July 16, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Board Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Mission Statement
Doug Willoughby read the mission statement.
I.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
I.G. Adjourn
I.H. Hearings
I.H.1. Special hearing for the purpose of receiving public input on Columbus Public Schools' Student Fees Policy -Policy 504.18, Regulation 504.18R1, and Exhibit 504.18E1
Dr. Troy Loeffelholz presented the annual hearing regarding student fees with information regarding supplies lists. A new option for supplies has been offered this year, families can pre-order online from a company. The order is packaged with all items on the list and delivered directly to the student’s school site. The cost is typically less or comparable to what a family would spend when shopping for these items. Dr. Loeffelholz talked about the variable fees for CMS and CHS. The C-Stamp has increased to $35.00. Fundraising is offered for dance team uniforms, fees. Students work the concession stand, they can work at the annual golf tournament to raise funds. Some students take advantage of fundraising and some don’t. Students that qualify can fill out the paperwork to receive reduced fees.
I.I. Board Special Functions
I.I.1. Presentation of the 20- 21 Elementary Handbook
Bob Hausmann, North Park Elementary Principal shared the changes that were made to the Elementary Student Handbook. Most of the changes were just updates on wording and locations of specific rooms in the different buildings. There was some additional information added regarding the ipads and ipad cases, because of the change in allowing students to take them home. Dr. Loeffelholz mentioned all the handbooks may need to be amended if things change because of COVID-19.
I.I.2. Appointment of Chester Kay as Secretary, Board of Education, Columbus Public Schools
Chip Kay was appointed as Secretary of the CPS Board of Education. |
I.I.3. CHS Student Handbook 2020-2021
Jason Schapmann. CHS Assistant Principal shared some of the changes made to the CHS Student Handbook. Changes were made with some wording, consequences regarding vaping use and possession, social media use and student safety. The new bell schedule was included along with the new grading guidelines which included the clarification of dual credit and weighted grading for certain courses.
I.I.4. CHS 2020-2021 Activities Handbook
Tim Kwapnioski, CHS Activities Director shared changes made to the CHS Activities Handbook. Some of the changes he shared were an addition of a cover, inclusion of the non-discrimination notice, absenteeism and ineligibility policies for students who participate in activities. Also changes made to the rules regarding transportation of students. Mr. Kwapnioski said there were changes made due to CPS joining the Heartland Athletic Conference for 2020-2021.
I.I.5. CHS Fees and Admission Prices for 2020-2021
Mr. Kwapnioski talked about admission prices increasing $1.00 for adults. He did some research to keep CPS in line with others in our conference. Student prices remained the same, he felt that was appropriate because our student C-stamp increase of $10.00 from $25.00 to $35.00. CPS remains on the low end for admission and ticket prices. Mr. Kwapnioski also mentioned some increase was necessary with costs of transportation and other expenses going up in price. Performance prices also increased to $6.00.
I.I.6. CMS Student Handbook 2020-2021
Jordon Anderson, CMS Assistant Principal presented changes made to the CMS Student Handbook. He said that they went through the handbook line for line as it had not been done for some time. A committee was created, 3 teachers, Dr. Amy Mancini, CMS Assistant Principal and Mr. Anderson. They went through all the language for consistency, numbering and referencing was updated. Changes were made due to their facility change. Clarification regarding phone use in the classrooms, lunch procedures were looked at with LSI. Appropriate changes were made in regards to BIST, Health Services, WIN Time and OSS/ISS. Clarification of wording for rules and regulations on weapons, vaping, inhalant products and look-alikes were addressed. The dress code was updated along with cell phone and social media use and expectations. Attendance, grading and grade reporting were updated.
I.I.7. CMS Course Descriptions Catalog
Amy Haynes, CMS Principal gave a brief description of changes made in the CMS Course Catalog. She said that 3 of the team names were changed, along with a slight change to the bell schedule. Mrs. Haynes noted a curriculum change in Computers I and the addition of Computers II. Drum Line and Cheer were also added.
I.I.8. Return to School Resolution
Dr. Loeffelholz said this is an extension to the resolution passed in March, it allows for decisions or changes to be made more quickly. The resolution was written by Justin Knight, one of our school attorneys. He feels this is the best practice, all the Nebraska superintendents are taking this to their boards this month or next. It is all written through policy. Dr. Loeffelholz recommends that the agreement would sunset on December 31, 2020. There will be new members on the board in January and a new vote would be needed. He says NDE is pretty quiet, not giving any specifics for future plans. Dr. Loeffelholz talked about the health dial from ECHD, it will change weekly. We have purchased enough washable masks for each student to have 7. All buildings have laundry facilities. Dr. Loeffelholz shared that it is often said if 11% of students are out ill, schools should close, he said we can weather that, however, if we have 11% of our teaching staff out, CPS would need to close. He also shared the district’s screening process, and that we are wearing masks in common areas of buildings. Summer schools students and staff are wearing masks all the time.
I.J. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
There were no items removed from the consent agenda.
I.K. Consent Agenda
I.K.1. Approval of Minutes
I.K.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Mr. Chip Kay, Directory of Business Operations gave a short report on the financial reports. The revenues are down, grant funding is behind because NDE has been working from home. As mentioned last month, the lunch fund is behind, there is an inter-fund loan until we get reimbursements. Also noted in revenue is that property taxes are right about where we would expect. Mr. Kay also mentioned that CPS has received the last state aid funding. There were payments made to Houghton Mifflin for books, Beard-Warren for HVAC maintenance and Sealco for the polished concrete at Lost Creek.
I.K.3. Financial Report M5
Mr. Kay shared some expenditures from financial report M5. Fireguard, Inc. for building inspections and O’Neill Transportation & Equipment for demo work at Lost Creek.
I.K.4. Certified Personnel
We have recently received one resignation from a 4th grade teacher at Centennial. |
I.K.5. Classified Personnel
To date CPS has two positions open, an EL position and a SPED position. |
I.K.6. Professional Travel
I.L. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Dr. Loeffelholz said the Annual Booster Club Golf Tournament will kick off some revenue. He also noted the payment for a subscription to a basketball skills application called Homecourt, the students have become very engaged and excited about using this app.
I.M. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.M.1. Administrative Functions
I.M.1.1. Surplus
Mr. Kay said all items will be discarded.
I.M.1.2. Meal Prices for 2020-2021
Mr. Kay explained the increase in meal prices. CPS has not increased meal prices for two years. Based on the use of PLE, we should increase prices $0.13, $0.10 is the cap for an increase. Our lunch fund account is showing that we need to raise this year, hopefully, we will not need to raise the prices next year. Dr. Loeffelholz also commented on an anonymous donor reducing unpaid meals deficit by about $24,000.00. Milk prices will not change at this time.
I.M.2. Updates
I.M.2.1. Substitute Teachers/Handbook, Rates
Mr. Kay gave an update on the visits with each building principal. Much of what he is hearing is that there are not enough substitute teachers. He would like to propose a plan to train people using our resources for one day, and pay for their certificate to sub. The goal would be to get 30 more subs, these people could sub 90 days per year. He would like to get this program started in August and have them prepared by September. To qualify to take the training, candidates must have an Associates Degree or higher. We would be able to do some screening on the day they are brought in, we would train and build support. Background checks will be done. COVID has changed the way many of are subs are thinking. Rates will remain the same. Also, think about utilizing paras. Dr. Loeffelholz talked about the use of the online sub finder, no more calls or Remind messages. |
I.N. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.N.1. Administrative Functions
I.N.2. Updates
Leonard Kwapnioski, Director of Buildings and Sites/Technology updated the group on the phases of the Kramer Education Center with photos. Phase I - Daycare Center, Phase II-Admin Training Center, Phase III- Pre-school. Mr. Kwapnioski is recommending that all the dirt work be done all at once. He feels the plan is very attractive, there are a few things to be tweaked. The per square foot costs are a little high, seems like Omaha pricing is being used. More details will be available to the Building and Sites committee soon. Mr. Kwapnioski talked about the North Park Elementary parking lot project which will include widening the front drive to three lanes with 93 stalls which doubles the amount of spaces. This project will be funded by the building account code/strategic plan budget. Synergy has gone live, training starts next week. Letters will go out to parents to use ParentVUE which allows credit card use for lunch accounts and school store. There is a flat fee of $3.00 per transaction. |
I.O. Curriculum and Instruction
I.O.1. Policies
I.O.2. Administrative Functions
I.O.2.1. Computers II Curriculum Approval
I.O.3. Updates
I.P. Student Services
I.P.1. Policies
I.P.2. Administrative Functions
I.P.3. Updates
I.Q. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz shared information regarding the restart of school. There are 93 members of our staff working hard at following all guidelines and making the best plans for instruction for students. He talked about the Risk Dial from ECHDH, which has four tiers and is based on positive tests in our area. For fall planning, and starting on August 24th, the risk dial says (Tier 2) yellow, everyone will wear a mask. The belief is that the only way to get to Tier 1 (green) is with a vaccine. The risk dial will be updated once a week and will be posted for everyone. Any healthy student who doesn’t come to school will count against their attendance. Staff with underlying conditions may become our remote teachers for those students who need it. If DHMs go back to 15 people in a room, we will have to transition to a blended learning plan. CPS will adopt some food services practices from LunchTime Solutions. Bus drivers will take temperatures before students enter the bus, all must wear masks. Dr. Romshek with her committee is working on content delivery in person, in the classroom and remotely. The group is getting ideas from other districts, using all resources possible. If CPS had to go to a blended plan, students would be getting some in-person time along with some days of ZOOM classes in smaller groups. The schedule would continually flip days so every student would get some teacher time each day. This group is also preparing ways to support teachers to learn how to use new platforms and communicate with students using these platforms. Teachers are being encouraged to record lessons to help across the district, teaching students how to use platforms effectively. Also, preparing parent videos so they are able to help their students. Mr. Kwapnioski updated the work his committee has been doing, one focus is trying to get added wifi access for students. There is some funding through Fortenberry’s Office called Money For Communities that this group is researching. Spectrum, Verizon and Viero are also offering deals to try to help get families internet access. The survey is showing it is all over the board with whether people have wifi or not. The big question is how to get every student service or another way to get students instruction. Other comments from the group regarding the importance of kindergarten students experiencing school as the social piece is so important to get them started in the classroom. Orientation for new students and current students to a new building. Questions regarding the plan for each color on the Risk Dial, how will switching periods look, lunch in classrooms, desks versus tables, disinfecting between classes, how will all the DHMS be followed at events. Dr. Loeffelholz reminded the group that CHS Graduation will be held on Sunday, August 2, 2020. The senior class has been split into two groups. Administration is trying to keep the ceremonies as normal as possible. The gym will seat 483 while remaining 3 feet apart with masks. Each student will get 4 tickets. A-J-1:00; K-Z-4:00, these details will go out tomorrow to the community. Areas will be marked out for families to sit, the vocal groups and speakers have been filmed. The experience is as close to normal as we can make it. PROM will be cancelled, no way to keep students in masks and 3 ft apart. ECHD has to approve our plan for graduation. The students will receive their commemorative boxes. Doug Molczyk, board member will not be here for graduation.
I.R. Board Sharing
There was no board sharing.
II. Executive Session
The board did not go into executive session.
III. Adjourn