May 17, 2011 at 6:00 PM - Crete City Council Regluar Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Meeting
The City Council has posted a copy of the Open Meetings Act, Laws of the State of Nebraska, in the back of the council chambers. Additional copies are available to read, if anyone wishes one during this meeting, please advise. The City Council has assisted listening devices available, if needed please advise. |
2. Roll Call
Attendance of Council members will be recorded to determine the presence of a quorum for official actions.
3. Petitions - Communications - Citizen Concern
No action can be taken by the council on matters presented under this title except to answer any question posted and/or to refer the matter for further action. Testimony may be limited to 3 minutes per person. Please do not repeat testimony that has already be heard.
4. Special Order of Business
The council may take action to hear testimony in favor of or in opposition to, discuss/limit discussion and take action to approve or disapprove any matter presented under this title.
4.A. Special Claim - Welfare Check Damage
A welfare check was called for at 642 East 13th Street and forced entry was required
4.B. Letter to State Senator Russ Karpisek
A letter requesting that Saline County be included in Congressional District #1
5. Resolutions & Ordinances
The Council may take action to hear testimony in favor of or opposition to, discuss/limit discussion and take action to approve or disapprove any matter presented under this title. The Council may take action to waive the statutory rule requiring reading on three separate dates on any ordinance being considered. The Council may take action to pass and approve any matter presented under this title.
5.A. Ordinance 1781 - Swimming Pool Lease Purchase
An ordinance authorizing and approving a lease purchase transaction, the proceeds of which will be used to pay the costs of remodeling, renovating, equipping and furnishing the City of Crete Swimming Pool and related facililties; approving the issuance, sale and delivery of not to exceed $1,200,000 principal amount of Certificates of Participation in such lease; fixing certain provisions of the lease; and related matters
5.B. Ordinance 1782 - Vacating West Tower Road
An ordiance vacating West Tower Road; retaining ownership; selling property for $1,200; setting remonstrance dates
5.C. Resolution 2011-08 - Excessive Use of Force Policy
A resolution required for the CDBG Economic Development Project (NOVEL Chemical Solutions, Inc.)
5.D. Resolution 2011-09 - Fair Housing Policy
A resolution required for the CDBG Economic Development Project (NOVEL Chemical Solutions, Inc.)
5.E. Ordinance 1780 - Council Meeting Time
An ordinance to change the regular meeting time of the City Council to 6:00 PM
5.F. Ordinance 1783 - Council Meeting Time
An ordinance to change the City Council meeting time to 6:00 PM
5.G. Ordinance 1784 - Council Meeting Time
An ordinance to change the City Council meeting time to 6:00 PM
6. Officers' Reports
Reports may be given by Department Heads, Committees and Council members concerning current operations of the City. Questions may be asked and answered. No action can be taken by the Council on matters presented under this title except to answer any question posed and to refer the matter for further action.
Lisa - Summer reading - Calendar
June 4th - good commercial support
Tom - Filling pool
Saved on gas waiting 1 day
Arbor Day 200 trees
Web site design
E 13th - sewer done - water tomorrow
Iris - last half of June
RR crossing - late in May
Bauer Building - waiting on eng
Public works - garbage rate increase request
Steve - Boswell speed due to construction
Westwood shooting waiting on state patrol
Dave - Public Works Monday at 5:00 PM
Jerry conference
Roger - will be gone
web site update
Steve - gone 2 days then gone 2 weeks
Dale - need to schedule public safety sometime
7. Consent Agenda
Council will consider approval of the following items. Explanation may occur for each item and the council may approve and or amend and approve the items listed.
7.A. Council Minutes
Minutes of City Council meetings for approval
7.A.1. May 3, 2011 City Council
7.A.2. May 11, 2011 City Council
7.B. Council Committee Minutes
7.B.1. May 11, 2011 Public Works
7.C. Treasurer’s Report
Information to be filed for audit
7.D. Regular Claims
Funds to be expended by the City as endorsed by Finance Committee.
8. Adjournment
The city council will review the above matters and take such actions as they deem appropriate. The city council may enter into closed session to discuss any matter on this agenda when it is determined by the council that it is clearly necessary for protection of the public interest or the prevention of needless injury to the reputation of an individual and if such and individual has not requested a public meeting, or as otherwise allowed by law. Any closed session shall be limited to the subject matter for which the closed session was called. If the motion to close passes, then the presiding officer immediately prior to the closed session shall restate on the record the limitation of the subject matter of the closed session.