February 8, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Committee As A Whole
Minutes |
I. Committee As A Whole
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Presentations
I.E.1. Emerson Presentation
Angie Luebbe, Emerson Principal, presented information on her students, staff and building activities. She shared the new faces at Emerson, a teacher, 3 paraeducators and a school secretary, she said she feels lucky to have found such great people. Mrs. Luebbe talked about global therapy with Jenny Genoveva, Speech Paraeducator, she indicated that she is wonderful with the students. DIBELS Data was shown from winter last year to winter this year. Mrs. Luebbe said this shows the drop in benchmark composite scores with students not being in school buildings last spring. She said her staff is working hard to close the gap. She talked about the Data In Action book study the elementary principals are involved in with Dr. Romshek. She said it is coaching them on how to respond to the data. Mrs. Luebbe shared some of Emerson's protocols for COVID. She talked about BIST, they have a new coach who has really helped with implementing skills and addressing students needs. The data is showing much better behaviors. A couple of new programs have been implemented, a Crusaders Bucks Cart which is a positive behavior incentive and morning messages which is giving some students a leadership role in the building. The staff and students are still learning and still working.
I.F. Board Special Functions
I.F.1. CHS Course Handbook
Dave Hiebner, CHS Principal, shared some minor changes in the CHS Course Handbook. Some prerequisites were changed and language edited for clearer understanding. He also discussed changes in English and Science that will give students a wider variety of courses. Mr. Hiebner said it is laid out nicely to make sense to parents for career paths for students.
I.F.2. CMS Course Handbook
Amy Haynes, CMS Principal, spoke about minor changes in the CMS Course Handbook. Some items that change every year such as grade level for counselors as they have a rotation that is followed. There will be some new offerings for Math beginning for 6th graders.
I.F.3. First Reading of Policy 204.07 Meeting Notice
Troy Loeffelholz, Superintendent highlighted some of the information included in Policy 204.07 Meeting Notice such as no changes within the 48 hours prior to the meeting. Must be a Public Notice in the local newspaper.
I.F.4. First Reading of Policy 204.11 Meeting Minutes
Dr. Loeffelholz discussed information that is required to be included in the minutes. Also mentioned that when the decision is made to go into an executive session it must be stated as to why that was required.
I.F.5. First Reading of Policy 105.00 Return to School Committee
Dr. Loeffelholz explained that this is a new policy, it did not exist until the pandemic. This policy encourages districts to develop a return to school committee. CPS did create a committee that included teachers, administrators and community partners. The protocols that were created have stood the test of time. The Board asked that some language be added to this policy to be enacted and clarify specific reasons. He said this policy is recommended by NDE. Dr. Loeffelholz will work with attorneys on this to identify rationale for this policy to be set into motion.
I.F.6. First Reading of Policy 205.08 Board Policy and Temporary Waivers of NDE Rules
Dr. Loefflholz shared why this policy is being recommended. Some waivers had to be given because of board policies based on students using remote learning and attendance rules that could not be met because of the pandemic. NDE requires an affidavit explaining the circumstances of any days that CPS calls off.
I.F.7. First Reading of Policy 607.10 Classroom Environment
Dr. Loeffelholz directed some discussion on this policy. Most felt it needs to be a bit broader. Leonard Kwapnioski said all chemicals must be listed in our MSDS books that are reviewed by our insurance companies and all chemicals need to be approved by the district which requires the MSDS information. The question was asked about who will be policing the items in the classrooms? Where does the liability lie? This policy will require some research for the next meeting.
I.G. Consent Agenda
I.G.1. Approval of Minutes
I.G.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Chip Kay, Director of Finance, spoke on the financial reports, he said the Building Fund is seeing more activity because of the work being done at the Kramer Early Education Building. He reminded the group that the Nutrition Fund is catching up on payments from the state. There were some labeling changes with SPED reimbursements, the issue has been resolved and money put into correct funds. Payments have gone out to the Columbus area Chamber of Commerce for our annual membership and to the CPS Foundation for the annual payment on the STEM loan. Solution Tree was paid for some teacher trainings.
I.G.3. Certified Personnel
Mr. Kay shared concerns regarding applicant numbers decreasing and the plan to start actively recruiting college graduates to Columbus. He said that Sara Colford has been going out and finding student teachers to bring here with the idea of hiring them. The percentage is very high for CPS hiring student teachers. Practicum students from CCC were all placed in district. CHS Educators Rising membership has increased exponentially, the goal is to pair CHS students with a college or university and get them back to student teach and eventually hire them to teach at CPS. There was discussion about students from Omaha and Lincoln not coming here because there is no one that wants to supervise their training from those schools, ideas regarding how CPS could make that easier were shared. Plans for CCC early childhood education students to hopefully come through the Kramer Early Education program were discussed. |
I.G.4. Classified Personnel
Dr. Loeffelholz said most classified hires and resignations are from paras, food service and After-School Program.
I.G.5. Professional Travel
Dr. Loeffelholz said the report shows most of the trainings have been virtual. We still need the documentation.
I.H. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Dr. Loeffelholz explained that the CFP funds have now been moved out, and reminded the group that the Foundation is a flow through for many umbrella organizations.
I.I. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.I.1. Policies
I.I.1.1. First Reading of Policy 801.04 Bus Safety Program
Mr. Kay said the highlighted changes on this policy are due to the changes in Rule 91. The bus driver must be capable physically getting students on the bus.
I.I.2. Administrative Functions
I.I.2.1. Approval of TERIP Applications
Mr. Kay said we have 6 candidates.
I.I.2.2. School Fundraising Applications
I.I.3. Updates
Mr. Kay updated on COVID data. Also shared some information on recruiting and retention, he said Sara Colford has made some great connections. Most job fairs have gone virtual, using a program called Handshake. In our recruiting we will be using videos to highlight the district. He has been working on rebranding the HR website. Mr. Kay said he is working with the Platte County Visitors bureau to sell Columbus as a great place to live to go along with recruiting teachers for CPS. |
I.J. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.J.1. Policies
I.J.2. Administrative Functions
I.J.3. Updates
Leonard Kwapnioski gave an update on the North Park Elementary Parking Lot Project, he said there will be new lighting and the lot will be expanded quite a bit. Fifty one stalls to 102 stalls, there is room for a few more if needed to the west. The city needs to approve a portion of the plans because there is a retention pond that they use. Mr. Kwapnioski said he would bring the recommendations next month. There is a short timeline to get the project done this summer. He alsogave an update on the Kramer project, he said with the snow removal not much time has been spent there. The stage is all torn out, footings were found that were not in the drawings. He shared information regarding the fire sprinkler system in all areas, changing to a dry system. He said the CPS maintenance staff is amazing, their knowledge and skill have been great. |
I.K. Curriculum and Instruction
I.K.1. Policies
I.K.2. Administrative Functions
I.K.2.1. Middle School Math Changes and Purchase
Amy Romshek, Director of Curriculum, talked about the math acceleration program at CMS. Algebra has been offered for 20 years, which is a high school course. She said algebra is a key piece in math courses, we need to make sure the students have a strong foundation. Some students excel very well and others struggle if you put them in before they are ready. It can result in struggles and/or a dislike of math. CMS offers a traditional or algebra path based on a student's readiness. The changes being proposed still offer a traditional path using CPM. CHS is using the program and have shared the benefits with the middle school teachers. The accelerated path can begin in 6th grade, the student would have 6th and 7th grade standards in one year, and 7th and 8th grade standards the next year, it is an accelerated curriculum, and then they take algebra sooner. Careful consideration will need to be taken when making the decisions. A CPM classroom looks different from a traditional math class. If a student is a late bloomer, they can take two courses in a year at CHS, and they can get into accelerated math. Dr. Romshek shared the estimated cost, and said this would be implemented next year. There would be an assessment, a rubric would be created to help make those decisions. The teachers know the students abilities best so they would make the decisions regarding a student moving to an accelerated program.
I.K.3. Updates
I.L. Student Services
I.L.1. Policies
I.L.2. Administrative Functions
I.L.3. Updates
Jason Harris, Director of Student Services and SPED, said he and Sara Colford are digging into the Boys Town data, he said they will have a report for the next meeting. This will show a better picture. He said he is monitoring some legislative bills regarding SPED funding. The school discipline bill is being reviewed. LB642 allows ESUs and districts to receive mental health reimbursements.
I.M. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz said CHS has the first State Bowling Champion, Madison Henderson. "Be Kind" Week is coming up, it will include: Hawaiian Day, College Day, Don’t Sweat It Day and Maroon and White Day. If the district decides to make any changes in protocols for COVID, March 12 is the date a decision would be made. Dr. Loeffelholz said people are wanting to use CPS facilities, we are holding off until March 12. He said we will be allowing more spectators for activities, 6 for basketball and 4 for wrestling. Spring sports will be great for outside spectators. |
I.N. Board Sharing
Board Sharing next week.
I.O. Adjourn
The meeting was adjourned at 7:37pm.