September 17, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Board Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Mission Statement
Mike Goos read the Mission Statement.
I.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
Drew Glasshoff with Boy Scout Troop 115 told the board that the troop was at the meeting to listen and observe as part of their communication badge
I.G. Board Special Functions
I.G.1. Second and Final Reading of Policy 504.24 Professional Boundaries and Staff Relationships with Students
Superintendent Dr. Troy Loeffelholz said he is working with several other schools on creating the steps and procedures, so that piece is not complete yet. He said this does not impact the policy, which is up for approval tonight.
I.G.2. Approval of CPS Foundation Board of Directors
CPS Foundation Board of Director Bud Fleischer is going off. Dr. Loeffelholz said if Mike Jeffryes is elected to the CPS Board of Education he could continue to serve on the foundation board until he takes his other position in January. At the reorganization meeting, the CPS Board would need to determine if Jeffryes could also remain on the Foundation Board or one of the other current board members serving in that role would resign. There are only two CPS Board Members who can serve on the Foundation Board at a time.
I.H. Recognitions
There were no recognitions.
I.I. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
I.J. Consent Agenda
I.J.1. Approval of Minutes
I.J.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Executive Director of Business Operations/Human Relations Dave Melick said the Columbus After School Program had a cash shortfall of $11,830.46, so the district supplemented the money. Dr. Loeffelholz said the administration is having conversations with UNL Cooperative Extension and 21st Century Learning through NDE about transferring the after-school program to CPS. He said the district would then hire a coordinator and would have more control over staffing by bringing the program in-house. One board member expressed concerns about the para educators, who currently work in the program. Would these people still be able to work there if CPS ran the entire program? Melick said the paras would have two separate contracts one with the afterschool program and one with CPS.
The $311,399 amount to NASB Alicap is a once a year payment. About two-thirds of the payment is for workman’s compensation. If something does happen, the district only has to pay the $500 deductible. B-D was also paid $4,820 to replace a door at Centennial. The payment of $21,811.30 was paid to Beard Warren for equipment repairs at Emerson, Lost Creek and CMS. The payment to Hewlett-Packard Financial Services Company of $371,882.31 was the first payment on the new Chromebooks.
I.J.3. Financial Report M5
I.J.4. Certified Personnel
I.J.5. Classified Personnel
I.J.6. Professional Travel
I.K. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Dr. Loeffelholz said this is the end of the year financial sheet. He said last year the Foundation and all umbrella organizations gave back to CPS the students and staff $551,841.17.
I.L. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.L.1. Administrative Functions
I.L.1.1. Columbus Public Schools 2018-2019 Budget
I.L.1.2. 2018-2019 Final Tax Request
Melick said the tax request includes the general fund, building fund and bond. He said the general fund went up a little, and the bond and building funds decreased a little.
I.L.1.3. School Fundraising Applications
I.L.1.4. Surplus Property
I.L.2. Updates
I.M. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.M.1. Administrative Functions
I.M.1.1. Approval of Use of School Facilities for Temporary Snow Fence Placement by City of Columbus
The fence will be located in the open space between the high school and Lost Creek.
I.M.1.2. 2018-2019 Safety Committee Members
I.M.1.3. Rasmussen Mechanical Services PM Agreement
Executive Director of Operations and Technology Leonard Kwapnioski said for an increase of $11,000, all the mechanical pieces at CHS can be covered.
I.M.1.4. Mechanical Sales Inc. Agreement
I.M.2. Updates
Kwapnioski said the new paved parking lot across from West Park will be opened tomorrow. He said he walked with the deputy fire marshal through the old middle school building. The fire marshal said as long as no one entered the building after the demolition, then the district would not need to move the fire panel. Kwapnioski said if the district declares the building under construction, there will be no problems. He said no one should use the north side until the district finalizes what will be done. The problems occur because some parts of the building are not mapped. Kwapnioski said as long as no one uses the building, the fire alarm can be disconnected because it is considered under construction. He said CPS can do work on north side, but there can be no kids in the building. Kwapnioski said once the south end is down, the gym may be able to be used if some spaces are blocked off. By declaring the building under construction, the district will save between $50,000 to $70,000. Dr. Loeffelholz said once the south building comes down, plans can be drawn for the north side
I.N. Curriculum and Instruction
I.N.1. Administrative Functions
I.N.1.1. Close Up Scholarships
This will provide $4,000 for scholarships to students who are traveling to Washington D.C. for Close-Up.
I.N.2. Updates
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Amy Romshek said NDE would fund the pre-ACT, which will be given on Oct. 2. Students that will be tested are 9,10 and 11 graders, and the seniors will be off. Romshek said it will be similar to the ACT, and students will be tested on English, Math, Science and Reading. She said this will give students time to do more practicing and take more ACT classes. Romshek said it also gives them practice in a testing environment. She said the district still uses John Baylor.
I.O. Student Services
I.O.1. Administrative Functions
I.O.2. Updates
I.P. Superintendent's Report
Oct 17 is the area NASB meeting in Fremont and the State conference is Nov. 14-16. Dr. Loeffelholz said GNSA started meetings to discuss legislative sessions. He said next week there will be three hearings on school safety, and Kwapnioski will be attending to hear what is discussed. He said GNSA is against all three school safety studies.
I.Q. Board Sharing
Mike Goos said the early childhood conference in Kearney was very worthwhile. He said it is smart to invest in a good early childhood program. Goos said the school cannot do it by themselves. The community must be involved as well. Dr. Loeffelholz said it is a big undertaking, but there is money available. The Nebraska Community Foundation said there will be a big transfer of wealth in Nebraska in the next 20 years. In Platte County, the transfer of wealth will start in 2020 and run through 2040. It is projected that there will be $500 billion dollars transferred from mom and dad to children across the state.
Candy Becher thanked the boy scouts for coming. Doug Willoughby agreed. Tim Pospisil said one of the policies the board approved deals with how students and teachers and how they should communicate with each other, and what they are allowed and not allowed to do. He told the scouts that it lays out a set of rules to guide interactions between students, teachers and administrators. Theresa Seipel said she wished there would be more community involvement in the budget. |
II. Executive Session
The board did not go into executive session.
III. Adjourn
The board adjourned at 6:23 p.m.