December 21, 2015 at 5:00 PM - Work Session Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Work Session
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Recognitions
I.E. Presentations
I.E.1. Centennial Elementary Staff
Sixty three percent of the students at Centennial on free and reduced lunch for the 2014-15 school year. The mobility rate is up from 17 percent in 2013-14 to 34 percent in 2014-15. ELL has been fairly consistent since 2010, but Centennial’s numbers are 2 -3 times higher than the state average. Centennial staff is working on building relationships and creating a strong school community. One School one Book is a program the whole school is involved in. A book is chosen to be read by all grades together for about two to three weeks. At the end of the time, activities are done. The Centennial PAC also gave any family that requested it a book.
Before PLC meetings, the staff does fun activities to get to know each other. Once a month, there is a meal to celebrate staff birthdays. This is another way for staff to get to know each other.
SOS - Save One Star is a program where teachers can nominate a student or individual who needs an extra nudge or push, and staff can sign up to be his or her mentor. Their job is to talk to the student every day.
For students in Kindergarten through second grade, there is an additional reading block. They will review high frequency words, practice penmanship and phonemic awareness instruction and review or finish the daily reading mastery lesson. In first grade, last year, they spend time rereading the story. In second grade this year, there were only a small group of kids not at grade level, and they are currently only about three months behind. This is the second year of doing this program, and the number of students behind in reading is decreasing.
Celebrate student success – The staff does star recognitions when students do something good such as good behavior or raising a grade. Every time any class gets an all time best on L to J they do a cheer. There is an Accelerated Reader wall of fame. Each time students take a test and get 25 points, their pictures move up higher on the wall. The school does several community service projects. In the second grade, they started selling candy canes for 50 cents a piece. The second graders attach the tags to the candy canes and deliver them. They use the money to purchase gifts for those in need through Holiday Spirit Co-op. The project teaches kids to use math skill, learn to help others during the holidays and encourage the whole school to think of each other as family. The Student Council sells healthy snacks every Friday, and the money raised goes to two or three organizations of choice. The Student Council has also gone to help fill backpacks for that program and clean kennels for Paws and Claws. The students each year participate in a 100th day food drive to support Simon House. The goal is for each class to bring cans. Last year, there were over 800 items collected. In physical education class they do Centennial jumping jacks. The staff decided to close out every assembly doing Centennial jumping jacks. Principal Jackie Herink said they are trying to send a message that all the students are part of a big school family. At the beginning of each assembly, they show the school video. Herink said these are some things that make Centennial unique. This year they are also building a ticket tower to show the tickets were given to students for doing good behavior. This tower will be placed in the main hallway.
I.F. Regular Board Meeting Information
The board did not discuss the regular board meeting information.
II. Executive Session
The board went into executive session at 5:40 p.m.
III. Adjourn
IV. Board Meeting
IV.A. Call to Order
IV.B. Roll Call of Board
IV.C. Pledge of Allegiance
IV.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
IV.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
IV.E. Mission Statement
Mike Goos read the mission statement.
IV.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
No one spoke to the board.
IV.G. Board Special Functions
IV.G.1. Hearings
There were no hearings.
IV.H. Recognitions
There were no recognitions.
IV.I. Presentations
IV.I.1. STEM Contributions
There is a new STEM billboard on Highway 81. The STEM fundraising kickoff was held two weeks ago. At the kickoff, Superintendent Dr. Troy Loeffelholz shared information with invited guests at the event, and he also gave all the board members a brochure. CPS Foundation Executive Director Landon Wietfeld and Dr. Loeffelholz are drafting an agreement for when a business wants to donate to STEM. One company has already committed. Phase I is asking for $600,000 from the community, which would then make the district eligible for an additional $300,000 from the Sherwood Foundation. If CPS raises $900,000, there could be an addition $200,000 available. If there is $1.3 million, the Scott Foundation will also give an additional $300,000. The Kiewit Foundation may also provide some additional money. Dr. Loeffelholz said if all goals are met, there could be an additional $800,000 from outside of the Columbus community being donated. He said a lot of the information in the brochure can be found in other places. Some of the potential CHS classes being offered with Central Community College include: advance manufacturing design technology, and automotive and auto body technology, construction technology, mechatronics, and welding technology. The businesses are also saying there is a need in electrical/mechanical as well. Dr. Loeffelholz said other players are coming on board, and they are excited about what CPS is doing. Engaging kids in real life expectations is what STEM does. Dr. Loeffelholz said they have estimated the cost to purchase all new equipment for the new STEM area at $860,000. He said they would like to raise over the goal, so there is money left for scholarships and to help sustain the program. Cherie VanDyke is currently making appointments with businesses, so Dr. Loeffelholz and Wietfeld can go visit after the first of the year. He said these businesses need to recruit CPS kids. He said the students need to realize there are good jobs here in Columbus.
IV.J. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
No items were removed from the consent agenda.
IV.K. Consent Agenda
There were four classified resignations and on hire for the month. There are also 31 students who will be graduating midterm.
IV.K.1. Approval of Minutes
IV.K.2. Certified Personnel
IV.K.3. Classified Personnel
IV.K.4. Class of 2016 Mid-Term Graduates
IV.K.5. Professional Travel
IV.L. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
There was $6,527.75 donated for November from the CPS Foundation, Emerson PTO, Lost Creek PTO, CMS PAC, West Park PTO, Band Boosters, Sports Boosters and North Park PTO. The amount donated since September has been $48,153.92.
IV.M. Business Operations and Human Relations
IV.M.1. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
IV.M.2. Financial Report M4b
There was $829.37 paid to Seipel’s Repair for work done to the suburban and regular maintenance to other vehicles.
IV.M.3. Policies
IV.M.3.1. Policy 402.01 Equal Opportunity Employment
IV.M.3.2. Policy 902.02 Construction Plans and Specifications
This policy reflects previous policies adopted by the board earlier in the year in response to new legislation.
IV.M.3.3. Policy 302.02 Superintendent Contract and Contract Nonrenewal
This policy explains in greater detail the Superintendent's Transparency Act. The district has already been disclosing this information for two years, and must be included in policy.
IV.M.3.4. Policy 509.02 Student Memorials and Gifts
This new policy has a lot more detail than the old policy. The policy encourages memorials to be given for scholarship or to charities the family supports. This policy also establishes criteria for denying a memorial gift.
IV.M.3.5. Policy 402.07 Recognition for Service and Memorials of Employees
The staff memorial policy is the same as the student memorial policy.
IV.M.4. Administrative Functions
IV.M.4.1. Acceptance of Superintendent’s Letter of Continuation and approval of Contract/Extension
Each year the Superintendent must inform the board of his or her intention of returning for the next two years. This letter will extend the years of service to June 30, 2018. Alan Dostal said he is pleased to see this letter come through. Dr. Loeffelholz said he would not be able to do if not for all the people in the trenches working with students every day. He said he is lucky to have a good team.
IV.M.4.2. Grant Writer Contract
Dr. Loeffelholz said Lori Aschoff has done a nice job of working with staff to help write grants to fund things. She splits her time between CPS, United Way and the Chamber. CPS share of her salary is $11,000. If the district hired its own grant writer, it would cost $60,000-$100,000. Aschoff is currently doing a lot of research on STEM and the inclusive playground. Dr. Loeffelholz said she has submitted two grants for STEM. He said the district has received $400,000 in grant money for $55,000 paid out in the past five years.
IV.M.5. Updates
IV.M.5.1. Special Building Fund Update
Executive Director of Business Operations and Personnel Dave Melick said since the district forgot to adjust the budget for the bond spending, he had to write a letter to the Department of Education.
IV.N. Buildings & Sites/Technology
IV.N.1. Policies
IV.N.2. Administrative Functions
IV.N.2.1. Technology Equipment, Office Furniture, Maintenance Equipment – Surplus
Executive Director of Operations and Technology Leonard Kwapnioski asked the board to declare several items as surplus. He said he would once again like to hold a garage sale to allow the community to come and purchase some of these items. He said anything that is not sold will be recycled. Kwapnioski said no items will be given away. He said there are a couple things that could have some value and if a high enough price is not offered, the items will be kept until next time. Kwapnioski said he would like to hold the sale sometime in February.
IV.N.3. Updates
Kwapnioski said he is hoping to get the shelter between the gym and hall in the Duncan building done soon, and in spring he wants to pour the sidewalk. The only other item to do is the double doors coming out the gym. He reminded the board that there is only 36 months left on the contract with that facility.
He said he went through the safety and security audit with the safety committee as well as the safety committee executive leadership. Kwapnioski said the committee is deciding what should be done first and how to implement it. Right now he said he is not planning on moving forward with Mr. Nesbitt for 2015-16 school year, but this may be something to consider again in the future.
IV.O. Curriculum and Instruction
IV.O.1. Policies
IV.O.1.1. Policy 603.01 Curriculum Development
IV.O.2. Administrative Functions
IV.O.3. Updates
Curriculum now has a webpage. Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Amy Romshek said the page will provide information for staff and parents. She encouraged the board to go look at the page when they have time.
IV.P. Student Services
IV.P.1. Policies
IV.P.1.1. Policy 503.04 Absenteeism/Barriers To Attendance
This policy looks at barriers to attendance and talks about the potential of having an attendance officer for middle school and high school and a social worker for elementary. Before attendance issues can be given to the county attorney, there must be proof that a plan was implemented. Dr. Loeffelholz the responsibility is now shifting back to the schools instead of law enforcement
IV.P.2. Administrative Functions
IV.P.3. Updates
Executive Director of Student Services and Special Education Jason Harris said his department is busy submitting grants. He recently worked on one with ELL and curriculum for $864,000. He also just completed an IDEA grant for students with special needs for $810,000. He said these grants are used for staff and professional development and also for supplies.
The Child Well Being Coalition donated $17,000 for access to mental health and transportation to CPS. The grant will have $11,000 for mental health service and to provide transportation or mileage if needed. In order to receive this service, there will be a permission form, which will include a way to explain it to families and how to access it.
IV.Q. Superintendent's Report
IV.Q.1. Incumbent Filing – Certification – 2016 Primary Election
The filing deadline for incumbents is from Dec. 1 to Feb. 16 at 5 pm. The primary election will be on May 10, 2016 and general election on Nov. 8, 2016. The following board members are up for re-election: Mike Goos, Alan Dostal, Candy Becher all for four years and Doug Molczyk for two years. Dr. Loeffelholz asked the board to let him know when they file.
Dr. Loeffelholz said the CMS fundraiser was very successful. He said he also just finished this quarter’s superintendent summits. He said this a a great opportunity to share concerns. Dr. Loeffelholz said he has heard many of the same things over and over. He said he will give the board as well as the building principals a summary of what was said at the buildings. He said next quarter he will be by himself at the summits and the fourth quarter some directors will be with him again.
IV.R. Board Sharing
Theresa Seipel said it was great to see what is going on at Centennial. She said it is a big building, and the staff is doing a lot to help students be connected. She wished everyone a Merry Christmas and happy New Year.
Alan Dostal said there were a lot of positive things at the listening session, and he learned about some of the challenges. He said the staff is very youthful.
Candy Becher said she was happy when she saw Dr. Loeffelholz’ letter of intent to return and she is looking forward to working with him longer. She also wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
Doug Molczyk said it was wonderful being at Centennial because he has only been there a handful of times. He said the staff does a great job of team building. He was also glad to see Dr. Loeffelholz’ letter. He wished everyone a happy holiday.
Mike Goos thanked everyone for the experience at Centennial. He said CPS is lucky to have great schools and a great staff. He said the staff often takes this for granted and CPS is top notch. Goos said Columbus is very fortunate to have a caring community. He wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Dr. Loeffelholz will send out some information on a meeting Jan. 31 and Feb.1. Goos said he might be interested in attending this meeting.
V. Executive Session
The board went into executive session for personnel - teacher negotiations at 8:16 p.m.
VI. Adjourn