June 10, 2021 at 8:15 AM - Airport Authority Meeting
Minutes | |
1. Open Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Petitions - Communications - Citizen Concerns
4. Items of Business
4.A. Update from Collin Caneva on home hanger plans and through the fence agreement.
Collin Coneva was present to report on his idea about hangar homes on or near the Crete Municipal Airport. Ann Richart, Director of the Aeronautics Division of the Nebraska State Department of Transportation was present to help explain some hurdles and options to implement a plan such as Mr. Coneva's. The "Through the Gate" option has many barriers regarding the FAA and practical operations. A more practical idea may be to do a private/public partnership in building such a development. This would require the Crete Municipal Airport to become a private airport for public use, which would eliminate the use of federal funds and also eliminate the FAA oversight. One piece of history that will affect this type of partnership is wether the City purchased the property for the airport or if the federal government provided it. At this time, Mr. Coneva will put together a plan with financial information on the feasibility of this idea so that the Airport Authority and City Council can make a prudent decision on how to move forward.
4.B. Consider approval of a lease agreement with Skydive Atlas for landing area and office parking.
Chairman Spanjer explained that this lease has been approved presently and that we are just waiting for the final copy to be completed for signing.
4.C. Consider approval of lease for Hangar 3 (Old Skydivers).
Manager Krzycki reported that Tillotson's looked at the roof, and we should receive the quote soon. The door supplies have been ordered, and we are on the list to get the repairs done. Chairman Spanjer reported that the new tenant would like to be in by July 1, 2021.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
5. Officers' Reports
5.A. Airport Manager Report
Manager Krzyski reported that there are a couple of fence posts that still need replaced and that the water drops between the hangars have been taken care of.
5.A.1. Fuel Sales Report
5.B. Authority Chair and Member Reports
Chairman Spanjer reported that he has spoken with Mayor Bauer about appointing Anthony Fitzgerald to the Airport Authority to fill the vacancy left by Dan Papik being appointed to the City Council. Mr. Fitzgerald was present to here the discussion and has experience with aircraft, engineering, construction and grants.
5.B.1. Suggestions to replace Dan.
6. Consent Agenda
City Clerk-Treasurer Jerry Wilcox reported that City Attorney Kyle Manley has been working on past dues and evictions. Statement have also been sent to all tenants.
No Action(s) have been added to this Agenda Item.
6.A. Approve Meeting Minutes
6.B. Accept the City Treasurer's Report
6.C. Approve the Payment of Claims Against the Airport Authority
6.D. Past Due Accounts
6.E. Insurance Certificates Past Due
6.F. Evictions for no plane in leased hangar.
7. Adjournment
Chairman Spanjer adjourned the meeting at 9:15 AM.