May 8, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Committee As A Whole
Minutes |
I. Committee As A Whole
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
I.D.1. President ensures all can hear proceedings
I.E. Adjourn
I.F. American Civics Meeting
Teresa Hausmann, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment reminded the group that the committee must meet two times per year. This committee ensures the social studies curriculum standards are being met and assessments are on target for our district. John Reidmiller, 5th grade teacher shared information about the curriculum that is being used to teach U.S. Government. Allie Goering, kindergarten teacher spoke on the curriculum being used in her class.
I.G. Presentations
I.G.1. West Park Presentation
Paula Lawrence, West Park Elementary Principal talked about students, staff and events at her building. She said they had two new staff members, Faith Simon, PE, Jeanne Kay, preschool. She also shared how they are using High Reliability Schools at West Park, which includes Safe, Supportive and Collaborative Culture. The staff is teaching behavior expectations by using common language and reviewing well managed classroom skills. In January one skill to review each week. Staff models what respect looks and sounds like. BIST moves are tracked, first semester is always high but a decline is seen as the year progresses. Mrs. Lawrence shared the celebrations with golden tickets that students can earn by showing safe, respectful and responsible behaviors. Staff is engaging in MTSS meetings each week to focus on academic and new behaviors. The data is gathered to show progress or if changes need to be made for students. The student council and the PTO really help to promote a very positive culture at West Park. Level 2 of the HRS is Effective Teaching in Every Classroom is demonstrated with the 4 PLC questions and by using "Data into Action" which guides staff to look at the data to identify instructional gaps. Mrs. Lawrence said that Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum is measured by a survey and it has not been taken yet. Teachers have worked together across the district to create the learning goals. Goals and proficiency scales are posted in classrooms.
I.H. Board Special Functions
I.H.1. Approval of the Elementary Supply Lists for 2023-2024
Mrs. Lawrence explained the process of ordering through EPI for school supplies. This year the supplies will be delivered to students’ homes instead of school. Troy Loeffelholz, Superintendent said we will need to approve this list in February moving forward.
I.H.2. Sale of Columbus Public Schools share in the CPS/ESU 7 Student Center to Educational Service Unit #7
Dr. Loefflholz shared the history of this building. The CPS agreement with ESU 7 started in 2009. Districts received funding for SPED, that money was used for a third of that building for our student services departments. CPS will be moving staff into Kramer and the current Administration Building so a contract has been created to sell.
I.H.3. First Reading of Policy 506.015 Activity Cooperative and 506.015R Activity Cooperative Regulation
Dr. Loeffelholz said Lakeview has asked to join CHS for swimming, this may include 2 to 4 swimmers. Students that live outside of the district would need to pay a $275.00 fee.
I.I. Consent Agenda
I.I.1. Approval of Minutes
I.I.2. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
Chip Kay, Director of Finance and Human Relations gave brief updates on the financial reports. He said the General Fund is showing ESSER Funds. Investment accounts have been moved to get better returns. All other account balances look normal. The Nutrition Fund looks good even though we have a high balance of funds owed. Dr. Kay said there is not much change in revenue. The M4 report is showing a payment to the City of Columbus, that is our portion of payment for Discoverer Way, our street to travel to CHS.
I.I.3. Certified Personnel
I.I.4. Classified Personnel
I.I.5. Tentative Graduate List 2023
I.I.6. Professional Travel
Dr. Loeffelholz shared information on the travel listed.
I.J. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
The report is showing $31,867.55 for the month of April; $150,535.84 for the year. Dr. Loeffelholz added that there are a lot of travel and activities at this time of year.
I.K. Curriculum and Instruction
I.K.1. Updates
Mrs. Hausmann said that 6 to 8 teachers will select 4 novels. She will receive the list in June. She encouraged them to take their time and do it well. She also added that curriculum staff has been able to participate in more connecting with staff with time for more visits since Cognia is done.
I.K.2. CHS & CMS Instructional Materials
Mrs. Hausmann said these are the resources she hopes to adopt for the new pathways and ELA curriculum purchase.
I.L. Business Operations and Human Relations
I.L.1. Administrative Functions
I.L.1.1. Wage and Benefit Approval 2023-2024
Dr. Kay Shared the information on wages and benefits for next year. He said there is funding to cover the raises proposed. Certified staff is just above the average of the array, administrators are right in the middle of the array.
I.L.1.2. Declaration of Surplus Materials
These are from the textbook loan project-from Scotus.
I.L.2. Updates
Dr. Kay said the Personnel Committee met to find ways to reallocate staff where there are needs. Board members on this committee, Doug Willoughby, Theresa Seipel and Candy Becher also talked about reallocating the position vacated by Dr. Jessica’s Volker. It was decided that a Dean of Students to help out at Centennial and other buildings, this person would work in curriculum for 14 days this summer. Dr. Kay said girls wrestling is requesting a head coach. The proposal would be to allocate the position of the assistant coach that was hired to monitor the team would be hired to take this position. Dr. Kay talked about an international placement company that Lincoln Public Schools is using. CPS would possibly need to help pay for some visas and some moving expenses, we will have to keep them for two years. There was a discussion on the football/track scoreboard and lighting at the field at CHS. This is a base package, programmable for the sport that is being played. Mr. Kwapnioski is working with Commonwealth on the electrical. This would be a contract not to exceed $300,000.00. A lot of the funding will come from a grant and funds raised from advertising on the scoreboards. |
I.M. Buildings & Sites/Technology
I.M.1. Administrative Functions
I.M.1.1. CASSETTE House Bid Approval
Leonard Kwapnioski, Director of Buildings/Sites and Technology gave a brief explanation of the CASSETTE House bid, not to exceed 900,000.00. Open before school starts. Mr. Kwapnioski said it is very expensive but brings a lot of benefits for our kids.
I.M.2. Updates
Mr. Kwapnioski gave updates on the 3rd avenue project, the Corp of Engineers working with the wetlands. He also shared information about the new computer roll-out. |
I.N. Student Services
I.N.1. Administrative Functions
I.N.1.1. B.I.S.T. Services Agreement
Jason Harris, Director of Student Services and Special Education gave information about the BIST renewal contract for 2023-2024. The contract gives every school building 5 visits. A portion of the bill is paid from SPED funds.
I.N.2. Updates
Mr. Harris said they are working to find a way to handle case loads at buildings. The numbers are so high of students that need to be evaluated. The reports are meeting the minimum requirements. |
I.O. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz reminded the board to work on the Superintendent evaluations. He said the Top 10% went well, and Honors Night was fun for seniors. Election day is tomorrow, we should know something by 6:00. Dr. Loeffelholz said the Campaign Committee invited the board for refreshments at Maximus while waiting on the election results. Also spoke about Graduation on May 21st 3:00, gather at 2:45. He said we will plan the summer retreat, the will need to look at a new 5 year strategic plan. The date will be set after the accreditation report comes back. He has a meeting to look at some signage for CMS and Kramer. |
I.P. Board Sharing
Mr. Willoughby said he would save board sharing for next week.
I.Q. Adjourn