May 18, 2021 at 6:00 PM - Crete City Council Regular Meeting
Minutes | ||
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Consent Agenda
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.A. Approve Meeting Minutes
3.A.1. Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting - May 4, 2021
3.A.2. Personnel Committee Meeting - May 4, 2021
3.A.3. Public Safety Committee Meeting - May 4, 2021
3.A.4. Public Works Committee Meeting - May 4, 2021
3.A.5. City Council Meeting - May 4, 2021
3.A.6. Special City Council Meeting - May 6, 2021
3.B. Accept the City Treasurer's Report
3.C. Approve the Payment of Claims Against the City
3.D. Approve Contracts and Contract Renewals
3.D.1. Enter into a 5-year rental and service contract with Max I. Walker for providing, cleaning, and replacing uniforms, shop towels, and mats for the Wastewater Department.
3.E. Approve Mayoral Appointments
3.E.1. Consider approving the Mayor's appointment of Jim Johnson to the Housing Authority for the term June 2021 to June 2026.
4. Items of Business
4.A. Consider selecting a contractor for the 2021 gap paving project.
City Administrator Tom Ourada gave his recommendation to approve Bauer Underground's bid for the gap paving project due to the current economy and the bid being a low, acceptable amount. The Public Works Committee met on the subject earlier and also recommend approving Bauer Underground's bid.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
4.B. Consider amending the library policies to waive the fee for a library card for nonresidents who work in Crete.
The committee did not meet on this due to no quorum.
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4.C. Public Hearing on the annexation of West Crete Addition.
City Administrator Tom Ourada received information from the NDEE about a distressed property in the West Crete Addition that is under administrative order to be fined monthly for a waste water violation. To resolve this, both the State and the City would need to relax their waste water standards, which some council persons and the mayor were not interested in doing for any properties. The other way to resolve this, for this property and others, would be to annex the property and extend sewer to them.
Mayor Dave Bauer asked if anyone would like to speak on this matter. The following citizens spoke at the meeting: Teresa Vernon-1407 Idaho, Dave Jurina-1515 W. 14th, Janet Bartek-1355 Wyoming, Bill Vernon-1455 Wyoming, Don Vernon-1660 W. 14th, and Mayra Mendez Lopez-1309 Wyoming. The topics discussed were: part of the ARPA money the City will be receiving being used for the water/sewer improvements to cut down costs for everyone involved, what the benefits of the annexation are for the property owners versus benefits for the City, when the property owners' wells or septic systems go out they will have to hook up to Crete's water and sewer.
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4.D. Consider approving the first reading of Ordinance 2126: An ordinance to annex West Crete Addition.
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4.E. Consider enacting Ordinance 2127: An ordinance relating to wages and salaries.
Council person Travis Sears informed everyone that a salary/wage change was made after the changes made to the ordinance at the last council meeting. The wage for Cemetery Sexton to be increased to the amount of the Street Operator wage, since the Cemetery Sexton works as a Street Operator some of the year.
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5. Petitions - Communications - Citizen Concerns
6. Officers' Reports
Police Chief Steve Hensel commented on a few structures that are needing inspections, to see if they should still be standing or not. Hensel is working closely with the City Building Inspector Brad Bailey, making headway with nuisance properties.
City Administrator Tom Ourada introduced the new deputy clerk, Kelsey Sisouvong. Ourada informed the council that Channel 8 wanted an on-camera interview about Crete water quality and what improvements have been made. The utility office renovation is nearly done. Brad Bailey did most of the renovation work, along with our Electric Department, making it safer and more functional. Ourada talked about ARPA 2021 and it's eligible activities which include: water, wastewater, broadband, COVID-19 job relief and other payroll expenses. The city may get just over $1,000,000 and it must be spent by 2024. SENDD's Downtown Revitalization applications were reviewed by the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office and by others, and no issues were found. Channel 10 will be doing "Our Town Crete" sometime in August. The City Employee Recognition Dinner is on June 17th, in which the elected officials may need to bartend. Mayor Dave Bauer welcomed Kelsey as the new Deputy Clerk and thanked everyone who worked on the utility office renovation. Bauer also commented on all the departments working together on the nuisance properties and how well it's going. He thanked everyone for their efforts in the matter.
6.A. Building Permits Issued April 7 through May 14.
7. Adjournment