March 21, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Board Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Mission Statement
Mark Brown read the Mission Statement.
I.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
I.G. Presentations
I.G.1. Columbus High School Presentation
Mr. Hiebner, CHS Principal, started his presentation by saying it is an honor to be part of Columbus High School. He shared information on his new staff and commented on a couple of alumni that have come back to teach for CPS this year. Mr. Hiebner talked about the new programs at CHS including the Wayne State STEP Program. This program allows students to earn 9 credit hours in teacher education. This offers dual credit opportunities for CHS students. Steve Woodside is the instructor currently. Mr. Hiebner said Wayne State has gone above and beyond by offering high level scholarships because of the ties CPS has with them through this program and the great relationships. This will also hopefully bring more graduates back to Columbus. He also spoke about the Health Care Pathway, along with the new instructor Wendy Kalhoff. Kelsey Newman is also a teacher in this program. CCC is a big partner along with Columbus Community Hospital. The CNA Certification can be taken by CHS students through the Health Care Pathway and pay $52.00, a course that normally would cost just over $500.00. Mr. Hiebner gave an overview of the High Reliability Schools engagement at CHS. He said they continue to improve as a building through working with ESU7 to begin implementation of the HRS framework. This includes meetings and a staff survey to indicate areas that received high ratings and areas for improvement to create an action plan. Level 2-Effective Teaching in Every Classroom is guided by the Marzano Protocol; learning goals and proficiency scales. He said he is seeing an increase in the use of the model. The goal is to solidify level 1 before moving ahead with level 2. Level 3, guaranteed and viable content, continues to be worked on by making sure the same content is being taught by whoever is teaching a specific course or specific content at a certain grade level. Also, using common assessments, learning goals, proficiency scales and curriculum that aligns to Nebraska State Standards through building and district PLCs. Mr. Hiebner shared kudos to support staff at CHS, he said he is really proud of the lunch staff, this group works very hard to provide for students each day. Also spoke about the "Be Like Cal Night", he said Cal Mustard sets a high standard for himself and is a great role model for all. Mr. Hiebner touched on many of the Columbus High School activities and said it is really great to see the participation of students and sponsors. He said at CHS, students are first, and the programming needs to match students interest and needs. He said they are working hard to be responsive to needs of staff and the community of Columbus. As always, he ended with "Discover Something Greater Than Yourself".
I.H. Board Special Functions
I.H.1. Second and Final Reading of Policy 204.10 Agenda
Dr. Loeffelholz, Superintendent, said this policy changed because of legislation. It specifies when, where and how long we need to post meeting agendas.
I.H.2. Second and Final Reading of Policy 204.11 Meeting Minutes
This policy was changed through some legislation and it specified how long meeting minutes need to be stored. We are now able to have an electronic record as opposed to the binding of all the records in the past.
I.H.3. Second and Final Reading of Policy 204.13 Virtual Conferencing During an Emergency
This policy allows us to have virtual meetings and the requirements to do so.
I.H.4. School Calendar for 2022-23
Dr. Loeffelholz shared the school calendar and gave some specific details on start and end dates and professional development days. He said there are 83 contact days in the first semester and 84 days in the second semester. He said the staff voted and this was the one with the most votes. There was a lot of work done to accomplish the request from staff. |
I.H.5. New CPS Foundation Board Members
Nicole Anderson, Director of the CPS Foundation, spoke on the new CPS Foundation Board members. She said there is a need to grow. Three years ago they did not replace some openings. They are now sharing four that have been voted into the openings and additions. There was some discussion on a couple that do not live in the district. Mrs. Anderson said they are following the by-laws, there is nothing that states living in the district is required to be on the board. She also said some candidates have the ability to bring money from other areas. Candy Becher, board member, said many boards have board members who do not live in a specified area. The concern is that the foundation needs people to help with local activities, if they don’t live near it doesn't help with those activities. Ms. Becher also mentioned that though she lives in the district she can not read scholarships because she often knows the applicant. Mrs. Anderson said one of the candidates brings legal knowledge and one has incredible connections. Dr. Loeffelholz said Ralph Castner is very engaged and well known with people in the community, and will be a good addition. |
I.H.6. Discoverer Athletic Hall of Fame Nominees
Mrs. Anderson said there has been two more nominees added, one coach, a state runner-up and one coach for meritorious. She also said the by-laws need to be reviewed. Questions regarding how the coaches and athletes are chosen. Mark Brown, board member, said he has concerns that the by-laws are being followed. Dr. Loeffelholz said most coaches have been recognized, all candidates must be five years out from getting inducted. |
I.I. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
There were no items removed from the Consent Agenda.
I.J. Consent Agenda
I.J.1. Approval of Minutes
I.J.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Chip Kay, Director of Finance and Human Resources, gave a brief look at the financial reports. He said the general fund balances are good. He explained that to cover next year’s budget, the district will need to carry about 5% of this year's budget over. Mr. Kay said we will know more once we see the valuations. He also said the next few months there will be some larger payments coming out of the bond and building funds.
Mr. Kay said the M3 Financial Report is overall where it should be at this time. He said the M4 Financial Report reflects a very normal month. One new vendor showing a payment is Classlink. This is a new program that gives students a single sign on tool. The fee is for 3 years, this is about $7.00 per student, this price is an extra 10% off for signing up for 3 years. This program will also provide the dual authentication we need for insurance purposes.
I.J.3. Financial Report M5
Mr. Kay noted that some vendors listed are payments for purchasing Kramer supplies/services. This is a pay back from the property purchase.
I.J.4. Certified Personnel
Mr. Kay said we are steadily filling positions. Hiring is going much quicker this year. Principals are more aggressive and getting people hired. |
I.J.5. Classified Personnel
Mr. Kay feels like we are getting more commitment from classified staff with the effort from HR to retain staff. |
I.J.6. Professional Travel
Dr. Loeffelholz said there has been a lot of travel to job fairs, and it seems to be paying dividends. He mentioned that Sara Colford is reaching out to younger students to bring them to Columbus as second and third year students to encourage them to student teach with CPS. He also noted some state basketball travel and his trips to the legislature.
I.K. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
Mrs. Anderson shared an overview of the Foundation Report, noting the National Conference for School Foundations, CHS volleyball tournaments that funds will be moved into their accounts. They used the foundation for online registrations. She said PACS and PTOs are just catching up with fundraising finishing for this school year. Total this month is $63,850.00; Year to date is $154.934.25.
I.L. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.L.1. Policies
I.L.1.1. Second and Final Reading of Policy 702.02 Budget Planning, Preparation and Schedules
Nothing new from the first reading, these changes are required by law.
I.L.1.2. Second and Final Reading of Policy 702.03 Budget Adoption Process
Mr. Kay said this is the policy that requires by law that CPS mail a postcard to all stakeholders if tax asking is increased.
I.L.2. Administrative Functions
I.L.2.1. Tuition Rates-Regular Education
Mr Kay gave a brief description of the calculation used to come up with the regular education tuition rates. Dr. Loeffelholz added that CPS has the eleventh lowest spending per student in the state.
I.L.2.2. Surplus Requests
Mr. Kay indicated all surplus listed are broken items, including the athletic shorts that have little to no elastic.
I.L.2.3. Classified Insurance Schedule Proposal
Mr. Kay said he feels like more transparency is needed with how classified insurance is calculated.
I.L.3. Updates
Mr. Kay shared the CMS Musical Fundraiser Application, the Moana Jr. group will be selling fiber optic wands and necklaces during performances. |
I.M. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.M.1. Policies
I.M.2. Administrative Functions
I.M.3. Updates
Leonard Kwapnioski, Director of Building/Sites and Technology updated the work being done on the Kramer Education Center Project. He said about two-thirds of the roof is complete, the weather will shut that down for a few days. He is hoping they will have the decking on in the next couple of weeks. They are working in the area they call the great hall. He said Tucker Masonry set up today to start doing the brick work. The next bid packages will be coming out soon. Mr. Kwapnioski is looking forward to the group touring the building next month to see the progress. |
I.N. Curriculum and Instruction
I.N.1. Policies
I.N.2. Administrative Functions
I.N.3. Updates
Amy Romshek, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, said this time of the year is spent with teachers developing curriculum and proficiency scales. Teresa Hausmann and Kristi Hackett are working on ELA standards and Julie Kreikemeier is working on the CPM math program. Dr. Romshek said the big push is on for elementary staff to develop data points, this information will be loaded into Synergy along with the learning goals to prepare for proficiency reporting. She said next month there will be new materials to approve. Dr. Romshek said she is just trying to get things finished before she finishes at CPS.
I.O. Student Services
I.O.1. Policies
I.O.2. Administrative Functions
I.O.2.1. Tuition Rates-Special Education
Jason Harris, Director of Student Services and Special Education, briefly explained the special education tuition rates. The student contact days changed by one day. At this time CPS has three contracted students in the district. A couple of high needs students from other districts that do not have the services to provide for these students. Due to numbers at CPS, there is no space to take others. The Board President asked that the contract days be amended to 167.
I.O.3. Updates
Mr. Harris updated the board on an audit he had talked about at an earlier meeting. The amended financials have been competed. The audit had shown some coding that needed to be changed and resubmitted. All ESSA Programs will be monitored by NDE this year, this is our year on the five-year schedule. Mr. Harris talked about a new program, Safe2Help NE, it is an anonymous reporting system, this is coming to us through Boys Town with the LB322 funding. The social/emotional team will decide how to implement this new program. Mr. Harris said this week is Kindergarten Registration. |
I.P. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz said our accreditation is coming up next year in the 5-year cycle. Next week he will be conducting interviews for the Director of Curriculum and Instruction position. During the building listening sessions, there was a lot of talk regarding student behaviors, Mr. Harris and Mrs. Colford have 3 separate MTSS committees working on plans or procedures for behaviors. He said there is also a review of what the responsibility is for teachers and administrators when handling student behaviors. Spring sports have started. |
I.Q. Board Sharing
II. Executive Session
III. Adjourn