October 6, 2020 at 5:00 PM - Public Works Committee Meeting
Minutes |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Items of Business
3.A. Discuss restricting parking around the intersection of 1st Street and Boswell Avenue.
3.B. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on the proposed plans for a park shelter at the library.
3.C. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on placing stop signs at the parking lot entrance to the library.
3.D. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on adopting Resolution 2020-25: A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to sign NDOT Supplemental Program Agreement for the Tuxedo Park Bridge Project.
3.E. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on adopting Resolution 2020-26: A Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign the Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement No. 2 between the City and Alfred Benesch & Company.
3.F. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on approving Cather & Sons Change Order #1 for an increase of $18,319 for adding milling and asphalt overlay on Forest Ave, approving their Final Pay Application for $84,225, and authorizing the signing of their Certificate of Substantial Completion.
3.G. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on adopting Resolution 2020-29: A Resolution restricting parking on the north side of West Thirteenth Street near Quince Avenue.
3.H. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on awarding the bid for the construction of the Belohlavy Addition lift station and force main.
3.I. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on approving BVH Architecture's request for an increase of $9,900 in design fees for additional services related to a new acoustical wall around the Library chiller unit.
3.J. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on approving the NDOT invoice for the Tuxedo Park Bridge Project.
4. Officers' Reports
5. Adjournment