October 19, 2015 at 5:00 PM - Work Session Regular Meeting
Minutes |
I. Work Session
I.A. Call to Order
I.B. Roll Call of Board
I.C. Pledge of Allegiance
I.D. Recognitions
I.E. Presentations
I.E.1. Columbus Middle School Staff
Ken Curry was excused.
There are 65 staff members at CMS. The average years of teaching experience is 13.3 years. Sixty percent of staff have master's degrees. 53% of the students who are on free and reduced lunch. CMS had 58 new kids that started over the summer and 28 have started since the first day. The enrollment is 865 students with the seventh grade class being the largest at 310. There are two teams for the seventh and eighth grade, a maroon and a silver team. The sixth grade has four teams, so the students can have smaller learning communities.
6th grade language arts - Last year students scored low in organizational patterns. The teachers took baseline data in August to determine what students know and don't know. Each quarter students take the full essential elements test, which includes organizational patterns.
Social-Emotional Needs and personalizing our learning environment - Mental health needs is the number one concern and outside referrals is the next highest. Attendance will become more of a problem as the year goes on. Social worker Heidi Luebbe said she is starting to see more kids on probation and diversion as well. She said she is reaching a lot of families.
The CMS Counselors have been in the sixth grade classrooms three times so far this year. They also have lunch groups (consisting of 4-5 students) with every sixth grader. One of the conversations in the classroom is bullying and conflict. In the seventh grade, they have minute meetings where they sit outside a classroom and talk to the students. They ask simple questions and try to make a connection. This week they are starting to do a respect lesson with the seventh graders. Between the two school counselors there are 430 students they each see. Each student also has a vision or personal learning plan that includes educational goals. Of the students seen this year by the counselors, 38% were sixth graders; 39% seventh graders and 23% eighth graders. In the second semester, the counselors become involved in careers and will be addressing eighth graders. The top issues for seeing a counselor so far this year is 34% for social groups, 17% for behaviors and 14% for academics.
CMS choir service project – The choir has been doing a service project for the past four years. Last year, they raised $4,900. Students did jobs to earn money, and people had to sign a form saying what work they did to earn the money and return it to class. The first year the goal was for every student to bring $1, and they ended up earning $1,700. Last year the goal was to have each student raise $10, and every year students have reached the goal. Ditter said she has a collection form and keeps track of everything the students do. They graph the amounts raised on the wall by class as well as one overall graph to track the amount raised. The amount of money raised determines how much they can purchase for those in need. They get the needs list from the Holiday Spirit Co-op and will spend about $40 per person. They shop first for the needs and if there is money left for the wants. The parents and students do all the shopping at Wal-Mart. Ditter said the last couple of years, the choir kids have finished off the list for the Holiday Spirit Co-op. Most of the work is done after school.
Relay for life Team – All of the fundraisers target staff. They usually raise $3,000, but last year they raised $5,000. Some of the things they do to fundraise include selling a 100-page cookbook with staff recipes, put flamingos in yards, food days, jeans day and a cookie contest for staff.
I.E.2. NeSA Data Report
NeSA 2015 scores – The CPS population is 58 percent white, 38 percent Hispanic, and 4 percent other. The Nebraska State Accountability test is given in the spring and measures reading, writing math and science. The reading test will be changing. Students will have to read text and give a written response, or they will get to choose a multiple choice answer but must give a reason. Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction Amy Romshek said the results are used to measure a programs effectiveness; and form curriculum development and revision. Those scoring 135-200 are exceeding proficiency; 85-134 meeting proficiency and anything below 85 is not proficient. In most areas CPS students were at or above the state average in NeSA testing. CPS students did very well in writing and were above the state average. Romshek said she likes to keep increasing scores each year. She said the district will focus on math the next couple of years because the standards are becoming more rigorous.
I.E.3. DLR/Hausmann High School Update
Zach Smith from Hausmann Construction said the wrestling room and fitness building exterior are done. He said they are trying to get the auxiliary gym dried out to pour the concrete. The interior footings have been poured in the cafeteria and commons area and steel is being erected. The music building is framed, and they hope to get it closed in within the next couple of weeks. Everything up high in the auditorium is done. Ninety percent of the slabs in area G are done. In The STEM area they will be applying a weather barrier. Smith said they are getting ready to do the north lot in the next few weeks, and this will be the last one before winter. The site utilities are in progress. Smith said with the nice weather, they have gotten a lot of work done in a short period of time. Smith said the weather has been the biggest problem so far on this project.
I.F. Regular Board Meeting Information
II. Executive Session
The board did not go into executive session.
III. Adjourn
The board adjourned at 6:30 p.m.
IV. Board Meeting
IV.A. Call to Order
IV.B. Roll Call of Board
IV.C. Pledge of Allegiance
IV.D. Notice of Open Meeting Posted
IV.D.1. President insures all can hear proceedings
IV.E. Mission Statement
Candy Becher read the mission statement.
IV.F. Opportunity for Public to be Heard
No one spoke to the board.
IV.G. Board Special Functions
IV.G.1. Hearings
IV.H. Recognitions
There were no recognitions.
IV.I. Presentations
There were no presentations.
IV.J. Items to be removed from the Consent Agenda
No items were removed from the consent agenda.
IV.K. Consent Agenda
Superintendent Dr. Troy Loeffelholz said there were three classified hires and one classified resignation.
IV.K.1. Approval of Minutes
IV.K.2. Certified Personnel
IV.K.3. Classified Personnel
IV.K.4. Professional Travel
IV.L. Acceptance of Gifts/Donations
The Foundation, Band Boosters, Centennial PAC, Lost Creek PTO, North Park PTO and Sports Boosters contributed $28,495.67 back to the district in September.
IV.M. Business and Finance
IV.M.1. Financial Reports M2, M3, M4a
IV.M.2. Financial Report M4b
There was $2,085 paid to Seipel’s Repair Inc. for general maintenance the past two months and oil changes for all suburbans and mowers.
IV.M.3. Policies
IV.M.3.1. Second and Final Reading of Policy 902.04 Bids and Awards for Construction Contracts
This policy is due to legislative changes. The cost required to go out for sealed bids was increased from $40,000 to $100,000.
IV.M.3.2. Second and Final Reading of Policy 706.03 Bidding Procedures
Melick said the same amount changes will also be in the bidding procedures. The amount will increase from $40,000 to $100,000.
IV.M.3.3. Second and Final Reading of Policy 204.11 Meeting Minutes
IV.M.3.4. Second and Final Reading of Policy 804.02 Data or Records Retention
IV.M.4. Administrative Functions
IV.M.4.1. DLR/Scope of Services/Furniture and Accessory Purchasing/New High School.
This is a contract with DLR for professional design services for the furniture, fixtures, moveable equipment and signage for the new high school. The cost is not exceed the amount of $72,300 plus a maximum of $4,500 in reimbursable expenses.
Alan Dostal asked who makes the final decision on the selections. Dr. Loeffelholz said the color scheme has already been approved and selected. He said the teachers will be making the decisions on the types of desks and work stations they need.
IV.M.5. Updates
IV.N. Buildings & Sites/Technology
IV.N.1. Policies
IV.N.1.1. Third and Final Reading of Policy 906.01, Naming of Facilities
The policy has been narrowed down considerably. The policy should be more directional. Next month the board will get into the regulation, and this is more on how it works behind the scenes. A committee will be appointed by the board to review potential names and make a recommendation. The nomination will be given to the Superintendent and Building & Operations Committee to determine if the Board of Education needs to take any action. The board also has the right to remove a name from the facility. Naming facilities could be given for significant contributions to CPS. Naming can be given for recognition of outstanding services to the district, or community; Recognition of the achievement of distinguished alumni; and recognition of a noteworthy financial or other contribution from a donor. The policy should be simple and point the board to the regulation.
IV.N.1.2. Second and Final Reading of Policy 508.05 Emergency Plans and Drills
This policy addresses the need to assignment employees to specific duties. This topic will be addressed by the safety committee.
IV.N.1.3. Second and Final Reading of Policy 504.10 Weapons
This policy was removed due to differences between state and federal language. Before recommendation of this policy there will need to be procedures in place for storing weapons.
IV.N.2. Updates
Mr. Melick gave a presentation on how the district is tracking bond proceeds spending. This will help keep straight the items that have been paid and those that have not. DLR has five different categories for payment. Hausmann Construction has six contract areas. Hausmann has received 10 payouts so far. There are also several contracts with Mid State Engineering and Testing Inc. Half of the bond funds are at Cornerstone Bank and half at Pinnacle Bank.
The district is working on the Poverty and LEP plans. If CPS is to receive this money in state aid next year, they must request it. CPS is estimating ELL service expenses at $3.6 million for expenditures in 2015-16. The state will give the district less than was requested and 117 percent of total given must be spent. Costs go up every year, and this will allow for spending 117%. He said he has requested $2.4 million for poverty.
A district committee is in the process of reviewing the teacher and professional evaluation model. He is also looking at the Emergency Medical Leave Act to see how many times it has been used.
IV.O. Curriculum and Instruction
IV.O.1. Administrative Functions
IV.O.1.1. Library Books and Magazines - Surplus
There are 777 surplus items from the CMS library. In order for these items to be disposed of, the board must declare it surplus.
IV.O.2. Updates
Dr. Romshek introduced the curriculum team to the board. Juliana Koch is the early intervention reading coach. She works a couple times a month with teachers and paras. Explicit instruction coaches are Kristin Tomasevicz, Kari Drymon, Angie Luebbe and Theresa Hausmann. Brandi Fleming is the technology integration trainer. Fleming spends a lot of time helping teachers in the classroom, and the only full-time coach.
IV.P. Student Services
IV.P.1. Policies
IV.P.1.1. First Reading of Policy 504.23 Suicide Awareness
Executive Director of Student Services/Special Education Jason Harris said this policy is new this year. It is aimed to help all district employees who serve children to be aware of signs of suicide. An NDE task force created a five year plan. There is online training in three different levels (elementary, middle school and high school). Next year the training will be different. The training will repeat after five years. He said the office of student services is in charge of this, and it must be part of district policy.
IV.P.1.2. Second and Final Reading of Policy 508.15 Concussion Awareness
This policy focuses on returning to learn. Harris said the concussion management team has met. In order to return to learn, there must be a review of the medical symptoms. Harris said they are working on a way to track concussions over the years, and they want to put it in PowerSchool. If a parent doesn't report the concussion, CPS has no way to know. Harris said teachers will be educated on what to look for and the plan also calls for educating parents.
IV.P.1.3. Second and Final Reading of Policy 1006.02 Tobacco-Free Environment
This policy added vapor products and E-cigarettes.
IV.P.2. Updates
Harris said the NCLB applications are due Nov. 12. He said it is a huge allocation of federal dollars for the district.
IV.Q. Superintendent's Report
Dr. Loeffelholz informed the board they will see signs out by the new high school. One sign shows the front entrance and another the activity entrance. The contractors are listed on a sign in between. When Discoverer Drive is finished one sign featuring both entrances will be posted at that location. The other signs will go on 38th and 33rd Avenue and on the parkway.
Discoverer Drive was half poured on Wednesday. Clark Creative Group has been working on a STEM brochure to take to businesses to ask for contributions and partnerships. The clings will be mailed to all Chamber members. The STEM posters came in late last week for CMS and CHS. The elementary posters will be coming in later. The message in the community brochure is this is a K-12 program and not just targeted at middle and high school. The brochure will also discuss the benefits and state the goals of the program. The district is seeking $600,000 to purchase equipment; and $250,000 for scholarship and tuition assistance.
The Board will be visiting the new high school site on Oct. 21 at 5:30. Emails were sent to the board members who want to attend the national school board conference. The board will receive some more information as arrangements are made. Several board members received awards of achievement: Alan Dostal and Mike Goos were recognized for a level IV, Theresa Seipel level III and Candy Becher level II.
IV.Q.1. News Release: NASB Announces Awards of Achievement to local School Board Members
IV.R. Board Sharing
Doug Molczyk said he had a great time at CMS and was very impressed. He said the CMS choir service project is outstanding and teaches kids to contribute back to the community and help others. Candy Becher agreed. She said the Vocal Music Teacher Celeste Ditter is so full of life and wanting to give. She said it is a joy to listen to her. Alan Dostal said he also liked the middle school presentation and likes that they are planning. He said he hears the drumline practicing every day in the early morning. He said this shows how committed those kids are to practice. Theresa Seipel said she also enjoyed the middle school presentation. She said it is amazing seeing what they have accomplished. She said she wished all the teachers had the time to do a service project like the choir. Seipel said she is excited to see the progress on the school. Mike Goos thanked the middle school for inviting the board to their building. He said there are a lot of exciting things going on. Goos said there are great things going on in CPS.
V. Executive Session
The board did not go into executive session.
VI. Adjourn
The board adjourned at 8:30 p.m.