January 18, 2016 at 5:00 PM - Work Session Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Work Session
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Recognitions
I.E. Presentations
I.E.1. West Park Elementary
Mrs. Lawrence, Principal at West Park led the discussion. The poverty level at West Park has leveled off to about 60-70 percent. The ELL population is about 15-20 percent, and Special Education population is right below 20 percent. NeSA scores have shown growth in reading, and there has been consistent upward movement. There were 88 percent of the students in grades 3-5 who met or exceeded the proficiency goal in reading.
This is the first year West Park has had a full-time school counselor. School Counselor Wendi Petersen said she tries to help kids with family issues and emotional issues. The students are divided into tiers to determine what level of help is needed. Tier I are everyone, and these skills will be taught during the guidance curriculum. Petersen said she is able to do more lessons and expanded activities. Tier II requires small group intervention. She said she is using more teacher input and office referrals to find students. Petersen said this data has helped her know student needs. Tier III kids need intensive behavior help and are seen on an individual basis. Petersen said she has had teachers doing progress monitoring on how the student is doing and to have the student do self-monitoring as well. Teacher Feedback – First grade teacher Doris Augspurger said it has been helpful having a full-time school counselor. She said this gives teacher flexibility to ask for help when needed instead of having to wait. Fifth grade teacher Laura Magg agreed. She said a student’s behavior can escalate quickly. She said she had four kids with a behavior chart at beginning of the year, and there is only one student with a chart now. Petersen said the biggest change is she can now be more proactive and preventive. She said she is more data driven instead of being reactionary. Petersen said she is better able to build relationships with students and make connections with families.
Kindergartners are using the Seesaw App. This app is very user friendly. A QR code was made in the kindergarten room to take kids to a specific assignment. Students started doing audio reading on this app because the teachers wanted parents to see how their children started at the beginning of the year and how they progress throughout the year. The goal is to eventually have the projects be more student driven than teacher driven. The kids like recording and seeing themselves speak. A student demonstrated how the program works.
The third grade IXL Program allows students to practice standard specific skills. West Park recently purchased 10 mini iPads to use in the classroom, and these work great for IXL. This program is being piloted this year, and a determination will be made if a license will be bought next year. Currently, staff is only using it for math and reading. The class is broken into three smaller groups. One group is doing homework with a para educator’s help, one is working with the teacher and the last group is working on IXL. The information given to the teacher can show where the student is struggling. This can guide future instruction of the whole group or just a few students who need intervention. IXL is very hands on and students can even show their work. It has immediate feedback and tells them if they got it wrong and if so why.
WIN Time (What I Need Time) – In the second grade, each kids’ skills are addressed. WIN Time is held four days a week. Students are placed in a small group based on their skills. This allows teachers to give immediate feedback and see how students are progressing with those skills. The key is to analyze the data and what it means.
Homework Club started after break. The data shows math scores have not shown improvement. Students are finishing homework but not at a proficient level. Teachers identify students in grades 3-5 that are not showing math proficiency. Permission slips were sent home to these students inviting them to Homework Club. The club runs from 3:25-4 p.m., and there will be one to two teachers present. There were 10 out of the 17 students invited that attend faithfully.
PBIS Team (Positive Behavior Intervention & Support)focuses on improving students’ behaviors. There is a behavior matrix that shows what positive behavior looks like in all areas of the building. The students do expectation stations in the fall and after Christmas. All teachers bring students to stations, which include expectations for the playground, before and after school, and guest teacher in the room. Students hear the same thing and same language in all the areas. Students also can receive golden tickets in recognition for positive behavior. These tickets are placed in a box for a drawing for a prize.
Student of the month assembles begin with the Pledge and Star Spangled Banner. Teachers nominate students from the classroom to be student of the month. What the teacher wrote about the student is read before all the students. Those chosen receive a certificate and water bottle, and their pictures go on the Student of the Month wall. The assemblies are a positive experience that can be shared with the whole school.
I.E.2. Construction Update
Dr. Loeffelholz gave an update on the progress of the new high school. In Area A & B (Gyms/Fitness), the interior brick walls are up and the floor in both gyms are poured. Area C (Cafeteria/Commons) has a temporary enclosure for winter conditions so work can continue. In Area D (Fine Arts/Auditorium), mechanical have been roughed in. In Area F (Academic Wing), everything but the library and exterior office has been poured. Concrete is also being poured upstairs. Most of Area F has a floor, and there is still work being done on the roof. Area G (Academic Wing) is 90 percent complete with all floors poured except for the science rooms because the traps are finished. In Area H (STEM Area), work is still being done on the mechanical. By February 8, the board needs to make a final decision on if they want synthetic turf or natural grass. Dr. Loeffelholz said as long as the workers can do brick work during winter, they should be able to make up some time on the schedule.
I.F. Regular Board Meeting Information
The North Park Student Council wants to sell candy grams for Valentine’s Day as a fundraiser. The money will be used to help buy supplies for the health office such as underwear, socks, toothbrushes etc.
The CHS Course Description book will be presented at the board meeting. Dr. Loeffelholz said the information is summarized on a sheet if the board wants to look it over before the regular meeting.
II. Executive Session
The board went into executive session at 5:58 p.m. for the Superintendent’s Evaluation.
III. Adjourn
IV. Board Meeting
IV.A. Call to Order
IV.B. Roll Call of Board
IV.C. Pledge of Allegiance
IV.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
IV.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
IV.E. Mission Statement
Doug Molczyk read the mission statement.
IV.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
No one spoke to the board.
IV.G. Board Special Functions
IV.G.1. Historical Sign Presentation by Lloyd Castner
Lloyd Castner, volunteer for the Platte County Historical Society, said the society is trying to increase the number of historical markers in Platte County. They want four more and would like one to be installed on the grounds of Columbus High School. He said they are looking at placing the marker near the track. Castner said it will fit nicely there. He said it won't be a hazard or in the way. The marker is for the man who invented the center pivot. He used to live in the house across the street from the marker. Dr. Loeffelholz said the board will vote on this at the February meeting. He said this a great opportunity to partner with the Platte County Historical Society.
IV.G.2. Election of President for 2016
Mike Goos was the only one nominated for the position.
IV.G.3. Election of Vice President for 2016
Theresa Seipel was the only nominee for vice president.
IV.G.4. Resignation of Alan Dostal
Alan Dostal has been on the board for 8 years. He said it has been a great privilege to serve on the board. He said he was first appointed to fill another person’s term and now wants someone else to have that opportunity. Dostal said there have been some very powerful candidates that have applied for the positions in the past. He said the process brings out very good people. Dostal said he has the greatest respect for teachers and staff as well as the rest of the board. He said the board has been great to work with over the years. Mike Goos said Dostal has left a good size footprint to fill. He said his leadership has been invaluable. Goos said the CPS kids and staff are better off because Dostal served. Theresa Seipel said she learned a lot from him, and she will miss him. Candy Becher said she will miss Dostal’s stability and fairness. Doug Molczyk said he is in awe of how Dostal analyzes things. Ken Curry said Dostal has been very level headed. Dostal thanked the board for their comments.
IV.G.5. Filling Board Vacancy
Dr. Loeffelholz said the vacancy will be effective as of Feb. 8. The board has 45 days to fill position. The vacancy will be advertised in the Telegram and also on our website and social media outlets. He said he will contact the election commissioner’s office as well. Candidates must meet the same requirements as a regular board member such as living in the district and not being a teacher. Applications are due January 27th. Once received, the applications will be reviewed and the board will appoint a successor. The person will serve until the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January of 2017. The new person will start at the Feb. 8 meeting.
IV.G.6. Appointments by the Board President
Appointments are submitted for information only.
a. Appointment of a board member to serve on the Selection Committee for the Annual School Bell Award (Candy Becher)
b. Appointment of negotiating team for the 2015-2016 teachers' contract (Ken Curry and Theresa Seipel)
c. Appointment of a board representative to the Nebraska Association of School Boards' Delegate Assembly (Doug Molczyk)
IV.G.7. Committee and Foundation Board Appointments
The newly elected President should appoint Board Members to serve on subcommittees, other district committees, and the School Foundation Board consistent with the change in leadership and/or any other considerations the newly elected President deems appropriate.
a. Appointment of Board Members to the four standing Board sub-committees: Building & Site: Ken Curry and vacant (will be filled by new person); Curriculum: Candy Becher and vacant; Finance & Personnel: Doug Molczyk and Theresa Seipel; and Policy: Ken Curry and vacant.
b. Appointment of three Board Members to Committee on Americanism [Candy Becher, vacant, and Theresa Seipel].
c. Appointment of two Board Members to an annual term on the School District of Columbus Foundation Board [Candy Becher and Theresa Seipel].
d. Appointment of a Board Member to serve as a representative to the NASB Legislative Relations Network [Doug Molczyk].
The President of the board sits on all committees.
IV.H. Recognitions
There were no recognitions. Alan Dostal was invited back to the February meeting.
IV.I. Presentations
There are no presentations.
IV.J. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
No items were removed from the consesnt agenda.
IV.K. Consent Agenda
Bonnie Malcolm will retire at the end of the school year.
IV.K.1. Approval of Minutes
IV.K.2. Certified Personnel
IV.K.3. Classified Personnel
IV.K.4. Professional Travel
IV.L. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
The monthly contributions from the CPS Foundation, Centennial PAC, Lost Creek PTO, North Park PTO, West Park PTO, Band Boosters and Sports Boosters were
$10,919.24. The total given back for this fiscal year is $59,037.16.
IV.M. Business Operations and Human Relations
IV.M.1. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Executive Director of Business Operations and Human Relations Dave Melick said the five payments of nearly $6 million were paid for the CHS building project.
IV.M.2. Financial Report M4b
The board approved the $817.50 payment to Seipel Repair for inspection service on several vehicles.
IV.M.3. Administrative Functions
IV.M.3.1. Second Semester Fundraisers
In addition to the North Park Student Council Fundraiser, the Centennial PAC will be collecting Fedora Labels from Godfather’s Pizza boxes. This project is similar to the Box Top competitions. The proceeds will go to the Centennial PAC general fund account.
IV.M.4. Updates
Jason Schapmann is the negotiator for CEA.
IV.N. Buildings & Sites/Technology
IV.N.1. Updates
The West Park kindergarten room redesign is nearly complete. Bids are currently being sought for carpet tiles. More progress will be made on Duncan as soon as the ground thaws. Upgrades will be made to Powerschool. There will be a second server, so the update can be checked before it goes live. Dr. Loeffelholz said this should help things run more smoothly.
IV.O. Curriculum and Instruction
IV.O.1. Administrative Functions
IV.O.1.1. CHS 2016-2017 Course Description, A Guide to Registration
CHS Principal Steve Woodside said there were a few changes or adjustments made this year to the course description book. In the letter, a paragraph was added about the STEM academy. Woodside said a lot of time was spent on the career areas of study. The Technology Information II class now gives students who have a C or better a chance to take a test to become Microsoft certified. This test can be taken in Word, PowerPoint and Excel. There were two students that passed all three of the test this year and will get credit from Central Community College. Changes were also made in the weights program. Now students not in athletics can take weights I, II or III. Students in athletics can take a strength and conditioning classes. Woodside this will allow for the students to grow and results will be seen from the strength and conditioning classes. He said the idea is for students to show growth. Woodside said if kids are going to compete, they need to develop in a way to compete with other schools. Woodside said the high school is in a transition period between the old and new buildings. Electronics III has been changed to robotics and will be a part of electronics/mechatronics area. He said they are also going to be starting an FBLA group at the high school as well.
Woodside said the idea is for none of the STEM classes to be dead-end courses. He said several businesses have seen the STEM class plan and how it is structured. Woodside said the concept has been well received in the community.
IV.O.2. Updates
Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction Amy Romshek said she has been working with middle school teams on 5-6 grade programming. She said there is a good program in place but it needs to be tweaked. She said those on the committees are really focusing on the needs of kids.
The district is also entering NeSA testing season. This involves testing at every building and doing training to make sure people remember all rules. Students will be tested in reading, writing and math and science. ELL students will also be tested in ELPA.
Executive Director of Student Services/Special Education Jason Harris and Romshek have been working with RTI consultants from UNL. These people looked at CPS’ data and provided feedback. Curriculum also held a substitute teacher support half-day training. Subs now have an email address and were given help on using the account and Google classroom. Melick reviewed the handbook and others went over procedures.
IV.P. Student Services
IV.P.1. Administrative Functions
IV.P.2. Updates
Next month or in March Harris will give a presentation on Grading for Learning. Kindergarten registration will be held March 7-11 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. at the Student Center. Each school will be assigned a day to attend; however, parents can come and register their children on any of the days. In order to enter kindergarten, a child must be 5 on or before July 31.
In order to register for preschool, parents must call Tami Alstadt to make an appointment. Appointments will be accepted from Feb. 22-March 18. Parents will be notified if they are accepted the week of April 3. There are 120 spots plus one partnership classroom with Head Start.
Parents can sign up for the early entrance kindergarten test. Students will be tested on April 19. In order to be accepted, students must score a standard score of 90.
The accountability grant money has been release. Centennial, Emerson and North Park will divide $23,000 between the three schools. In the past, most of the money has been spent on extended learning at Emerson and Centennial. This is the first year for North Park. The purpose of the grant is to give more opportunities to students to help close the achievement gap.
IV.Q. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz said he has been busy doing STEM fundraising. Woodside and CPS Foundation Executive Director Landon Wietfeld and Dr. Loeffelholz have visited Ernst Auto, Steffy Ford, Lindsay Mfg., Camaco, First National Bank, Duo Lift, Pinnacle Bank, and Columbus Federal Credit Union. He said they will be going to Blazer Manufacturing and B-D tomorrow. Clark Creative Group has entered STEM artwork into the American Advertising Awards. If it wins at this level, the work will advance on. Dr. Loeffelholz thanked Dostal for all his time he served on the board.
IV.R. Board Sharing
Ken Curry said he will miss Dostal. He said the West Park presentation was very good, and they are wonderful teachers. Curry asked the district to apply something to the icy areas.
Doug Molczyk said the West Park presentation was great. He said he loves the student of the month and the singing of the Star Spangled Banner. Molczyk said Dostal has made a lasting impression on him, and Woodside is doing a wonderful job on STEM. He said he was very impressed.
Candy Becher said she enjoyed the West Park presentation and loved seeing the little girl demonstrating her knowledge on the computer. Becher said the West Park staff is doing great. She said she will miss Dostal’s kindness and love for the students.
Theresa Seipel said all the schools are great, and she loves going to each one. She said a person can tell the staff are speaking from their heart when they talk about their kids. Seipel said she will also miss Dostal and learned a lot from him.
Mike Goos said Dostal is a very kind man and one of a kind. He wished him good luck. He said he would like to go to a Legislative Conference in Lincoln on Jan. 31. Goos said West Park had a great presentation.
Alan Dostal said he enjoyed the West Park Presentation as well. He also enjoyed the little girl’s presentation and thought it was a good way to demonstrate the accessibility of technology. Dostal said he appreciates the work of all staff. He said the last 8 years have passed quickly.
V. Executive Session
The board did not go into executive session.
VI. Adjourn
The board adjourned at 8:35 pm.