June 15, 2021 at 5:00 PM - Finance Committee Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Items of Business
3.A. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on amending the library policies and the Master Fee Schedule to eliminate the fee for a library card.
Library Director Joy Stevenson says that 60% of Nebraska libraries do not have a nonresident fee for library cards of individuals who work in town. Stevenson would like to amend the policy and the Master Fee Schedule to do away with the nonresident fee.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.B. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on amending the Master Fee Schedule to adjust the rates and fees charged for the use of the Community Center, Sertoma Building, and Community Room.
City Administrator Tom Ourada informed the Committee that there is a policy in the works that would be beneficial for them to see before they make any recommendations.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.C. Discuss and provide a recommendation to the City Council on terminating the HR Services Agreement with Zelle.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
3.D. Discuss the annual audit report by AMGL on the 2019-20 fiscal year.
Marcy Luth from AMGL reviewed the twelve benchmark comparisons prepared from the annual audits of first class cities that are audited by AMGL.The City of Crete exceeded the recommended values on all but the following:
1. Valuation per capita 2. Property tax per capita 3. Levy rate per capita 4. Operating income for the water department 5. Cash reserve for utility funds City Administrator Tom Ourada addressed the operating income and cash reserve matters noting current information shows both showing improvement. Ms. Luth also discussed the financial statements and the findings listed. The implementation of the new accounting software caused issues and created more than the normal amount of adjustments that needed to be made to the accounts. AMGL gives an unqualified opinion on the financial statement so the City of Crete.
3.E. Report on the status of the annual budget, sales tax receipts, and other city financials.
City Administrator Tom Ourada reported that he would address this at a future meeting when there is more time available.
4. Officers' Reports
5. Adjournment