August 16, 2021 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Board Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Mission Statement
Doug Molczyk read the Mission Statement.
I.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
Two people addressed the Board of Education. Doug Molczyk, Board President read a statement concerning the boards position on Critical Race Theory (CRT). |
I.G. Recognitions
There were no Recognitions.
I.H. Board Special Functions
I.H.1. 2021-22 Illness Plan
The CPS Illness Plan for the 2021-22 school year was shared by Dr. Troy Loeffelholz, Superintendent. He specified only the board has the authority to adjust or change this plan. Included in the information is that masks are recommended but not required by students. If a building has 8% absenteeism they will be required to wear masks for three weeks, that is a typical cycle. After the three weeks, if the percentage is under 8% the masks will not need to be worn. At 11% absenteeism the building may be shut down for 24-48 hours for deep cleaning and will result in mandatory masks for 3 weeks or until the rate decreases under 8%. Changes will be made appropriately with visitors in buildings and attendance of activities.
I.H.2. Second and Final Reading of Policy 204.12 Public Participation in Board Meetings
Dr. Loeffelholz said changes were made based on board suggestions.
I.H.3. Band Travel Approval
Dr. Loeffelholz reminded the board this is the initial permission for approval to raise funds for these student trips. Mr. Hiebner, CHS Principal, said the trip to Orange City and Yankton are competitions. He also assured the group that he is vigilant in checking COVID status at the destinations to keep students safe.
I.I. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
There were no items to be removed from the Consent Agenda.
I.J. Consent Agenda
I.J.1. Approval of Minutes
I.J.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Chip Kay, Director of Finance and Human Resources, gave an update on the financial statements. He said July is a low month for receipts. The 2020-21 budget closed today, they will start rolling things over for 2021-22. Mr. Kay said expenditures this time of year are repairs, utilities and curriculum.
I.J.3. Financial Report M5
Mr. Kay noted the InitiativeOne payment for administration training and the Perry, Guthrie and Haase Attorneys invoice. He also commented that they are reviewing contracts at this time to make sure we are protecting the district.
I.J.4. Certified Personnel
Mr. Kay said we have a short list of certified hires, Mr. Hiebner hired a math teacher for CHS.
I.J.5. Classified Personnel
As of today, hiring classified staff continues to be a challenge, we still have several openings. Mr. Kay talked about the para openings, and a cook position that still needs to be filled. The custodial openings can be taken care of with ServiceMaster. He said we did rehire two people that resigned at the end of the school year but decided to return.
I.J.6. Professional Travel
I.K. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Dr. Loeffelholz commented on the Foundation Report. Total contributions for July were $35,926.38. He also said there are a lot of tours by alumni taking place right now.
I.L. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.L.1. Policies
I.L.1.1. First Reading of Policy 1006.50 Facility Rental Policy, Includes Exhibits and Regulation
Mr. Kay has made some changes to the regulation. He said he cleaned it up for easier understanding, clarified some titles, and updated fees. Mr. Kay said some additional rules needed to be added for use of the turf field. Discussion about the billing, deposits, and using a facility for personal gain. It was noted that all money must be handled appropriately and use board policy for guidance.
I.L.2. Administrative Functions
I.L.2.1. Surplus Property
List of items that are no longer being used in the classroom.
I.L.2.2. School Fundraising Applications
I.L.2.3. 2021-22 Classified Staff Handbook
Mr. Kay went through the changes in the Classified Handbook, noting that there were two items added to the vacation section. It is necessary to have a black-out time which is the first 3 weeks of school and optimum work periods, which outlines certain departments and times staff need to be in attendance. This will be used as guidance and will be subject to the Superintendents approval. Mr. Kay said the Worker’s Compensation section was cleaned up regarding where to find the forms and who needs to file them.
I.L.2.4. Addition of Middle School Cross Country
Mr. Kay said he received a proposal from Tim Kwapnioski, CHS Activities Director, and Stacy Smith, CHS Cross-Country Coach, regarding the addition of middle school cross-country. They said CPS is the only school in the HAC that doesn't have this sport. Amy Haynes, CMS Principal, said they have 20 students interested already. The proposal suggests they could hire an additional coach, who would spend 1/3 of their time with HS, and 2/3 of their time with MS. For now the track uniforms could be used. They would like this approved for the 21-22 school year, they would need to start practicing right away. This would be a transition year, but they could still participate in several contests.
I.L.2.5. Budget Preview
Mr. Kay shared a preview of planned expenditures. He said he is waiting on certified valuations to determine property tax needed.
I.L.3. Updates
Mr. Kay said he is preparing the ESSERS III Spending Plan Presentation. There is a requirement to have a committee of 12 people. This committee includes teachers, principals, and directors, all buildings are represented. He has created a new walk thru teacher informal evaluation document. |
I.M. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.M.1. Policies
I.M.2. Administrative Functions
I.M.2.1. HVAC Service Contract
Leonard Kwapnioski, Director of Buildings/Sites and Technology talked about the HVAC Service Contract with a breakdown of what was paid a year ago, with the $21,000.00 increase, he decided to go down a different avenue with a different company. References on Rutt's Heating and Air Columbus have been great.
I.M.2.2. Safety Committee for 2021-22
Mr. Kwapnioski shared the list of prospective members. He mentioned the meetings may be via ZOOM. There is better attendance via ZOOM and there is representation across the board.
I.M.2.3. Bobcat Skid Steer Loader Purchase Approval
Mr. Kwapnioski said he did a lot of research looking for this piece of equipment. This company works well with government organizations. After 2 years you can buy a brand-new one for trade in and $6000.00. Also offers a two-year warranty.
I.M.3. Updates
Update from Mr. Kwapnioski regarding a grant application for technology purchases. It is based on dollar amount requested and free/reduced status in the district. He is hopeful to get some funding to help with replacement of student devices. The grant application was submitted last week.
I.N. Curriculum and Instruction
I.N.1. Policies
I.N.2. Administrative Functions
I.N.3. Updates
Amy Romshek, Director of Curriculum said the new Social Studies curriculum was made available for review after the request was made by a community member. She said one person did review the books. There was discussion if instructions were needed to find the current health curriculum and if we had the ability to track the number. |
I.O. Student Services
I.O.1. Policies
I.O.2. Administrative Functions
I.O.3. Updates
Mr. Harris talked about the new licensed mental health practitioner, Sarah Papa who will cover grades 7-12 with Jessy Hill. They have been contacting other districts for protocols and checking on liability of the school district in the event something unforeseen happened while treating a student. He said we have students that need support. Mr. Harris said he has been working with Mr. Kay to confirm all grant applications have been submitted. The Early Childhood Grant, Sixpence Grant and the IDEA Grants were all approved. |
I.P. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz talked about the Early Childhood Capital Campaign, the new healthcare pathway at CHS, and LB840. He also reminded the Board about the regional meeting in Fremont on September 29, 2021, and the state conference November 17-19. |
I.Q. Board Sharing
The Board shared their excitement for school to be back in session and are looking forward to what the school year has in store. They wished everyone a good year. Doug Willoughby, Vice President, shared a story about meeting an immigrant that had lived all over the world, he said Columbus is heaven, maybe we under appreciate Columbus. They really feel good about the illness plan. The board thanked staff, they said sometimes it is a thankless job. |
II. Executive Session
The Board did not go into Executive Session.
III. Adjourn
Adjourned at 7:24pm.