. The SHS Choir hosted a regional Panhandle Choir Festival, and the CHOICES program hosted another successful Living Museum. Ava stated there are many upcoming state competitions for the Career Student Organizations. Other upcoming events include ACT Day on March 25th, Prom on April 6th, and Speech Team Districts this coming weekend. Ava stated spring is a busy season, but the students have much to celebrate. She thanked the Board of Education for providing these opportunities for students and for supporting their passions and interests.
8. Public Comment - a total of 120 minutes will be allotted (no more than 5 minutes per speaker).
The following member of the public was present to address the Board of Education during Public Comment:
9. Update
9.a. Strategic Priority #2 - Mental Health and Wellbeing
Dr. Wendy Kemling
Executive Director of Student Services Dr. Wendy Kemling, Westmoor Elementary Assistant Principal Bethany Jolliffe, Director of Mental Health Counseling Terry Fisher-Edens, and District Behavior Coordinator Aida Walsh gave an update to the Board of Education regarding Strategic Priority #2 - "Scottsbluff Public Schools will Invest in the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Our Students and Staff through Proactive Wellness Efforts and Behavior Interventions."
10. New Business
10.a. Annual Review of Board Policy 5101 - “Student Discipline”
Dr. Wendy Kemling
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.b. 2025-2026 PAWS & PAWS Transition Program (PTP) Calendar
Dr. Wendy Kemling
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.c. PreK-12 2025-2026 School Calendar
Mike Mason
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.d. Update on the SBPS-JAG Nebraska Program Partnership
Mike Mason
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.e. Request for Approval for the Purchase of Summer Scholars Program
Mike Mason
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
10.f. Westmoor Elementary Modernization Furniture Purchase
Marianne Carlson
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
11. Reports and Proposals
11.a. Board Members
Board Member Beth Merrigan stated she and Board Member Tory Schwartz have had several opportunities to speak with and interact with students recently, including discussions regarding civic engagement and civic responsibilities. Beth thanked the administrators for welcoming the involvement of the Board members. She also stated she was also present at a recent event coordinated by Empowering Families, which was a valuable experience.
11.b. Board Committee Reports
11.b.1. Curriculum & Instruction/Americanism Committee - Next Meeting: March 28, 2025 @ 11:30 AM
Mike Mason
No report.
11.b.2. Facility Committee - Next Meeting: April 7, 2025 @ 12:30 PM
Marianne Carlson
Executive Director of Finance Marianne Carlson stated the next Facility Committee meeting was rescheduled to April 7th at 12:30 PM due to a scheduling conflict.
11.b.3. Finance Committee - Next Meeting: April 7, 2025 @ 11:00 AM
Marianne Carlson
No report.
11.b.4. Student Services Committee - Next Meeting: March 17, 2025 @ 11:30 AM
Dr. Wendy Kemling
No report.
11.c. From the Administrative Staff:
11.c.1. Executive Director of Finance
Marianne Carlson
Executive Director of Finance Marianne Carlson updated the Board of Education on an approved change order for the Scottsbluff Public Schools Education Center as per Board Policy 3133.
11.c.2. Executive Director of Student Services
Dr. Wendy Kemling
No report.
11.c.3. Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mike Mason
No report.
11.c.4. Superintendent
Dr. Andrew Dick
Superintendent Dr. Andrew Dick stated all Scottsbluff residents should have or will soon receive the 2024-2025 Annual Report, noting it is a high quality, excellent product created by Director of Communications Melissa Price. Dr. Dick stated the Annual Report highlights the many great things accomplished across the District over the course of the past school year and extended his appreciation to Melissa for her great work in completing the Annual Report. Dr. Dick also noted the Annual Report is a requirement for all school districts in Nebraska to provide to their patrons.
Dr. Dick stated that earlier in the day, he attended the Governor's Town Hall meeting, and noted one item of importance that dovetails with the strategic priority the Board received an update on this evening. He stated one of the Governor's priorities for this year's legislative session is banning cell phones in classrooms because of the impact they have on students' mental health. Lastly, Dr. Dick provided an update on the Early Childhood project, stating it is moving ahead on schedule. He said the classrooms now have paint, tack boards, whiteboards, and casework, and they are starting to look like the classrooms that students will be able to benefit from in just five short months. Dr. Dick also shared that as of Friday, March 7, the District had 143 preschoolers registered for the 2025-2026 school year, which includes 7 five-year-olds, 82 four-year-olds, and 54 three-year-olds. He also stated that of those registered, 19 had expressed interest in bussing from Roosevelt, and 57 had expressed interest in the YMCA Extended Day Program. He stated the previous lack of an extended-day program had been a barrier to families accessing Bear Cub Preschool, which has been affirmed by these initial registration numbers. Dr. Dick added the topic of preschool was also addressed in the Governor's remarks at the Town Hall meeting earlier in the day, as Governor Pillen noted Nebraska is a leader in the United States in terms of preschool for three-year-olds. |
12. Future Meetings and Dates to Remember
12.a. March 13, 2025 - End of 3rd Quarter
12.b. March 14, 2025 - ½ PD & ½ Workday - No School for Students
12.c. March 19, 2025 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-8:00 PM)
12.d. March 20, 2025 - Parent-Teacher Conferences (8:00 AM-8:00 PM) - No School for Students
12.e. March 21, 2025 - No School for Students & Staff
12.f. March 25, 2025 - ReConnect Graduation @ 5:30 PM - BMS Cafeteria
12.g. April 14, 2025 - Board of Education Meeting
13. Adjournment
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
The Regular Board of Education Meeting was adjourned at 7:20 PM.