September 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Board Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Mission Statement
Mike Goos read the Mission Statement. |
I.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
No one spoke to the board. |
I.G. Recognitions
There were no recognitions. |
I.H. Board Special Functions
I.H.1. Adjourn Regular Meeting and Enter into Special Hearings
I.H.2. Hearings
I.H.2.1. Special Hearing for the purpose of receiving public input on the 2017-2018 Columbus Public Schools Budget
There are 50 funds that fall in the general fund budget. This year there is $18,290,788 needed in property taxes. One change this year is the county treasurer’s commission of 1 percent of tax collections needs to be included as part of the budget. When combining the property taxes and treasurer’s commission, the total tax requirement is $18,475,543.25. There are some general fund lid exclusions, which include $265,350 for voluntary termination agreements and $646,016 for retirement contribution increase. The total levy including general, bond and special building funds was $1.252662 last year, and this year it has dropped to $1.248124. Total budget expenditures are $66,319.404. The General Fund makes up 75 percent of the total budget.
I.H.2.2. Special Hearing to Receive Input on the 2017-2018 Final Tax Request
I.H.3. Board Committee Appointments
I.H.4. Approval of CPS Foundation Board of Directors
Board member Cristal Menke is leaving and will be replaced by Morgan Kapels. He said the rest of the board will remain the same as last year.
I.H.5. First Reading of Policy 502.02 Nonresident Students/Option Enrollment
If students want to option after March 15, they need permission from their resident district to option out. Last year, there were 49 students who optioned in and 74 optioned out. This year, so far, there have been 57 option in and 47 option out.
I.H.6. First Reading of Policy 403.055 Internal Complaint Procedures For Staff
Dr. Loeffelholz said the suggested changes will be made for the next meeting because this is only the first reading of the policy.
I.I. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
Item M5A was removed from the consent agenda. |
I.J. Consent Agenda
I.J.1. Approval of Minutes
I.J.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
I.J.3. Financial Report M5
I.J.4. Financial Report M5a
Seipel Repair was paid $999.99 for some bus repair and other work.
I.J.5. Certified Personnel
I.J.6. Classified Personnel
I.J.7. Professional Travel
I.K. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
The Foundation’s new year will be starting this month. The total contributions for 2016-17 including the umbrella groups was $1,325,017.88.
I.L. Business and Finance
I.L.1. Policies
I.L.1.1. Second and Final Reading of Policy 406.11 Certificated Employee On-Notice Status
I.L.2. Administrative Functions
I.L.2.1. Columbus Public Schools 2017-2018 Budget
I.L.2.2. 2017-2018 Final Tax Request
I.L.2.3. Approval of Surplus Property
I.L.3. Updates
I.M. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.M.1. Policies
I.M.1.1. Second and Final Reading of Policy 804.01 Computer and Data Security
I.M.2. Administrative Functions
I.M.2.1. 2017-2018 Safety Committee Members
I.M.2.2. Seipel's Repair Inc. Bid for Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance for 2017-2018
This year there was only one bid received.
I.M.3. Updates
I.N. Curriculum and Instruction
I.N.1. Policies
I.N.2. Administrative Functions
I.N.2.1. Close Up Scholarships
I.N.3. Updates
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Amy Romshek said AdvancED will be doing their evaluation of the district Nov. 6-8. This is a rule 10 requirement in Nebraska. She said AdvancED helps the district with the accreditation process. AdvancED provides CPS with a roadmap of where we are at now and where we are headed in the future. There are three domains that define the capacity of an organization: leadership capacity, learning capacity and resource capacity. Romshek said the last visitation was in 2012, and AdvancED had three recommendations. Romshek said the district has done a good job of internally developing and implementing a systematic process for conduction an annual review of the district’s vision, mission, beliefs and goals but has not done as well external, which will be a focus. She said they will also provide updated information on three district's strategic plans. The evaluation team will be here for three days. In October, the board of education meeting will be video taped, so it can be shared with the evaluation team. Romshek said the team would also like to interview board members on Nov. 5 from 1-2:30 p.m. She said the team is flexible and will do what works best for the board. Romshek said if that time does not work, to let her know. |
I.O. Student Services
I.O.1. Policies
I.O.1.1. Second and Final Reading of Policy 503.09 Homeless Children and Youth, including Exhibit
I.O.1.2. Second and Final Reading of Policy 607.09 Service Animals and Therapy Dogs
I.O.1.3. Second and Final Reading of Policy 706.07 Suspension and Debarment
I.O.2. Administrative Functions
I.O.3. Updates
I.P. Superintendent's Report
One secondary and two elementary principals will be attending the regular board meeting, and this will rotate between the different administrators. On Wednesday, Doug Willoughby, Theresa Seipel and Dr. Loeffelholz will be going to Norfolk. They will be leaving from the Administration Building at 4 p.m. Next week Doug Molczyk, Candy Becher and Dr. Loeffelholz will be going to Fremont. On Sept. 27, Nebraska Loves Public Schools will be filming the CHS drumline working with the younger students and also some of the STEM classes. The Quality of Life group said the library has not lost any funding yet. Dr. Loeffelholz said the library continues to raise money, and the group received a $750,000 grant from state, but they can't get the money until they start to build. The library needs to raise about $900,000 more. He said the Quality of Life Committee will continue to work and help the library meet the goal. He said even though the bond issue failed, no contributors were lost and also some new ones were added. |
I.Q. Board Sharing
Mike Goos hopes everyone is having a great school year. Candy Becher hopes all faculty and staff are enjoying their new facilities. Doug Molczyk thanked Dave Melick for the tremendous work he did on the budget and lowering the tax levy. He said he hopes everyone has a great school year. Molczyk said traffic around the new middle school was a little hairy in the beginning, but the problems seem to be working out. He said the administration must emphasize safety when crossing streets. Tim Pospisil also thanked Melick for all of his hard work. He said he hopes the staff appreciate their new facility and that it has taken away some of their challenges. Doug Willoughby also thanked Melick for his work on the budget. Theresa Seipel said everyone should now take a breath and settle into a routine because there has been a lot going on. She asked teachers to be patient and things will get done. Seipel also congratulated the football team on their 4-0 start this year. |
II. Executive Session
The board did not go into executive session. |
III. Adjourn
The board adjourned at 7:22 p.m. |