August 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Board Retreat
Minutes |
I. Board Meeting
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Mission Statement
Doug Willoughby read the Mission Statement.
I.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
I.G. Board Special Functions
I.G.1. RSP & Associates presentation regarding enrollment projections.
I.G.2. Adoption of 2022-2023 Return to School CPS Illness Plan
Dr. Loeffelholz shared the 2022-23 Illness Plan. The plan includes teachers and students with any illnesses. The plan does include information on triggers for wearing masks. The board discussed what percentage of illness was right for CPS to implement these protocols. Teachers will use their regular sick time and personal leave days, and if that is exhausted can request help from the Emergency Leave Bank. In the event that there are some dramatic changes in illnesses and time off needed, Dr. Leoffelholz said the illness plan can be revisited to make changes as necessary. |
I.G.3. New Changes, Upcoming Work and Department Goals
Teresa Hausmann, Directory of Curriculum and Instruction, talked about the data gathered from the teacher surveys and the exit surveys completed by staff that left. One of the common concerns is the lack of autonomy for teachers, this was a point that was more heavily reviewed and made some changes. Mrs. Hausmann shared the changes in the elementary schedule and proposed minimum daily minutes for each course and gave teachers available flex time for their classes. Feedback has been very positive. She also said testing data will have a very rapid turnaround time so that teachers know where changes need to be made for the best learning experience. Discussion regarding combining writing with other courses, Mrs. Hausmann said she encourages combining writing with social studies or science, to give students something to write about. |
I.G.4. MTSS Behavioral Model and Department Goals
Jason Harris, Director of Student Services and Special Education talked about the MTSS Behavior Model, Multi-Tiered Systems of Supports. There has been a committee working on behaviors and how to respond. CPS has an umbrella of MTSS, Well-Managed Classroom is the foundation, BIST is for Tier 2 and 3. The plan that is being implemented is to use networking and use the people in your building to support behaviors, tapping into everyone’s strengths. A flow-chart has been created to show the system for all staff to handle behaviors for Tier 1. Mr. Harris said it will be cleaned up and shared with everyone, to show options. He also said it is very important for all to be on the same page and very consistent through all grade levels. This will provide equity. The visual shows 80% of students are under Tier 1, 15% under Tier 2 and 5% under Tier 3 which requires intensive intervention. The idea is to focus on Tier 1 this creates a calm and safe environment for school safety. Staff will pick Well Managed classroom skills to focus on this year. Sandy Seckel has trained all new staff and offers resources. Dr. Loeffelholz added that behaviors weren’t taught after COVID, everyone was so glad to have students back. The instruction matters, the effectiveness matters and building relationships with students is a big part of Tier 1. He has requested that the first two days of school just teach appropriate behaviors and teach the consequences. Effectiveness with elementary through high school will require consistency. When teachers are struggling, the team from each building will be brought together to make a plan, decide on consequences and celebrate positive behavior. Mr. Harris shared the proficiency standards and learning goals that the elementary teachers by grade level have identified. These are consistent data points throughout the district. Eric Edzards has been working to get all this information set up in Synergy for grading. The grade book will have all the state standards and data points, teachers can use autonomy based on state standards and add their own assignments. The report cards templates have been sent to Synergy to be built into the system. All grading will be pulled automatically to create a student’s report card. Work habit scores are done by hand, there is a score for academic work habit and non-academic work habit. |
I.G.5. Kramer Education Center and CASSETTE House
Leonard Kwapnioski, Director of Buildings/Sites and Technology talked about the Kramer Education Center and the challenges of waiting on materials. At this time, some work has had to be put on hold because the glass has been delayed for 3-4 weeks. They can’t secure the building without the glass so they cannot remove the fence. Mr. Kwapnioski also shared that the HVAC units for the elementary schools have gone up exponentially and are backordered. In addition to some of the tile and carpet colors being discontinued. He said they keep pushing forward. Mr. Kwapnioski shared a brief update on the CASSETTE House, he said the floor plan is finished. It shows a large garage area to store the car and will be a great space for the annual garage sale. It will have prefab walls, they are working out details for the storm shelters. |
I.G.6. Bid Package 3A Approval
Dr. Loeffelholz shared the 3A Bid Package, the approval will align with the lease purchase agreement.
I.G.7. Website and Marketing Goals for the Upcoming Year
Foundation Update
Nicole Anderson, Marketing and Foundation Director, talked about what has been happening in the department. We are always sending out information to the CPS community, Isaiah May has been working on the new website, it has gone live, monitoring social media, facilitating and running live feed of activities and events. There is also a lot of work being done in producing projects such as "Meet the Team", HR and CTE videos. Mrs. Anderson and Jen Augustin are busy with "Shopping for Charities'', the "Give Big" and the 13 umbrella organizations that fall under the CPS Foundation. They produce four alumni newsletter per year, maintain the alumni membership, and facilitate reunion tours. Mrs. Anderson shared that the CPS Foundation moved their financial platform from iVisions to Quickbooks, successfully got the Academic Hall of Fame Project started to soon be completed. The Foundation applied and was awarded the Casey’s Grant and the Platte County Visitors Bureau Grant. Goals for the next year include opening Kramer, continuing to grow alumni engagement, and to develop staff giving. Mrs. Anderson said they are beginning to interview for the Kramer coordinator position this week.
I.G.8. Budget-Bond Issue Discussion
Tabled until September.
I.G.9. Facilities Conversation--Architectural RFP
Tabled until September
I.G.10. Superintendent Goals
Tabled until September.
I.G.10.1. NASB Area Meetings
II. Executive Session
The Board did not go into Executive Session.
III. Adjourn
Adjourned at 9:30pm.