October 12, 2020 at 5:30 PM - Committee As A Whole
Minutes |
I. Committee As A Whole
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
Theresa Seipel was excused from the board meeting.
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Presentations
I.E.1. Centennial Presentation
Andy Luebbe, Centennial Principal presented the data and goals for Centennial students. He shared that like the other schools there was no spring testing for comparison, and the goals are to help students get to the 61st percentile. Mr. Luebbe shared a graph that compares data from last year to present and it shows what he called the summer slide and that is the typical decrease seen in students when they come back from summer vacation with the addition of the COVID-19 closure March to August. Mr. Luebbe said this shows the importance of students being in school buildings for the very best learning environment. Mr. Luebbe also spoke about having 7 new faces in the building this school year. Two new kindergarten teachers, 3 new second grade teachers, a new traveling PE teacher and a new EL teacher. He shared some of Centennials activities, UBUNTU, this program develops community by older and younger grades working together on projects. Centennial has been using ZOOM assemblies to virtually recognize students and classes for positive behavior and activities. They participate in Ticket Tuesdays and Gold Coin Lunches. Student Council is a very active group, along with the PAC group that is very supportive in the Centennial community. All activities have been modified to allow for social distancing and follow protocol for keeping students and staff safe. Mr. Luebbe also talked about the 20th Anniversary of Centennial opening, the celebration is planned for May 14, 2021. Mr. Luebbe said the students have adapted so well to all the new protocols, he has been very pleased with students and staff. Centennial has added some BIST Training for paras, which he is excited about. He said paras are the unsung heroes and he is happy to be able to get some training that will be well used.
I.F. Board Special Functions
I.F.1. Bullying Prevention Annual Review
Dr. Loeffelholz, Superintendent, explained the annual review of the bullying policy. Title IX was added.
I.F.2. First Reading of Policy 403.03 Abuse of Students By School District Employees
This policy did not change, Title IX needs to be added.
I.F.3. First Reading of Policy 1004.01 Media Relations
Dr. Loeffelholz talked about the changes made to Policy 1004.01 Media Relations. He noted the information about the board roles and responsibilities when information is shared with the media. This policy includes information about interviews being pre-arranged and will include the board and superintendent. Dr. Loeffelholz shared that with all the streaming that's being done now, we must be careful with copyright on music. The exhibit is a new addition and talks about sponsorship, commercial advertising and distribution of materials along with many details for each topic. This exhibit is very inclusive, Nicole Anderson, Director of Communication and CPS Foundation looked at Papillion's document and they allowed us to borrow some language. Dr. Loeffelholz said StrivTV is coming, we are getting this put together now to stream activities. Band and vocal concerts are difficult because of copyright laws.
I.F.4. First Reading of Policy 505.03 Expulsion of Students
Adding Title IX language.
I.F.5. First Reading of Policy 505.02 Suspension of Students
Dr. Loeffelholz explained the need for two policies as opposed to one that is suggested. He said these two policies are different enough to keep separate. Suspensions can be shortened if certain criteria are met. Expulsions are set for certain violations. Most expulsions are for a semester or 1 year. The Superintendent is the only one who can expel a student, the building administration provides expulsion information to the superintendent and then it is handled through district office. Jason Harris, Director of Student Services/SPED shared information on services for expelled students. He also said CPS typically doesn’t have many expulsions.
I.F.6. First Reading of Policy 504.24
Dr. Loeffelholz talked about changes and additions to this policy. Staff Conduct was added, which includes teachers need to wait to be friendly with a student for one year after graduation. He said it is too bad we have policies like this. It is pretty detailed in what is inappropriate behavior, the one exception would be if families are friends. The policy states incidents should be reported to the Superintendent and/or principal. Some information was moved in the policy to be more clear. As soon as an incident is reported an investigation team has to be appointed. One male and one female.
I.F.7. The Addition of Boys/Girls Bowling to Activities
Dave Hiebner, CHS Principal, said adding Bowling to our activities has been on the radar for about 5 years. Two years ago the NSAA did not pass, last year it was passed. CHS is all about giving students opportunities. There is a strong bowling contingent in Columbus, the community is very supportive. Westbrook Lanes will be a partner, they have worked with the group before it became sanctioned by the NSAA. Mr. Hiebner said there are some details to work out with Westbrook Lanes because it does not typically host school events. He also reminded the group this is not unified bowling, this is in addition, this is competitive bowling teams. If NSAA is going to push forward, we want to offer it for girls and boys. Definitely have people that would be interested in coaching. Dr. Loeffelholz fully supports the addition of bowling.
I.G. Consent Agenda
I.G.1. Approval of Minutes
I.G.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Chip Kay, Director of Business Finance, gave a short explanation on each financial report. He said the M2 shows that cash balances are in better shape than last year except in the Nutrition Fund. We are waiting for a reimbursement from the CARES Act. Every USDA meal that is served is reimbursed. Reimbursements are taking 45-60 days, which is longer than usual. CPS is serving 3500 students for lunch each day, he was not sure of the breakfast total. The M3 Financial Report shows the September reimbursements are all determined legislatively. Taxes are based on purchases, property taxes, TEEOSA. Schools get 100% of what was promised. Mr. Kay talked about the M4a Financial Report, a few invoices he mentioned were Frontline, which is our new Absence Management/Subfinder Program. Melissa Hyde, contracted therapist and Gaggle.net which monitors CHS and CMS students for inappropriate device use, and Vernier Software typically used for physics and STEM learning.
I.G.3. Certified Personnel
I.G.4. Classified Personnel
Dr. Loeffelholz noted a couple of district employees that have resigned. We will looking for a replacement for Tami Altstadt, CPS Registrar, Mr. Harris said he has narrowed the pool down to 9 candidates for that position.
I.G.5. Professional Travel
The travel report is very short this month, no one is traveling much with the pandemic.
I.H. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Dr. Loeffelholz said that the Foundation is still reporting the flow through for Community and Family Partnerships. He also mentioned in the Preschool/daycare conversations, the group is finding out many of the daycare centers are run by the foundations of their school districts. He said the educational component is 18 months to 4 years. The districts with preschool are being run by the Head Start Program.
I.I. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.I.1. Policies
I.I.1.1. First Reading of Policy 404.06 Harassment
Mr. Kay said Policy 404.06 Harassment was reviewed and some of the repetitive language was removed and Title IX was added.
I.I.1.2. First Reading of Policy 405.00 Employee Conduct and Appearance
Policy 405.00 Employee Conduct and Appearance was reviewed and Title IX was added, Mr. Kay said. Dr. Loeffelholz added that staff was told to wear clothing that was easily laundered, so jeans are acceptable attire Monday through Friday at this time.
I.I.1.3. First Reading of Policy 402.01 Equal Opportunity Employment
Mr. Kay said Title IX was added to this policy.
I.I.2. Administrative Functions
I.I.2.1. Surplus
Centennial Elementary has some items that will be discarded.
I.I.2.2. School Fundraising Applications
West Park submitted all of their fundraising for the year.
I.I.3. Updates
I.I.3.1. Lease Purchase Update
Mr. Kay updated the board on the lease purchase. He said he received 5 bids, 2 of the bids were local. Capital One was chosen, it was the best deal for CPS. At 1.5%, it is the lowest lease purchase on record. Refinancing the bond and lowering our indebtedness was a very positive move for the district.
I.J. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.J.1. Policies
I.J.1.1. First Reading of Policy 504.13 Hazing, Initiation, Secret Societies or Gang Activities
Mr. Kwapnioski said some changes were made to Policy 504.13 Hazing, Initiation, Secret Societies or Gang Activities, language was made more appropriate. Title IX was added and Policy 606.06 Acceptable Use of Computers, Technology and the Internet was added to the Cross Reference section.
I.J.1.2. First Reading of Policy 504.20 Dating Violence Prevention
Mr. Kwapnioski said the wording on this policy is better, in includes the Nebraska statute and Title IX was added.
I.J.2. Administrative Functions
I.J.2.1. Phase I Contract Discussion
Mr. Kwapnioski talked about plans as we move forward with the Kramer Education Center which includes: demolition, earth work, concrete, rebar and steel materials. The goal to have all of that work in place by December 31, 2020 weather permitting. He shared that there were 5 companies in attendance for the pre-bid meeting. Mid states is performing soil testing. |
I.J.2.2. Kramer Education Center Temporary Construction Fence
Mr. Kwapnioski said there have been 2 bids received for the construction fence around the Kramer site. One bid was incomplete and No Swett Fencing came in with a lower bid, also this is a local company. He also said he spoke with the neighbors around the site regarding the variance on the south side.
I.J.2.3. Contract for Garbage Service
Mr Kwapnioski said he is looking at a 3 year contract. Some new language will be added payment for holidays and service 5 days a week. |
I.J.3. Updates
I.K. Curriculum and Instruction
I.K.1. Policies
I.K.1.1. First Reading of Policy 501.00 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students
Dr. Romshek discussed Policy 501.00 Objectives for Equal Educational Opportunities for Students, which talks about delivery of services free of discrimination. The additions that were made were regarding reporting, training for Title IX and the obligation to investigate.
I.K.1.2. First Reading of Policy 103.00 Equal Educational Opportunity
Policy 103.00 Equal Educational Opportunity was shared by Dr. Romshek, it says CPS will not discriminate. The policy gives specific information regarding who handles inquiry reporting. Title IX was also added to this policy.
I.K.2. Administrative Functions
I.K.3. Updates
Dr. Romshek updated the board on some of the work that is being done in curriculum at this time. She shared that she and Theresa Hausmann, Curriculum/Assessment Specialist, are working with social studies teachers on the standards that were approved in the spring, they are working in small groups because of the substitute situation. She also said there will be a new elementary science text, they will be working over the summer to develop a new science program. |
I.L. Student Services
I.L.1. Policies
I.L.1.1. First Reading of Policy 504.03 Student Conduct
Mr. Harris said Policy 504.03 Student Conduct was in good shape, Title IX was added.
I.L.1.2. First Reading of Policy 504.17 Harassment by Students
Mr. Harris said he will add social media and Title IX was added for the first reading to Policy 504.17 Harassment by Students.
I.L.1.3. First Reading of Policy 612.05 Individualized Education Program and Family Services Plan
Title IX has been added to Policy 612.05 Individualized Education Program and Family Services Plan.
I.L.2. Administrative Functions
I.L.3. Updates
Mr. Harris updated the board on the work of the Community for Kids meeting that is scheduled for Wednesday. He said this will be for the core group, they will begin looking at how to move forward. There are four committees, they look at where they have been and the direction they are headed. The group is looking for ways to support local childcare providers, they were able to get them sanitizers and cleaners to meet COVID-19 protocols. Mr. Harris also shared the idea to explore options for alternative education for the district. Sara Colford, CPS Student Services Facilitator, has been researching programs and will visit other district’s programs. He also said that his department is very busy with state reporting, most reports are due by the end of the month. |
I.M. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz commented that he felt looking at other options for alternative education was great. He says there has to be a better, more cost effective option. He said potentially we may be able to convert the administration building into classrooms for alternative education. There was also talk about the mileage reimbursement CPS is paying to Duncan residents that transport students to Columbus for school, Mr. Kay is exploring some options. Dr. Loeffelholz talked about the upcoming early childhood meeting and shared the agenda. He also shared some information on the funding of the program. Dr. Loeffelholz said we may be hosting some state play-offs, all COVID-19 protocols will be followed. CPS is planning for a Remote Learning Practice Day on November 3, Election Day, this will keep staff out of buildings that are polling places for the community. Update of COVID-19 numbers were discussed. |
I.N. Board Sharing
Board Sharing at next week's meeting.
I.O. Adjourn
The board adjourned at 7:12pm.