July 15, 2019 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Board Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
Theresa Seipel was excused.
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Mission Statement
Doug Willoughby read the Mission Statement.
I.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
No one spoke to the board.
I.G. Adjourn
I.H. Hearings
I.I. Special hearing for the purpose of receiving public input on Columbus Public Schools' Student Fees Policy -Policy 504.18, Regulation 504.18R1, and Exhibit 504.18E1
Information regarding student fees was discussed.
I.J. Board Special Functions
I.J.1. CHS Student Handbook 2019-2020
CHS Assistant Principal Angela Leifeld said there were only a few minor changes. She said one of the changes is requiring parents to pick up a contraband item (cell phone). If the students is a repeat violator, the item may be held until the end of school or turned over to law enforcement. There have been some issues with students recording on a phone without the other person's permission. Leifeld said this is an issue if it is disrupting the classroom or used as bullying. Dr. Loeffelholz said public domain is different, and photos and videos can be done without getting permission from all people. Regulations addressing vaping were added under tobacco because of problems in the past. Leifeld said information regarding graduation is now being included in the handbook, so parents and students have more avenues to be informed.
I.J.2. CHS 2019-2020 Activities Handbook
CHS Activities Director Tim Kwapnioski said there were only a few grammatical changes made to the handbook this year.
I.J.3. CHS Fees and Admission Prices for 2019-2020
The CHS fees and admission pricing will not change for next year.
I.J.4. CMS Student Handbook 2019-2020
CMS Assistant Principal Jordon Anderson said, CMS is now requiring that a parent pick up a contraband item especially if the student has been in violation in the past. CMS is also following the high school in terms of addressing inhalants. Anderson said changes were made in the Asthma protocol based off of state laws. He said the ala cart menu has now been changed to include some healthier options
I.J.5. CMS Course Descriptions Catalog
CMS Principal Amy Haynes said there were minor name changes or adding more descriptions for the courses.
I.J.6. Field Trip or Excursion Approval Form
Superintendent Dr. Troy Loeffelholz said this is the trip the marching band takes every three - four years. In December of 2020, they will be going to the Camping World Bowl in Orlando, FL. He said groups must request to start fundraising a year in advance.
I.J.7. First Reading of Policy 203.06 Board Committees
Dr. Loeffelholz said the committees were updated. He said if there are any questions or changes, there is still one more reading left.
I.J.8. First Reading of Policy 502.01 Resident Students
Dr. Loeffelholz said this policy defines a resident student. He said once they live within school boundaries, CPS must take them into the district.
I.J.9. Third and Final Reading of Policy 507.02 Student Directory Information
Board member Candy Becher said this policy really clarifies things.
I.J.10. Total Package Increase of 3.5% for Administrators
Executive Director of Business Operations and Human Relations Dave Melick said the 3.5 percent administrators total package increase is in response to the change in the teacher's contract.
I.J.11. Approval of a Recommendation by the Board Personnel Committee of a Total Compensation Increase of 3.63% for Troy Loeffelholz, Superintendent
Board Member Doug Willoughby, personnel committee member met with Mr. Melick and Mrs. Seipel to look at Dr. Loeffelholz’s raise. He said the superintendent’s raise has been about $7,000 for the last three years. Willoughby said this year the committee decided on a $9,000 raise because that seemed fair when compared to comparable districts like Norfolk and Kearney. He said the committee also increased Dr. Loeffeholz’s vacation days from 20 to 25 because that had remained the same for the entire time he has been at CPS.
I.K. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
Doug Molczyk left the meeting at 6:12 p.m.
I.L. Consent Agenda
I.L.1. Approval of Minutes
I.L.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
RVW was paid $19,580.26 for work done at the Kramer Education Center. Melick reminded the board this is the last state aid payment for the fiscal year because no payment will be made in August. Apple Inc was paid $5,880 for the purchase of 20 iPads. Fireguard was paid 10,928.50 for checking the fire equipment in the buildings. Textbook Warehouse was paid $17,275.75 for the purchasing of math books.
I.L.3. Financial Report M4b
Seipel Repair was paid $162.05 for van repair and oil changes
I.L.4. Financial Report M5
Some of the expenses paid were for 14 days of math coaching, 3D printers for CMS that were donated by Behlen Mfg., and the school will be reimbursed by the Foundation and Home Depot for paper supplies.
I.L.5. Certified Personnel
There are two new hirers. Jacyln Long will be an additional consumer science teacher at CHS. She will not be starting until the second semester because she is finishing student teaching. Candy Becher asked if there will be a room for her to teach in, and Leifeld said there is currently a consumer science classroom and early childhood so both of these rooms will be used now.
I.L.6. Classified Personnel
There were three new hires and two resignations.
I.L.7. Professional Travel
Dr. Loeffelholz said there will be more travel next month. He said Administrator Days is being moved from Kearney to Lincoln because of the flooding.
I.M. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
CPS Foundation and the umbrella organizations gave back to the district $61,110.64 for the month of June. Dr. Loeffelholz said the Foundation is once again going to have a record year.
I.N. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.N.1. Administrative Functions
I.N.1.1. Increase of Base Salary to $38,000.00/Total Package Increase of 3.81% for Teachers
Melick said the district and CEA approved a two-year package which include 2018-19 and 2019-20. However, if state aid went up more than 10 percent, it was agreed that the base salary would increase. Melick said a comparability study was done, and it was decided to increase the base pay from $37,700 to $38,000. This means the percentage increase changed from 3.31 percent to 3.81 percent.
I.N.1.2. Classified Compensation Increase of 4.0%
Melick said two months ago the board approved a 3.5 percent total increase for classified staff. He said when the teacher’s salary was increased, they also looked at the classified salary as well. Melick said the change will increase to a 4 percent total increase for the upcoming school year. Board member Doug Willoughby said he feels this is a good faith increase. Board member Candy Becher said the classified staff does so much for district that the board is not going to leave them behind.
I.N.1.3. Recommendation of $5.00 Pay Increase for Substitute Teachers
Melick said Columbus is competing with Lakeview and Schuyler for subs and the district must stay competitive.
I.N.2. Updates
There were no updates.
I.O. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.O.1. Administrative Functions
I.O.2. Updates
Executive Director of the Technology and Operations Leonard Kwapnioski said the trees will be finished being removed from CHS tomorrow. He said all islands are complete, and the trees were relocated on the property.
At Lost Creek all that is left is carpeting and finishing the ceiling tile. He said the e-rate reimbursement is 90 percent complete. From the safety and security list the only thing left is to get the maintenance gate working. The West Park portable has been sold and should be moved soon. He said the portable has started to deteriorate because of the harsh winter. There are some drainage issues at the Kramer Education Center on the south side. Kwapnioski said a drainage system is needed, and it will be put far enough out to not interfere with future building of the site. |
I.P. Curriculum and Instruction
I.P.1. Administrative Functions
I.P.1.1. Reestablishing the Entrepreneurship Course/Replacing Management and Leadership
Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Amy Romshek said an entrepreneurship class was at CHS seven or eight years ago, but was eliminated to bring in a management and leadership course. She said now the entrepreneurship class is being brought back. She said in the future, the district could be positioned to give students the opportunity to take a certification assessment and get a certification in entrepreneurship. Romshek said there will be nine units of study, and Kris Wurtz will be teaching the course. The total cost of the books is $2,245.
Romshek told the board Chemistry was a late add on, and the teachers liked the Inspired book but wanted to wait for the updated version of another book. She said the updated version came Friday and one chemistry teacher looked at it and the other will tomorrow. The teacher who looked at it didn’t like because the book was weak in content and was not in support of that book. Romshek said she would like to get the book ordered so it will be here to start the school year. The total cost is $29,580. Dr. Loeffelholz said if the other teacher likes the book, he will give Romshek approval to place the order and the board can approve it next month. |
I.P.2. Updates
There were no updates given.
I.Q. Student Services
I.Q.1. Administrative Functions
I.Q.2. Updates
Executive Director of Student Services and Special Education Jason Harris said the Communities 4 Kids group met with the childcare providers to see what needs and potential partnerships could be established. The community childcare providers see the need for infant childcare. Another thing they talked about was there is not being enough childcare when CPS doesn’t have school. Harris said these facilities are at capacity and can’t take any more children. They would like CPS to offer something during those breaks.
A survey will be released this week on July 17 and be open until August 18. Harris said even though the group is focused on Columbus proper, they still want to know what the surrounding communities think because many work here or send their children to school here. The survey addresses preschool, affordable childcare, nights needed as well as employer and business needs for childcare. He said there are 54 questions but part of the survey can be skipped if it doesn’t apply. After August 18, Communities for Kids will come back with results, and CPS can move forward with roundtable discussions and visits to other sites. Harris said a good return would be 1/3 to 2/3 of the community for the survey. He said there will be people at Columbus Days encouraging people to take the survey. He said teachers are also informing people, the link will be posted on social media, and there is a core team it help inform people such as the Columbus Area Chamber of Commerce and United Way. |
I.R. Superintendent's Report
The regional meetings for NSAB are set with the last one being in Norfolk on Sept. 25. There is one in Fremont on August 21. Dr. Loeffelholz said he will email the board the list of dates with the closest being Norfolk, Fremont and York. The Board retreat is August 5 at 5 p.m., and the location is yet to be determined. Dr. Loeffelholz said he will email the social media policy and guidelines to the committee to look at. He said the ACLU has requested six things they want from the district. Dr. Loeffelholz said the first thing the district is going to do is ask the definition of sex education. He said CPS does not have a sex education course, and that information is taught through science or health classes. He said the district won’t respond until Sept. 20. Dr. Loeffelholz said CPS is not the only one to get the request. He said NDE is going to be looking at sex ed as part of health curriculum, and he thinks the ACLU wants to be a part of creating the standards
I.S. Board Sharing
Mike Goos asked if animal science was a course CHS was considering offering in the future. Romshek said she hopes so. Romshek said there is a teacher at CHS that teaches an animal behavior course. The teacher has an agriculture background and wants to bring in some of these courses of study to CHS. He also wants to look at what other schools are doing. Romshek said there is potential to connect these courses to others already in existence. She said this teacher feels there is a lot of interest in these types of classes. Dr. Loeffelholz said there have been several students move to Lakeview to be in the FFA program. Romshek said Lakeview would be a good partner. Mike Jeffryes questioned why more CHS students are not taking business classes. He said when he was in school, he took accounting and other classes, but the kids don't have the drive to do this. Dr. Loeffelholz said it might help if there was a career path for business similar to STEM. He said the high school counselors work with students on a four-year plan to gain an understanding of what the students want to do. He said the four-year plan will help a lot. Doug Willoughby welcomed Tim Kwapnioski and told him it is nice to have him back at CPS. Kwapnioski said he spent last week and all of today meeting with coaches and sponsors. He said it has been very good and exciting. Willoughby said he can’t wait to meet Angie Luebbe as well. Dr. Loeffelholz said there are some new faces on the Administrative Team. The board decided to wait until August to discuss the superintendent's evaluation. Leonard Kwapnioski said the work on the anchor project is now completed except for the landscaping.
II. Executive Session
The board did not go into executive session.
III. Adjourn
The board adjourned at 7:03 p.m.