May 20, 2013 at 5:00 PM - Work Session and Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
Minutes |
I. Listening Session - Administration Building
Begins at 4:30 p.m. and is intended for building staff and appointed board members.
II. Call To Order - Work Session - Administration Building
III. Board Work Session - Administration Building
III.A. Guidance Office Presentation
The K-12 Counseling Department and Mr. Jason Harris gave a presentation to the Board regarding their goals, curriculum development, and meeting the needs of the students. In their presentation they informed the board of the recommended Counselor to Teacher ratio as proposed by Rule 10 and the ASCA.
III.B. TIF 101 Presentation
Columbus City Administrator Joe Mangiamelli said there are a couple of projects using Tax Implement Financing. To get TIF funding, a project must be first brought to the city. The area must be declared blighted and substandard. If a building is more than 40 years old, it can be called blighted and substandard. Once the criteria are met, a redeveloper must submit a plan. The next step is to have the plan reviewed by the planning commission.
III.C. Facebook Presentation
This was tabled to the meeting in June.
III.D. Executive Session
The Board concluded executive Session at 6:25 p.m. and recessed.
IV. Dinner at Administration Building - No business will be discussed.
No business will be discussed.
V. Call to order - Board Meeting - ESU7/CPS Student Center
VI. Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
VII. Open Meeting Notice of Posted Law
No one from the public spoke to the Board.
VII.A. President insures that all can hear the proceedings
VIII. Mission Statement
Francis Kuehler read the Mission Statement.
IX. Opportunity For Public To Be Heard
X. Recognitions
Several groups and students were recognized for their outstanding academic performances over the course of the 2012-2013 school year.
X.A. Foreign Language Competition
X.B. SkillsUSA
X.C. 2013 Personal Finance Challenge
X.D. Ford/AAA Auto Skills Competition
X.E. Scholastic Art Awards
X.F. Duke Tip ACT State Recognitions for 7th Graders
X.G. Quiz Bowl:
X.H. Instrumental and Vocal Music Recognition
X.I. Math Counts
XI. Consent Agenda
The board voted to approve the consent agenda with the exception of the classified hires, which will be brought to vote at a later time in the meeting due to a technology error.
XI.A. Approval of Minutes for April 15, 2013 Board Meeting
XI.B. Certified Personnel Action
XI.C. Classified Personnel Action
XI.D. Extra-Duty Assignments
XI.E. Professional Travel Report
XII. Financial Reports
XIII. Special Administrative Functions
XIII.A. SPED Policies
Executive Director of Student Services, Mr. Jason Harris informed the board of the changes in Policy 612.01 - 612.17 dealing with the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
XIII.B. Elementary School Student Handbook – 2013-2014
There was only one change in the handbook, and that was to not allow pets to be brought to school.
XIII.C. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Superintendent Dr. Troy Loeffelholz said the donations from the Foundation and the umbrella groups totaled about $7,500.
XIII.D. Superintendent Contract, Salary, and Benefit Package
Alan Dostal said Dr. Loeffelholz has distinguished himself as a superintendent. He has invested a lot of time in the district. Dostal said the board wants to protect its investments, and when compared to surrounding schools, Dr. Loeffelholz was being paid less. Dostal said Dr. Loeffelholz was asked when he was hired to be engaged with the community, and he has done that, and he has dealt with many issues since he has been here.
XIII.E. Proposed Close-Up Trip to Washington D.C.
This will be the third trip a social studies group has taken to Washington D.C. Dr. Loeffelholz said it needs to be approved now, so the group can start fundraising activities.
XIII.F. Addition of Assistant Coach for JV/Varsity Baseball Program
CHS Activities Director Mark Brown said he talked with parents, the public and stakeholders in community. Brown said the Mariners have agreed to let CHS rent their facility for $150 a year. He said he is a little concerned about the reserve program practicing away from the varsity.
XIII.G. Letter of Agreement Between CPS Maintenance and ESU7 for Custodial and
Repair Services for 2013-2014 School Year
. Executive Director of Technology/Operations Leonard Kwapnioski said this is the first time such an agreement has come before the board. The fees will be $35 an hour for painting; $40 per hour for electrical and plumbing; $50 for HVAC; $35 for general maintenance; and $40 an hour for carpenter/woodworking. The district already shares some expenses such as the receptionist at the ESU7/CPS Student Center.
XIII.H. Columbus Middle School Social Studies Materials
Executive Director of Curriculum Amy Romshek said starting with the junior class in 2013-14 economics will be required at the high school and Geography will also be required for freshmen in 2014-15. Romshek said since adding geography at the high school, U.S. History I, which is currently a CHS course, will move to the 8th grade.
Romshek said there has been discussion about offering economics in the past, but it was not popular among staff, but with the changes in the state standards, economics is now required. She said she will bring the final economics course to the board this summer when the planning is finished.
XIII.I. Write Steps Writing Materials
Dr. Romshek said there are not adequate materials to teach writing and grammar. She said teachers spent a lot of time looking at materials. Romshek said this program is online as well. A pilot was done this spring, and teachers had a lot of good things to say about the program.
XIII.J. Creation of a Tech Training Position
Dr. Loeffelholz said this position is different than a tech integrationist. He said as the district moves toward the Google Suite, someone is needed who can devote his or her entire day to helping certified and noncertified staff. The board asked if it had to be a teacher for this position. Dr. Loeffelholz said a person with background in the classroom would better because they understand the needs of teachers, but there could be a classified person who could do the job based on experience. Dr. Loeffelholz said he will be looking for someone with a teaching and computer technology background.
XIII.K. Summer Maintenance List
Kwapnioski said many of items on the list are routine. The Lost Creek fire alarm is not on the list but may need to be added. He said everything else on the list is routine maintenance and cleaning. Kwapnioski said the maintenance staff found new applicators for putting down the wax, which will save and cut the time by several hours. He said the maintenance staff has done a good job of thinking outside the box to try and save time and money. Dr. Loeffelholz said the summer maintenance list has some big projects, but the staff is confident that the work can be done before school starts.
XIV. Superintendent's Report
He also thanked CHS staff for the nice graduation ceremony. Dr. Loeffelholz also thanked the principals and teaching staff for all their hard work. More staff will go to the PLC Conference and Dr. Loeffelholz plans to attend as well. The Strategic Plan is moving forward, but there is still work to be done.
XIV.A. NDE – News Release
Kari Tunink will be one of 48 business teachers recognize by the Nebraska Department of Education at the Nebraska Career Education Conference in June. The best awards exemplify qualities, including dedication to students, community outreach and continual classroom improvement efforts.
XV. Board Sharing
Seipel said she enjoyed graduation and liked the idea of letting more seniors talk. Becher thanked everyone for all the hard work they do all year. She said she can’t wait to see the writing program. Curry said there have been a lot of different activities going on; and as a board member, he appreciates the teachers and enjoyed watching his daughter at state. He said the coaches definitely care about the girls. Curry said CPS has a wonderful staff, and he is very proud of them. Goos said he enjoyed graduation. Dostal agreed that graduation went well. He said the students were very well behaved. He said the live streaming of graduation was also a neat addition. Dostal said the people from the strategic sessions are giving some good advice. He said the district must trust the ideas of the parents to get this bond past. He also said Ken and he went to the CEA meeting; and his wife, Carol, was named Educator of the Year for the high school by the CEA.
XVI. Executive Session
Discussion was held on legal issues.
XVII. Adjourn